Angel Tattoo Designs - The True Meaning Behind Angel Tattoos

Perhaps some of the questions that gets asked the most about angel tattoo designs are the meaning and where to get great designs. First angels are important messengers of God and are referenced in many religions from Christianity to Judaism and even Islam and Zoroastrianism. Unlike humans they are thought to have fixed duties which is why humans are considered higher than they are because humans have choice.

Angel tattoo designs due to the link and reference to God are usually associated with guardianship and protection. Angel tattoos can also represent the struggle between right and wrong, good and bad. Because of this angel tattoos can be viewed as a persons outlook or view on life in general or what it represents in a persons life.

Because angels are seen as representing a link between the heavens and earth, between the material world and the spiritual world an angel tattoo design can be regarded as a way to connect oneself to the spiritual world.

Examples of angel tattoo designs which are popular might be one of an angel holding a harp, this particular one is a very popular design, or playing a trumpet. Other angel designs include winged creatures sitting on a cloud or an angel ministering and caring for a hurting person or soul.

These are the soothing design ideas. Others of the angel holding a sword or a dagger are the more intense or rebellious designs. But whatever one you choose they are quiet versatile and can be tattooed on in any manner which depicts (the statement you are trying to get across) what you are trying to say.

Angel tattoo designs are so popular that they outrank many other tattoo designs including flowers tattoos or dragon tattoo designs and other such tattoos.

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