Justin Bieber Tattoos & Meanings - Your Complete Guide

The complete Justin Bieber tattoo guide with meanings and lots of pics for each tattoo! The inked-up old Canadian singer/songwriter has become one of the most popular and wildly successful young pop/R&B stars in the world. Biebers musical talent was originally discovered in 2007 by the superstars current manager, Scooter Braun, and Justin began recording demo tapes as early as age thirteen. Then came the tattoos

Although he is, for the most part, a respected and admired teen idol, Bieber has received his fair share of criticism, mostly regarding his popularity and image. Some of the more recent additions to his superstar image are many tattoos, the first of which Bieber got in March 2010 at age sixteen. Justin Biebers tattoos have sprung from all kinds of inspiration, most of which somehow involve his dad, Jeremy Bieber, who has quite a few tats himself. Justin Bieber tattoos are currently numbering in the double-digits, and there are probably many more to come in the pop stars future.

48. Justins Tattoo of a Cherub Angel in His Right Sleeve

At some point during the time Justin Bieber was covering his right arm in ink, he secretly added a small tattoo of a cherub angel on the outside of his right forearm, close to his elbow. Justin revealed the previously unseen Valentines-style cherub tattoo in a shirtless selfie he posted online in June 2014, and immediately had us guessing at the meaning behind the discreet ink. Is it yet another tribute to Selena Gomez? Or does Justin really just see himself as an angel of love? Read more about the meaning and story behind his cherub tattooread more

47. Patience Tattoo on the Side of His Neck

In early April 2014, while Justin Bieber was in Miami, Florida celebrating fellow pop star Austin Mahones 18th birthday, the singer visited Ink City Tattoos and got a brand-new Patience tattoo. Justins tattoo is located on the right side of his neck, just below his ear, and features the word Patience inked vertically down his neck in a black Gothic-style font. Although Justin chose a pretty weird spot for his tat opposite the treble clef on the left side of his neck we like how the singers Patience ink ties in so well with the Love tat on his arm and Forgive tattoo on his waist. Read more about the meaning and story behind his patience tattooread more

37-46. More Additions to Justins Right Sleeve

Justin Bieber must have been anxious to complete the half-sleeve tattoo on his right arm, because the singer showed off ten or more new tattoos in a series of Instagram photos on March 24, 2014. The collection of tattoos in Justins right sleeve include a Korean mask, the word Trust, an old-school boom box with music notes, a Magic 8-Ball, a Mario Brothers ghost, a spade playing cards symbol, pound signs/hashtags, a Korean phrase meaning Bieber, a heart or shooting star on his hand, and fish scales near his wrist as filler ink. Read more about the meaning and story behind his right half-sleeve tattoosread more

33-36. Graffiti-Style Cartoon Scene in Soon-To-Be Right Sleeve

At the same time that he debuted his diamond wrist tattoo, Justin Bieber showed off a bunch of other tattoos on his right arm in March 2014, including a large star with two Xs for eyes, a cartoon hand throwing a peace sign, a red heart with Xs for eyes, and a graffiti-style cartoon face, among others. All of these new tattoos in Justins sleeve appear to be inspired by graffiti artwork, which the pop star obviously has an appreciation for, and which he recently called a new hobby of his. Read more about the meaning and story behind his graffiti-style cartoon tattoosread more

32. A Diamond Tattoo on Justins Right Wrist

In March 2014, Justin Bieber revealed a new diamond tattoo as part of the growing sleeve on his right arm. Justins diamond tattoo is inked on the outside of his right wrist, just below his hand, and features a very light outline of the very same diamond featured in the album artwork for the pop stars recent Confident collaboration with Chance The Rapper. The single was released in December 2013, and marked the 10th and final song in Justins 10-week Music Mondays series. Read more about the meaning and story behind his right wrist diamond tattooread more

31. An Arm Tattoo of Banksys Balloon Girl Piece

Justin Bieber announced in October 2013 that he had found a new hobby in graffiti, and in March 2014, he went under the needle for a tattoo tribute to famed urban street artist Banksy. Justins Banksy tattoo marks number 31 for the singer, and features the artists iconic Balloon Girl image inked in black and gray on the outside of his right forearm. Read more about the meaning and story behind his Banksy tattooread more

