40th birthday party ideas Ideas Helper

Ideas submitted by our readers on: 40th birthday party ideas

An adult pyjama party?

Thanks to Anonymous August 10, 2007

Im looking into a wine country tour and would appreciate any suggestions!

Thanks to Anonymous August 10, 2007

For those of you who are having a BIG one that whole weekend with their friends, but have to plan another party for their family- why no go simple.
You can go all out very subtly. Why not just have a theme- like LUXURIOUS- and go all out with luxurious food, luxurious china, luxourious decorations, while still maintaining the relaxed friendly environment with your family.

Thanks to Anonymous August 18, 2007

You could have a fanastic - GLITZ & GLAM- themed 40th party. All guested should be told to come to the party dressed to a very high standard or if that doesnt sound appropriate you can just use a theme colour but they should still spruce it up a little bit eg. have some shiny accessories !!!!!!!!! COOL! a chocolate fountain would be great ! Canapies and little bites would be perfect ! Hope u like this idea !:)

Thanks to Anonymous August 19, 2007

Roller skating
Hire the local Roller Skating Rink!

Thanks to Anonymous August 20, 2007

A funny and Family oriented Party I gave my husband for his 40th Birthday was at Chuck E Cheesescomplete with the Buzlite Year party paperit was a blast!

Thanks to Anonymous August 30, 2007

Stretched limo

Take them to their venue in style by hiring a stretched limo or horse and carriage only telling them you have booked a taxi

Thanks to Anonymous September 3, 2007

Weekend in Vegas rent a suite at a nice hotel. Why not? You only turn 40 once. Invite friends there is something to do for everyone shopping, shows, restaurants, and hitting the casinos! People watching is also fun! Eat at only the finest restaurants, and hit the spa while you are there.

Thanks to Anonymous September 3, 2007

A trip to the big easy for a wild weekend on Bourbon Street. New Orleans is known for its food, live entertainment, and bars! Book a room in the historic french quarter, invite a small group of close friends if you like.or keep it simple with a romantic weekend for two.

Thanks to Anonymous September 9, 2007

Scary Movie

My friend is 40 and wanting to see a scary movie resident evil III so we are having a Nothing is scarier than 40 party! We gouls are all dressing up as zombies etc., having drinks and appies at my house, then booking the theater so we will have a section reserved for us. Then out dancing. This will be Sept and will be fun! She will be surprised or plain scared!

Thanks to Anonymous September 11, 2007

house party

Thanks to Anonymous September 16, 2007

Favorite football team

My husband is a huge Dallas Cowboys fan .. the kids and I are taking him to Dallas to see his favorite team play in their home venue

Thanks to Anonymous September 17, 2007

white water rafting in wales , then a bottle of champagne in the evening to celebrate surviving.

Thanks to Anonymous September 29, 2007

I myself am turning 40 and want to go to Vegas. Anyone and all that know me could join at their own expense of course.

Thanks to Anonymous October 2, 2007

Hollywood/ Bollywood party

We had a hollywood/bollywood party and the tables each had a postcard of a famous actor/actress the guests were dressed to the nines and we even had a guest appearance by micheal jackson (impersinator) A great time was had by all.

Thanks to Anonymous October 4, 2007

A bollywood party where everyone comes dressed as a bollywood star and you can serve all indian themed food! Have bollywood movies playing on the tv in the background too!

Thanks to Anonymous October 10, 2007

pimps and hos

Thanks to Anonymous October 10, 2007

Mexican Night

Party at a Mexican Restaurant and have a FIESTA. Use the slogan 40 and Hot. Decorate with red chili peppers. Wear sombreros and serve Margaritas!

