Swallow Tattoos And Meanings-Swallow Tattoo Ideas And Designs

Swallow tattoo designs are a popular choice for both men and women. Swallow tattoos can be designed in several different styles and variations. The swallow has been portrayed in ancient history and it is still portrayed to this day by all different walks of life. The Swallow tattoo is a popular choice among sailors and a variety of different cultures, one of the most popular maritime symbols. As you will learn, there's a variety of ways to incorporate this old school tattoo design as your own.

Swallows have always been important to sailors because they are among the first birds you see before hitting land. This would let the sailors know that they are close to land. They actually spend a lot of time flying over the oceans and they usually rest their wings by landing on ships and boats. Sailors would commonly get inked with these popular tattoo designs because their association with the swallow and other maritime symbols.

Sailors would usually get swallow tattoos on their chest as it was a symbol of "experience". Sailors that have traveled 5,000 nautical miles or more would usually get a swallow tattoo to represent their travels. If you ran into a sailor that had two swallow tattoo designs, you would consider him an experienced sailor. Sailors would also get a swallow tattoo for sailing across the seven seas. The swallow tattoo is also a symbol of "good luck". Swallows could be considered as a lucky tattoo design. Back in the past, sailing the oceans was a dangerous business. It wouldn't hurt at all to have a little good luck on your side. Sailors would get swallow tattoos for protection and good omen.

The swallow has also been symbolized before any man sailed across the oceans. In ancient Greek and Roman mythology, the swallow was associated with the goddess of love Aphrodite. According to the Greeks, the swallow had the ability to carry the souls of the dead to the Underworld. The swallow was also symbolic to Christianity. To many Christians, the swallow represents the resurrection and rebirth. It also represents a new life or new beginning.

Many men and women may choose swallow tattoo designs to represent a new chapter in their life, a new beginning. There's dozens of tattoos designs that can represent this meaning, one is the swallow. We all go through hard times in our life. We all have our ups and our downs. You may be longing for a fresh start and the swallow tattoo is a perfect choice to symbolize that. Not only will your swallow tattoo represent your new start, it will also always be there to remind you to keep on your new path.

The swallow is also symbolic to the Chinese, Japanese, and a variety of Eastern cultures. According to the Chinese, the swallow is a symbol of danger and change for the better. It can also represent daring and fidelity. In Japan, the swallow represent devotion to family and motherly love. The meaning behind this belief is because the swallow chooses a partner and they mate for life. Due to this, it's possible to see swallows in Asian themed tattoo designs.

In ancient Egyptian mythology, the swallow represented the characteristics of Ancient Mothers. To the Egyptians, the swallow was considered a very symbolic creature. These are just a few of the many examples of how the swallow has been portrayed for centuries. Even to current day, the swallow is well represented in societies all across the world. In fact, the swallow has found meaning in the most likely of places.

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