30. Forgive inked on Justin Biebers Waist

Shortly after we spotted the large cross tattoo in the center of his chest, a shirtless Justin Bieber was out partying it up at a club in Atlanta on February 5, 2014, and we caught a glimpse of another new tattoo on his hip reading Forgive. Justins Forgive tattoo is inked in black on his right hip and seems to play into the idea that the singer isnt such a bad guy after all, along with his giant cross chest tattoo and Love tattoo on his arm inked within weeks of one another. Read more about the meaning and story behind his Forgive tattooread more

29. Large Cross on His Chest

Justin Bieber is usually all about showing off his new tattoos on Twitter, but it was actually his dad who accidentally revealed to the world tattoo #29. Jeremy Bieber posted a sweet photo of Justin asleep in a bed with his younger half-brother on January 30, 2014, as the rest of the world buzzed about the string of criminal charges filed against Justin recently, and inadvertently debuted Justins tattoo of a large cross inked in black and white in the center of his chest. Read more about the meaning and story behind his cross tattooread more

28. Small Treble Clef Tattoo Behind Justins Left Ear

Music plays a major role in Justin Biebers life, and the singer proved this point when he had a tiny treble clef tattoo inked behind his ear on January 13, 2014. Justins treble clef tattoo features a small, elegant treble clef inked in black behind his left ear, and was probably done by celebrity tattoo artist Keith Bang Bang McCurdy. Although the Biebs has announced his plans to retire, he will always have a permanent reminder of his first love: Music. Read more about the meaning and story behind his treble clef tattooread more

27. Love Tattoo on His Right Arm

Justin Bieber got our heads spinning on January 14, 2014, when he revealed yet another new tattoo making it three new tats in three days. Tattoo number 27 for the Biebs is a small tattoo located on the inside of his right forearm that reads LOVE in a simple black Gothic font, with the letters written vertically instead of horizontally. It is rumored that Justins LOVE tattoo was inspired by former flame Selena Gomez, as photos posted online recently have shown the two getting awfully cozy together! Read more about the meaning and story behind his love tattooread more

26. A Compass Tattoo in Justins Left Arm Sleeve

Just one day after debuting the small jester tattoo on his arm, Justin Bieber showed off yet another new tattoo this time inking a large black and white compass on the outside of his left bicep, as part of his near-complete sleeve. The Biebs revealed his compass tattoo on Instagram on January 12, 2014, and the ink has us all wondering if the 19-year-old singer is finally looking for some direction in his life. Read more about the meaning and story behind his compass tattooread more

25. A Jester Inked on Justin Biebers Right Arm

Shortly after being accused of hurling eggs at a neighbors house, Justin Bieber got a new jester tattoo on his right arm, located just under his Japanese Kanji tattoo. The small jester tattoo was inked on Saturday, January 11th, just days after police began an investigation into a vandalism call from one of Justins neighbors, blaming the pop star with egging his home and causing extensive damage. Could his latest tattoo represent his mischievous accomplishments as of late? Read more about the meaning and story behind his jester tattooread more

24. Justins Star Tattoo on the Inside of His Left Arm

During a December 2013 trip to the Philippines to raise funds for typhoon victims, Justin Bieber accidentally revealed a new tattoo on his left arm a black and white star tattoo inked in between his wing and rose tattoos. In what looks to be the final addition to his full-sleeve, the star tattoo was inked right around the time he was releasing his Confident collaboration with Chance the Rapper. So why the star tattoo and does it have anything to do with the album? Read more about the meaning and story behind his star tattooread more

23. A Fierce Eagle Tattoo on Justins Left Shoulder / Arm

justin bieber eagle tattooOn November 30, 2013, shortly after performing at a sold-out concert in Sydney, Australia, Justin Bieber revealed a new tattoo on his upper left arm and shoulder. The ink features a fierce-looking black and white eagle in flight with its talons out, and is surrounded by some clouds as well. Justins eagle tattoo goes a long way to completing the singers full-sleeve tattoo, which he has been working on since early 2012. Read more about the meaning and story behind his eagle tattooread more

22. Psalm Tattoo on the Back of Justins Right Shoulder

justin bieber new shoulder psalm tattooThe Biebs added tattoo #22 to his collection possibly around the same time as the mysterious piece located on the inside of his left bicep, and this ink quotes Psalm 119:105 from the Bible, which reads Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Justins bible verse tattoo is inked in black script on the back of his right shoulder, and speaks to the Christian beliefs the Canadian-born singer holds so close to his heart. Read more about the meaning and story behind his Psalm tattooread more