Thanks to Anonymous October 11, 2007

Things your friend should experience before he turns 40!! Like whoopy cushion, banana split in bed naked (gift a banana), a robust stripper named Dolly (gift is a dollar store doll with her clothes a little messy), wearing female underwear (gift is a tacky bright coloured bra),making love outside in the woods (gift is a bottle of calmine lotion), etc,,, All these are in a gift bag with little notes on them to say what he should do before he turns 40. These are only a few of my warped idea that are really fun for a 40th or 50th party. Carolyn Mountenay

Thanks to Anonymous October 14, 2007

A co-worker was turning 40 and was having a hard time with it, so instead of saying it was her 40th birthday, we said it was the 19th anniversary of her 21st birthday, so we bought her all 21st birthday stuff and all day kept saying happy anniversary! She loved it, it made her feel young again! We decorated her office with 21st birthday stuff and bought her a gift cerfificate to her favorite resturant to go have drinks :)

Thanks to Anonymous October 15, 2007

A neat activity to include at a 40th party is Remember When Guest, especially those who know the birthday boy/gal the longest, can tell their own funny story about the birthday boy/gal. Another is to answer questions about the birthday boy/gal and see who can answer the most correctly ( what is her favorite food?)

Thanks to Anonymous October 22, 2007


Thanks to Anonymous November 3, 2007

Candy theme-With chocolate fountains,pop corn makers,candy floss makers and MORE.(Mabey with fun Party Bags!)

Thanks to Anonymous November 10, 2007

music through the decades

Thanks to Anonymous November 13, 2007

Rubix Cube party

Everyone wears different items of clothing in of rubix cube colours and by the end of the night you all have to be one colour!!!

Thanks to Anonymous November 13, 2007

For my husbands 40th we did a party around the year he was born. 1966!! Everyone came in 60s attire and we transformed the house with hanging flowers, beads, tye dyed helium balloons, different colored lights in all the sockets. Very physodelic!! We did music from the 1960s thru to 2006!! All the big hits from the years. It was a blast and he was very surprised!

Thanks to Anonymous November 14, 2007

Give them a HUGE Gift Basket. It can include things such as a holiday voucher, magazine subscription, shopping spree, movie tickets, a wine/beer/chardonnay voucher or a restaraunt voucher for 2 people (romantic dinner).

Thanks to Anonymous November 19, 2007

Abba Night

my hubby is 40 in feb , he loves abba`s girls thigh high boots, so we are having a abba night. personaly i think he is sad. hahaha

Thanks to Anonymous November 28, 2007

what a brilliant site! found it by accident. added to my favorites, will be on this site loads. thanks for info on 40th bithday.

Thanks to Anonymous November 28, 2007

Hot Air Balloon Ride

Thanks to Anonymous December 1, 2007

my mom is turning forty tomorrow!(december 2,2007). we have a very small family and we dont do much for occasions like this. but hey, 40 comes only once in a lifetime right?:) so ive decided to make a HUGE banner saying HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY LEIGH-ANNE!. it is the whole length of the house inside ^_^ i am also making a wall poster of Remember When. I am only 13 and doing this alll myself! woahh, thank goodness its the weekend;)

Thanks to Anonymous December 2, 2007

I am a golfer and intend having my 40th at a club house. At the entrance, each guest must hit a stroke before they are allowed to have cherry or juice

Thanks to Anonymous December 4, 2007

Favorite childhood place

Go back to a favorite childhood place.

For my wifes 40th birthday next summer, we are going to the camp grounds that she went to each year with her family while she was growing up. She also had many birthdays there as child. We will invite friends and family and on that special day, have an evening planned of fun and games. The camping grounds now has a clubhouse so we may rent that out, have a picture/video slide show, and party with fun music and great food. Also, have some gag gifts, a trivia or Q & A to see how well people know my wife or how well they know her past. We may have a mini skit as a reenactment of a funny scene from her life.

Thanks to Anonymous December 10, 2007

Attend a Wine festival, have a dinner at a nice restaurant and head to a casino

Thanks to Anonymous December 23, 2007

A private chartered yacht on Sydney Harbour with 50 friends. I BBQ on board as we cruise in the twighlight of the magnificent Sydney city scape.

