Tattoo Ideas that Reveal Your Mental Strength and Power

Koi Fish: A Koi Fish symbolizes overcoming difficulties and courage. The Japanese people associate Koi with perseverance in adversity and strength of purpose. Because of its strength and determination to overcome obstacles, it stands for courage and the ability to attain high goals. Click here to read more.

Gecko: A Gecko tattoo represents luck and determination. It usually symbolizes the human soul seeking light. If youve a Gecko, people will consider you lucky and have faith in you. Click here to read more.

Lion: A Lion represents bravery and strength, although it may be mistaken as your zodiac (which stands for Leo). A Lion tattoo conveys courage, strength, pride and royalty among many other traits. People with a Lion tattoo are considered as dependable persons in others eyes! Click here to read more.

Tulip: A Tulip tattoo represents belief. As a floral tattoo design, it is highly symbolic and its general meaning symbolizes perfect love although this can vary slightly according to the color of the Tulip tattoo. A person with a Tulip tattoo is thought to be a loving and caring person. Click here to read more.

Celtic Dragon: A Celtic Dragon is an epitome of power and strength. If you wanted to express great psychic power, why not choose to have a Celtic Dragon tattoo design? Celtic Dragons are famous for their well-known features such as pointed tooth, large and scaly skin, fire-breathing and fiery eyes. Click here to read more.

Kanji: A Kanji tattoo represents mental and physical strength. You can make your Kanji tattoo more powerful and expressive by incorporating tribal patterns in it. Usually people write the English words like strength, love, dragon, peace etc. in Kanji as tattoos. Click here to read more.

Scorpio: A Scorpio represents immense mental power! A Scorpio tattoo symbolizes struggle and resistance, dynamic change, and also endurance and the triumph in life. People generally tend to avoid a person with the zodiac sign Scorpio. But facts about Scorpio are changing fast as the sign emerges to be more popular and a strong sign. Click here to read more.

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