21. Angel Wing Tattoo on his Left Arm Inner Bicep

justin bieber new tattoosWe werent quite sure at first what the mysterious tattoo on Biebers bicep was, but once we got a clear view of the ink, we realized it was a big image of a single angels wing. Justin Biebers angel wing tattoo is located next to the tat of a tigers head on the outside of the singers left arm, and was probably inked during the same session as his Bible verse tattoo, in August 2013. This is the second wing tat Justin has, including the ink on his wrist featuring a portrait of Selena Gomez as a guardian angel. Read more about the meaning and story behind his angel wing tattooread more

20. Rose Tattoo Filling in Justins Sleeve on His Left Arm

justin bieber tattoosShortly after his performance at the Prudential Centre in New Jersey on August 1, 2013, Justin Bieber paid a visit to tattoo artist Bang Bang in his NYC studio to get some new ink. He left with a new rose tattoo on his left arm, bringing together his knight, tiger, and owl tattoos to make a little more of a complete sleeve. Is the new rose tattoo just a space-filler for his almost-full-sleeve? Is there a special meaning behind the rose in his latest ink? Find out by reading more about the meaning and story behind his new rose tattooread more

19. An Eyeball on the Inside of His Left Elbow

justin bieber tattoosJustin Bieber commissioned celebrity tattoo artist Bang Bang McCurdy to ink his 19th tattoo a large and very realistic-looking eye on the inside of his left arm which the singer debuted on July 17, 2013. Although the Biebs hinted that the eye tattoo on his arm was a tribute to his mother, Pattie Mallete, were thinking the image is actually meant to symbolize the all-seeing eye of God, especially since its placement above JBs Believe tattoo literally reads I believe. Read more about the meaning and story behind his eye tattooread more

18. A Bleeding Globe on the Cross Half-Sleeve Addition

justin bieber tattoosAs a new addition to his half sleeve, Justin got a sorta weird tattoo of a bleeding globe being crucified on the cross, wearing a crown of thorns and everything! Instead of the J-man being on this cross, as most would expect rom the Biebs, it seems the Earth has taken his place. The tattoo is located next to the Selena Gomez angel tat on his left wrist, just below the knight tattoo. Read more about the meaning and story behind his bleeding globe on the cross tattooread more

17. A Castle with Crashing Waves to Complete a Half-Sleeve

justin bieber tattoosJustin Bieber completed the half sleeve tattoo he has been working towards on June 17, 2013, when he added a piece featuring a large castle with thrashing waves to his left arm. Justin Biebers castle tattoo joins other royalty-themed tattoos he has gotten inked lately, including a crown tat and a knight tattoo, leading some to think that the Biebs either considers himself pop star royalty or has a thing for medieval stuff! Read more about the meaning and story behind his castle tattooread more

16. A Knight Holding a Sword on His Arm

justin bieber tattoosAs the second royalty-themed Justin Bieber tattoo to-date, the big knight tattoo inked on the inside of his left arm is meant to stand out. It looks to be the largest tat on that arm so far, but who knows if it will stay that way as it looks like Justin is building a sleeve, with a half-sleeve underway already. Could this knight be the infamous King Arthur pulling Excalibur from a rock, showing that he was the chosen one? Read more about the meaning and story behind his knight tattooread more

15. Selena Gomez Angel Tattoo on His Wrist

justin bieber tattoosFor all you Beliebers out there who were voting for a reunion between Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, the pop stars angel arm tattoo may be just what you were hoping for. The Biebs added a new wrist tattoo to his collection on April 22, and the angel image is almost an exact replica of a Selena Gomez photograph from Elle magazine. The singers Selena Gomez angel tattoo could be a confirmation that the adorable couple is back together, or could be a hint to the Disney darling that Justin Bieber wants her back! Read more about the meaning and story behind his angel tattooread more