Thanks to Anonymous December 30, 2007

40 is the new 20

were are having a 40 is the new 20 party for my husband. Since he would have been 20 in the 80s we are going to have a 80s style house party with all 80s music.

Thanks to Anonymous January 3, 2008


go to the dog racing, have a meal and get drunk its lots of fun.we went to the one in sheffield

Thanks to Anonymous January 8, 2008

for my husbands 40th, we had a video party. there were about 20 of us and we counted off 1-5, divided into teams. we had enough video cameras for each team, and each team had 2 hours to complete the task. we all had a list (the same list) of things to video tape ourselves doingi.e.: ride the penny horse at a local grocery store for a full minute and act like you are a real cowboy, go to an electronics department and turn up one of the stereos really loud and all of you must dance like crazy, go to a restaurant and sit down with complete strangers and sample off of their plates, make a commercial for a product in any store, ect. after 2 hours were up, we came back home and watched everyones videos! it was HILARIOUS!!!

Thanks to Anonymous January 9, 2008

Im going to a friends 40th that has a Playboy theme. Should be lots of fun and craziness!

Thanks to Anonymous January 9, 2008

Fishing trip


Thanks to Anonymous January 9, 2008

80s birthday party

Thanks to Anonymous January 12, 2008

home surprise party

Thanks to Anonymous January 16, 2008

for my husbands 40th, we had a wake. we said goodbye to his youth. we bought a coffin (halloween cardboard) and put momentos and pictures in it. we had a picture board of him. everyone wore black and had tissues. some guests stood up and talked about him as if he was not there. it was hilarious.

Thanks to Anonymous January 20, 2008

Spa Day

For my friends 40th we had a Spa day. Booked in at 10am two course lunch at 12 then treatments from 1.30. Back massage, facial, pedicure, body scrub & tan, need i go on. Bliss .. swimming pool, jacuzzi, steam room & sauna all at our disposal. We sneaked in a bottle of champers and drank from paper cups.

Thanks to Anonymous January 23, 2008

we went sking with a four year old and an 8 month old baby, it was a lot of organisation and didnt do too musch sking but it was worth it. anon

Thanks to Anonymous January 29, 2008

Visit Disneyland

I went to Disneyland Paris for my 40th fun if you have children. Even if you dont, its a good excuse to recapture your childhood, or stay in denial!

Thanks to Anonymous February 3, 2008

My Aunty had her 40th and it was a surprize party. Everybody hid and my uncle pretended it was a school reunion

Thanks to Anonymous February 4, 2008

Trip around the world.

Thanks to Anonymous February 4, 2008

the children have bought their dad a flying lesson and i am taking my husband to a health spa for the weekend.he didnt want to celebrate but hope he will enjoy these memorable events.

Thanks to Anonymous February 5, 2008

Helicopter ride

I went in a helicopter to Whitehaven Beach, on the Great Barrier Reef and had a picnic lunch and drank chilled champers with my husband and beautiful kids on that incredible white, white beach with blue, blue sea!. It was expensive as hell and never be able to be repeated but I loved every minute of it.

Thanks to Anonymous February 7, 2008

Took my husband to Marrakesh. A complete surprise for him. Stayed in a private Riad which was perfection. A great 4 days!

Thanks to Anonymous February 10, 2008

Rent the most awesome sports car you can for a weekend.

Thanks to Anonymous February 11, 2008

Cocktail Party


Thanks to Anonymous February 15, 2008

All masked up!

For my 40th I have invited all the guests to come dressed very smart preferably wearing a mask. Live music, barbacue, punch fountain and chocolate fountain also. Inivitations are in the shape of a mask. Hope to have a fantastic time!

Thanks to Mrs McM February 21, 2008

A charity party! everyone donates money to their favourite charity.

Thanks to chandacastillo February 22, 2008

How about have a spot of comedy at the party?- Comedy Security Guards and Comedy Waiters
The first thing your guests will see as they arrive is The Security Guards. With a strict policy of No Weapons and Strictly No Guns guests will have to pass though a metal detector.
Loud Ozzie Waiters Dirty, unhygienic and loud, the waiters blend in with the real serving staff, and help (or may be not) with the serving..

