Hello everyone, i need some help.
My brothers 21st birthday is coming up and i would like to give him a ring, but not like any normal ring. i would like to get it engraved with his name in elvish as he is a big fan of tolkien and lord of the rings. I have been trying to learn how to do it myself but have only found out how to get his name in english into elvish symbols. I want the gift to be the most correct it can be so i would like to get his name translated into elvish and then into the elvish symbols. I don not know which form of elvish would be best to do so if any one can help your time and help would be very much appreciated. His name is Nathan John Patrick Pittman. Im not sure if that would fit so Nathan J P Pittman or N J P Pittman. Thanks again for your help.
Hiya there everyone nice to speak to yous all. I am wondering if there is anyone there who could help me. I have been desperately wanting an elvish tattoo done now for many years but have never been able to find anyone who could translate it properly for me. I thought I had found someone but he turned out to be a robber and got my money for nothing.
I would like the following if anyone can help:-
1. My full name whcih is LOUISE MONAGHAN and by date of birth underneath it which is 04 - 10- 1979
2. I would like it done in Quenya / High Elvish if possible
3. Could it be sent jpg.
I would be sooooo grateful if someone could help me.
Hi there,
Is anyone out there? I had a translation done years ago, and had it tattooed on my wrist. I have had so many comments about it i have been thinking about expanding on it.
Is this community still going? If so would anyone mind helping me out?
I will post details if anyones out there....
Many thanks for the past help
Ive been wanting a tattoo in Elvish for some time :) and this seems the best way to get the translations done!
1. Summer, Jess, Josh ( all separate so I can have 3 tattoos done
2. Quenya/High Elvish and Sindarin
3. .jpg, .gif
Thanks for all the help :)
I've tried to translate my own tattoo ideas with the help of online resources, but I must admit I'm not very good at it. I'm hoping to find some help from experts here.
1) 'Magic' and 'Wolves sing together'.
2) In either Quenya or Sindarin, but preferably both if possible.
3) .Jpg, .Bmp or .Gif
It would be very much appreciated!
If someone has a chance, could they give these a once over? I believe it is correct, but ink is rather permanent ;-)
"ilquen á lirë ve nás i métima lindë liruvallë"
(Everybody sing like it's the last song you will ever sing)
"Lá ré enga sÃra"
(No day but today)
Thanks for your time.
I am hoping that someone here might be able to help me. I am looking for someone that can help me translate something into Elven Script. It's for a tattoo so, I want to get it right.
1. Elven name (Amras) and either the word "love" or "soulmate" depending on which I like the look of best once it's in script
2. Sindarin
3. .txt, .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .psd, .png, whatever you want to give me.
Thank you in advance.
This community is fantastic! I've decided I want to learn Quenya and the Tengwar....which will probably take me a while. I was wondering if anyone could translate "And I better dream if I have to struggle" into either Quenya or Sindarin...whichever is easiest and then from there into Tengwar. I would love to get a tattoo of that. Hopefully I'll be able to do my own translating in the future! Thanks in advance!
I wanna do tattoo on my fore arm. Can anyone please translate Buddhist Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum into Quenya or Elvish.
1. Om Mani Padme Hum
2. Elvish, Sindarin, Tengwar or Quenya
3. .Jpg or .Gif
Current Mood: curious
Hello, so happy to stumble upon this great community. I am looking to have this tattoo done.
1. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. (The Great Gandalf Quote)
2. I would like it in Sandarin, but I hae heard Quenya may look better. I suppose whichever is easier will be perfect.
3. jpg. would be fine
thank you all so much in advance. My email address is Shoresy@gmail.com.
hey there,
I was wondering if somebody could help me out here.... I would like the elvish word _mellon_ (means friend in english) written in elvish.....
1. The word _mellon_
2. Both in Quenya and Sindarin if it`s pssible...
3. Jpg. please... but it doesn`t really matter....
hope for help someone...
Current Mood: excited
Hi peeps fantastic community you got here Ive always wanted to get a tattoo in elvish but was always afraid of getting it wrong lol.
I was hoping someone could show me how the words "Love", "Maggie" and "Rose" would look a jpg image would be brill and also; how you would pronounce it?
Thanks for any help, its greatly appreciated.
Current Mood: sleepy
welli have been looking for quiet a while and was about to give up when i found you guys. so i really hope you can help me. i am interested in getting "all that is gold does not glitter" tattooed on my arm and i would really appreciate it if someone could help me out here. well thanks a lot.
Hi, firstly what a great group for people wanting a tattoo in this style.
i have a few things i would like help translating as im yet to decided on what i want inked so if anyone can help me i would be very grateful.
1) You'll Never Walk Alone (yup im a liverpool fan)
2) Paul Andrew
3) Jeannie Ellen
I have been doing as much research as possible on the different types of text and translations and have got myself thoroughly confused so which ever is easiest to use would suit me fine.
Hope somebody can help me
Current Mood: confused
1.mum and dad
2.wich one is the easiest
3.jpg or whatever
please help me..THANX!!!
Hi, I'm new to the community and I came across it during my research to find a way to translate something into Quenya for a tattoo. I came to realize that the translators they offer on the web are worthless and the only thing I would trust is to have an expert do it for me. Could you actually translate a phrase from English into Quenya and then put it into symbols...or how exactly does the translation work? I've seen people do letter for letter translation and that's not at all what I would want. I guess maybe if you could explain what you do because I'm all sorts of confused lol. I would be interested in having the elvish word turned into symbols, so if you read it then it would be like speaking the elvish tongue. Maybe in being confused...I've confused you all as well...someone please help me! I won't waste your time as in what would be translated until I know more along the lines of what's going on. Also, this community looks kind of dead...but I'm praying it's not because its one of the few places I've seen where people get the real results that they want. You don't know how much this means to me...your time is greatly appreciated :)
Current Mood: determined
So: should I delete it, or does anybody want to volunteer to be maintainer? To put a definite timescale on it, if I haven't heard anything by the 15th of August I will assume nobody is going to volunteer.
this comunity is cool
i know about 5months ago i went through this faze of desperately wanting a tattoo
but gave up on the idea for a few reasons one was because i wanted something written in elvish
and i didnt know whre to go to figure out how to write what i wanted
and secondly because my mum would have killed me lol
but i found this community and now i want one again, i realise i probly wont get one for a while
but it wont hurt to research what i want and itll give me time to think about it rather than rushing into it!
so yeah i want to get the word:: dark rose
in: quenya? watever is easy
and watever format i guess
(d.a.r.k is i dunno wat u call it..an acronym?? of each person in my familys names, im not trying to be cool
by trying to seem mysterious it actually mean sumthing--my mum had a plaque made to put on our house
and called it dark rose cottage)
or my name
katherine april rose tamlyn
once again in quenya in watever format
if anyone could translate that for me
like into the font-
thatd be awesome
thanks muchly
Current Mood: working
hi all,
firstly let me say what a great site this is,i have been reasearching tengwar for a little while and getting a little confused :S i fell upon this site yesterday and yipee, i'm hoping someone can help me, i have decided to get a tattoo and have used an 'tengwar transcriber' to translate, i am having some problems uploading the picture but what i would like translated is
Lee and Kieran, You are, my life, my love, my soul
i would like it in the sindarin (gondor mode) and also quenya if at all possible, which ever looks prettier :D
and whichever format is easier for you guys
many many premptive thanks :D
Current Mood: ditzy
Im looking for the words 'Truth' and 'Respect' written in Tengwar (keeping it in english, not needing translation first).
.jpg or .gif format is fine.
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