14. Tiger Tattoo on His Arm

justin bieber tattoosWatch out all you pop stars out there, Justin is climbing to the top of the pop music food chain! The singer debuted two new Justin Bieber tattoos on April 22 the first being a ferocious-looking black and white tiger with its teeth bared, which is inked on the singers left bicep. Whether Justin Biebers tiger tattoo is a symbol of his rising success or marks him as a pop predator, it certainly confirms our suspicions that the Biebs is on his way to having a full sleeve tattoo on his left arm! Read more about the meaning and story behind his tiger tattooread more

13. Koi Fish Tattoo on His Arm

justin bieber tattoosJustin Bieber is well on his way to having a full sleeve on his left arm, thanks to the addition of his koi fish tattoo, which he revealed during the meet-and-greet for his Copenhagen tour on April 20. We werent surprised to see that Justins new tattoo was inked on his left arm, which he seems intent on covering with tattoos. The koi fish has special meanings dating back to per-historic times, especially in Asian cultures. Read more about the meaning and story behind his koi fish tattooread more

12. Greek Symbol for Christ on His Arm

justin bieber tattoosThe Biebs has devoted yet another part of his body to his religious beliefs, getting a large Greek symbol for Christ inked on his left forearm. Located right next to his infamous owl tattoo, Justin Biebers Greek tat features a simple X and was believed to have been inked in London. The singer revealed the arm tat on February 25, 2013, while taking a break from his Believe tour in the UK. Read more about the meaning and story behind his X Christ symbol tattooread more

11. Roman Numeral on His Shoulder

justin bieber tattoosOn January 14, 2013, the Biebs dedicated a very visible shoulder tattoo to a special lady in his life. No, not Selena Gomezhis mom! Justin Bieber got a Roman numeral tattoo just below his right collarbone on the front part of his shoulder, and the ink represents his mother, Patricia Mallettes, birth year 1975. Justin must be turning sentimental in his teen years; just before getting the Roman numeral tat, he got a hockey team logo inked on the back of his left shoulder in honor of his grandfather. Justin Bieber tattoos are so thoughtful! Read more about the meaning and story behind his Roman numeral tattooread more

10. Indian Head Hockey Team Logo

justin bieber tattoosJustin Bieber celebrated the start of 2013 with a brand new tattoo a profile of a Native American man inked on his left shoulder blade. The Biebs shoulder Indian tat is a tribute to his late grandfather, which whom he was very close, and was inspired by a Canadian hockey team called the Stratford Culliton. Apparently, the singer and his grampa used to go see the team play every Friday night, and now Bieber has a reminder of that fond memory permanently inked on his back Read more about the meaning and story behind his Indian head tattooread more

9. Roses Addition to Praying Hands Tattoo

justin bieber tattoosThe Biebs apparently decided that his praying hands tattoo was incomplete, so he added some new ink to it and posted a pic for everyone to see on December 30, 2012. This addition to the many Justin Bieber tattoos included a bunch of roses inked in black and white below and to the side of the praying hands. With the roses addition, the praying hands tat now takes up a good portion of the singers lower leg, and makes it look like Bieber may be planning to cover more of his leg in the future! Read more about the meaning and story behind his roses tattoo additionread more

8. His Arm Owl Tattoo

justin bieber tattoosOn October 28, 2012, Justin Bieber revealed his eighth tattoo: a large black and white owl inked on his left forearm. Bieber hasnt said much about his new arm tattoo yet, but we know that owl tattoos typically represent wisdom and majesty. We also know that JBs owl tattoo has a sneaky and discreet connection to his Believe tour, with the graphic also showing up in dazzling special effects while on tour, so read on to find out more! Read more about the meaning and story behind his owl tattooread more

7. Justins Crown Chest Tattoo

justin bieber tattoosJustin had his crown tattoo inked on his chest in late August of 2012. The meaning of this collarbone crown tattoo has yet to be revealed by the Biebs, but we have some ideas about what the tat could mean. Could Justin be claiming his crown as the new king of pop or just pulling a Scar Face tribute to the famous king of the world quote? We have our theories about this Justin Bieber tattoo, check it out. Read more about the meaning and story behind his crown tattooread more

6. Justin Biebers Japanese Symbol Tattoo

justin bieber tattoosShortly after getting his Believe tattoo on his left arm, the pop star got another tattoo on his right arm, in about the same spot as the Believe tattoo. Justin Biebers Japanese symbol tattoo is in the ancient Kanji style of writing and translates to mean music. The arm tattoo was inked on the 4th of July 2012, we guess Justin Bieber likes to celebrate his independence with new ink! Read more about the meaning and story behind his Japanese music tattooread more