Thanks to Ultimate Chaos February 22, 2008

Old school house party

Both my husband and I are turning 40 this year, so we are having an old school house party- complete with flyers for invitations, a DJ, a bouncer, kegs, chips, etc. Everyone is to dress up in something they wouldve worn to the club back in the day. Our DJ is going to play Top 40 club music. Our party favor/souvenir40 ouncers with labels thanking them for coming to our party. M.Brevick

Thanks to Anonymous February 26, 2008

Austen tea-party probably just for the girls? Come as your favourite Austen character ( dress up optional) and get a chance to spout your favourite lines. Prepare lots of tea and delicate sandwiches.

Thanks to Anonymous March 12, 2008

For my 40th, I am planning on a series of small events for people from different parts of my life rather than trying to cram them all into one party ( where often you dont get around to spending time with everyone individually anyway).
1. Take a cooking class with a small group of friends try cooking some cuisine youve never attempted before ( Portuguese? Moroccan? Native Aboriginal?)
2. Winery tour with lunch at the winery ( in Sydney, at the Hunter Valley, Wyndham Estate do these 4 times per year, once per season)
3. Star Trek Theme Party, cos I am a nerd and have other nerdy friends who also like ST.
4. Definitely the harbour cruise idea mentioned above ( esp as I live and work overseas now but will be back in Sydney for my 40th)

Thanks to Anonymous March 12, 2008

Mardi Gras

My husband just had a surprised party for my 40th.the theme was merdi gras.Beads&feathered masks were given to all guests, the center pieces were colored feathered vases filled with beads n coins & the caske was awesome & had giant feathered mask. The big surprise was that he hired 2 somba dances to complete the theme.It was a blast.

Thanks to Anonymous March 20, 2008

hire a hall and have a huge sleepover !!!!1

Thanks to Anonymous March 26, 2008

for my birthday i hired a hall and all my mates dressed up as docter who it was the best

Thanks to Anonymous March 26, 2008

Barbeque / Bowling night.

An easy dinner with friends then off to the lanes for bowling. We had contests/prizes and trophies.

Thanks to Anonymous March 26, 2008

film stars

Thanks to Anonymous March 27, 2008

Have an ice cream bar delivered to your party. The perfect way to cool down after being on the dance floor. Because everyone loves ice cream

Thanks to Anonymous March 31, 2008

70s weekend

its my 40th this year and are spending times with friends at an adult only 70s weekend at butlins there great fun

Thanks to Anonymous March 31, 2008

Singles party

Its my 40th at the end of the year and being single, I am having friends Bring a Bachelor. Will be giving away a weekend getaway as a prize for the friend whos Bachelor is chosen at the end of the night. Should be a hoot!

Thanks to Anonymous April 2, 2008

I celebrated my 40th this past December 2007 in Las Vegas.
We went with 4 couples and stayed the weekend therewe had a blast! Great hotel, spas, shopping and an amazing dinner at Del Frescos Steak House. Afterwards, we went to the Love Beatles Cirque de Solei concert since I was born in 1967. What a great show!! I had gift bags in my friends hotel roomcomplete with gourmet chocolates, candles, DVD of 1967 happenings,and other goodies.
We all left Sunday morning with the best memories!

Thanks to Anonymous April 3, 2008

Cabin Fever

For my moms 40th birthday this year we are goin to have a surprise camping trip at the KOA camp ground! All of my moms family and friends will be invited and every family will pay for thier own cabin! We will celebrate all night long! Well do about every thing there as far as swiming, fishing, making smores at a camp fire, and havin those good old creepy ghost storys!

Thanks to Anonymous April 8, 2008

For my husbands 40th I took him to Sydney for the weekend and we climbed the Harbour Bridge, it was a memorable weekend and something different to do!

