The Best Sleeve Tattoo Ideas Are Created Not Bought

A Journey Not A Destination

It is kind of a funny thing in life that the harder you tryoften the quicker you fail especially with something that is creative and artisticlike tattoo designs.  What I mean by thatis the more worried and locked into finding the perfect design you feel theless you will be able to come up with something creative and unique.  After a while you start to focus only on thefact that you dont have an idea and that become the reality.  So instead of trying to hard to come up withthe one ultimate idea that will work for your sleeve tattoo ideas and designinstead look at it as a journey. 

I read a bumper sticker the other day on a Jeep that wasstopped next to me at a red light and it really applies here.  It stated, Real Jeeps Are Created Not Bought.  I am pretty sure the owner felt that you cantjust go and buy a real Jeep at the store but instead you buy it and thentrick it and modify it to fit your four wheeling needs right?  Well a tattoo design be it a sleeve tattoo orany other design is much the same way. Sure you can go and get a tattoo using some flash or stock images butare you really going to be satisfied with it? I propose that real tattoos are also created or made and not just boughtin a drunken night out with the boys.  Sorelax about the final end design and enjoy the journey and the creative process.  Once you let go and se it as a journey youwill come up with a ton of great ideas.

Think Of A Theme

One of the first things that can really help is to devisesome type of theme that you want.  Try tothink about what you hold as important to you and your life and what do youwant others to know about you.  Are youexceptionally honest and want people to know that or do you have some talentyou would like to share with others? Whatever feeling, emotion or value that you hold as important in yourlife might make a great tattoo design. This can often be created into a theme. 

Find The Symbolism

Once you have some general ideas about a theme you mightwant to portray in your design then you can start searching out symbols thatfit with that.  If you are looking forstrength, power you might choose a Koi fish design.  If you are looking for something thatrepresents change in your life then you might choose a butterfly.  You get the point you can match the image anddesign through the symbolism.  This wayyou can portray what your thoughts or feelings through your design.

Gather Resources

Once you have a few ideas for symbols that you want toincorporate into your tattoo design then you can start to look for tattoos withthose designs in theme.  It is not thatyou will simply copy what others have done. Instead collect images you like and then work from them to build yourown unique tattoo design.

The best sleeve tattoo ideas come from within you and it isa creative process.  Sure some guys justlike to go and get a tattoo full of skulls and scary things to look tough.  However these days with so many peoplegetting tattoos it is much better to spend some time and thought and getsomething that is unique and different.

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