5. The Believe Tattoo on Justins Arm

justin bieber tattoosDuring a June 20, 2012 interview on the David Letterman show, Justin Bieber revealed his newest tattoo, which was inspired by his most recent album, titled Believe. This Justin Bieber tattoo reads Believe, and is inked on the inside of his left arm, near his elbow. Although David Letterman wasnt a big fan of the Justin Bieber Believe tattoo, the Biebs loves tattoos and were pretty sure Letterman isnt going to stop him from getting more! Read more about the meaning and story behind his Believe tattooread more

4. Justin Biebers Praying Hands Tattoo

justin bieber tattoosShowing his religious side yet again, Justin Bieber got a tattoo of a pair of praying hands inked on his left leg. Justin Biebers praying hands tattoo is inked in black and white on his calf, right below the image of Jesus he got tattooed just a few months prior. Pictures of Justin Biebers tattoo circled the web in March 2012, while the pop star was on a fishing trip with his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, and some family members. According to some, people who get praying hands tattoos like Biebers firmly believe in the power of God and prayer, so if you werent convinced about Justin Biebers faith before, now you have proof! Read more about the meaning and story behind his praying hands tattooread more

3. Justin Biebers Jesus Tattoo

justin bieber tattoosJustin Biebers latest tattoo is an image of Jesus on his left leg. This holy scene has a classic pic of Jesus with a crown of thorns and halo above his head. This Justin Bieber Jesus tattoo seems to show a trend in religious tattoos for the pop star. Also, it shows a strong influence by his dad, having several religious tattoos of his own. The Biebs loves him some Jesus!..and shows it through Justin Bieber tattoos like this. Read more about the meaning and story behind his Jesus tattooread more

2. Justins Hebrew Ribcage Tattoo

justin bieber tattoosBiebers second tattoo is inked vertically down the pop stars ribcage just below his left armpit, and reads Yeshua, which means Jesus in Hebrew. Justin Biebers ribcage hebrew tattoomatches the Hebrew tat his dad, Jeremy Bieber, got at the same time in April 2011 during Biebers My World tour in Israel. Bieber is a devout Christian like his mother, but his friend and manager, Scooter Braun, is Jewish. According to friends of the R&B star, Bieber often finds inspiration in reciting Hebrew prayers before performing on stage. Unfortunately, not everyone has found inspiration in this Justin Bieber tattoo; some critics have even gone so far as to call Biebers ribcage tat blasphemy. Come on people, thats a bit harsh! Read more about the meaning and story behind his Hebrew tattooread more

1. A Small Bird Tattoo on His Hip

justin bieber tattoosFollowing in his fathers footsteps, Justin Bieber got a tattoo of a small bird in flight on his left hip as his first tat. Biebers bird hip tattoo represents the seagull from the fable Jonathan Livingston Seagull, and is inked on many of the male members of the Bieber clan as a family tradition. According to the co-owner of the Son of a Gun Tattoo and Barbershop where Biebers bird tattoo was inked, the stars dad called ahead and asked the crew to keep the tat under wraps. Maybe his dad was afraid getting a tat at age sixteen would tarnish Biebers innocent image. Either way, Biebers hip tattoo was inked in Toronto in March 2010 on Biebers sixteenth birthday as a sort of rite of passage, and represents learning to fly and learning about life in the process. At the young age of seventeen, Bieber probably has quite a bit more learning to do! Read more about the meaning and story behind his bird tattooread more

Are there more tattoos in store for Justin Bieber? For Sure!

Since Justin Biebers tattooing began at age sixteen, its likely the star will indulge in more tattoos in the future. Biebers dad has quite a few tattoos on his arms and body, and Bieber seems to be following in his rock-and-roll dads footsteps. Although Biebers parents divorced when the superstar was only two years old, Biebers relationship with his dad remains strong and he clearly considers him a role model. If Justin Bieber gets more tattoos, the young and innocent image that has served him so well up to now may hit rocky ground. Or maybe Bieber fans would prefer a little rebellion from the squeaky clean Canadian star. Is it possible that theres a bad-boy Bieber in there somewhere just waiting to get out? We may find out soon enough!

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