Thanks to Anonymous April 13, 2008

For my mums 40th we hired out a hall and had a massive food fight party which by the end wasnt a very pretty sight!

Thanks to Anonymous April 15, 2008

For my dads 40th his friends and neibours all came as characters from dvds and videos. WIGS AND ALL !

Thanks to Anonymous April 20, 2008

For my friends 40th birthday we have themed it a girls night out where we are all meeting for drinks and apps. then the limo is taking us to the Gypsy Rose Dance Studio to learn how to pole dance and strut our stuff, then we will be off to the local night clubs. She is the type that loves the spotlight and this is right up her alley!!!!! We are all looking forward to the laughs that this night will bring and hope that she enjoys it too!

Thanks to Anonymous April 23, 2008

Underwater theme

My 40th was an underwater theme as a scuba diver it was very appropriate. My husband dressed in a great white shark costume and I was a sea horse! We had games relay teams putting on fins, masks etc. run to the other end and take it off before passing it to the next person. Got some great video! Of course there were a few king neptunes etc. but some people got creative and came as a surgeon (surgeon fish), rock lobster (complete with electric guitar), jelly fish, angler fish, sailors, octopus etc.

Thanks to Anonymous April 29, 2008

For my friends 30th we threw a surprise party, he is an actor so we used his headshot but any cool pic of the birthday person will do.i then photocopied a whole bunch of them, cut around the face, stuck a straw on the lower back of it and made masks of his head!! so when he walked in!!! we all were him!! we stuck the extra head up around the house and stuck em all up with silly quotes he wd say!! a total blast!

Thanks to Anonymous May 7, 2008

Bling Party

For my 40th I had a Bling party, just an excuse really for us girls to get glammed up and sparkle for the night!

Some people did adopt the chav/hip hop look in connection with bling. We had a total blast and everyone said what a fab party it was.

I transformed a room in my house into a disco room with metallic curtains at the doorways, disco scenesetter on the walls, loads of helium balloons, disco lights and brilliant music. I also did a write up for all of my guests which included a photo of everyone and a write up my memories of them, the good times wed shared, a special message etc etc, everyone loved theirs and wanted a copy each. Also I did a slideshow which I showed through my tv of photos of all of my guests throughout the years and believe me there were some dodgy photos, this just played on a continuous loop all night.

It really was a wonderful night and the 300 photos taken my everyone reflect this!!

Thanks to Anonymous May 8, 2008

40 is the new 30!

By the time you are 40, you ought to have found your purpose in life and be well on the way to owning all the things that you have always dreamt about.
More importantly, for your big 40th birthday party, you should be able to take a deep breath and treat yourself to a real life-size, full throttle, champagne popping celebration, to start your new life.

If you are planning such an event in the spirit that I have suggested, then you will need some quality entertainment. A party without entertainment, is called a meeting.

Find out what type of entertainment my clients hire for the big day at http://www.bigsand-steelband.co.uk/parties.html

Thanks to Anonymous May 9, 2008

In warm weatherrent a tent and have a clam bake catered at your house.

Thanks to Anonymous May 14, 2008

Old fashion KEG party
Hire a DJ and party like its 1999

Thanks to Anonymous May 15, 2008

Disco, Disco, Disco

a simple but fun idea

why not hire a big room with a bar and invite the family and friends and have a disco.

Thanks to Anonymous May 30, 2008

Simply Fablous at 40!

Thanks to Anonymous June 1, 2008

My dad turned 40 two years ago and we rented out a ballroom. It was smaller so everyone, around 30 guests, had time to chat with one another. We had a throw back to his youth. When you first walked in the room there was a huge frame full of pictures from his past. Most embrassing, people had a good time remembering what was then. We also had drinks in glass bottles and RC things he enjoyed way back when everyone had a great time remembering when!

Thanks to Anonymous June 1, 2008

Getting away from it all

Taking husband to Aspen since he loves to ski and heading to Carribeans white sandy beach as another surprise.

Thanks to Anonymous June 4, 2008

My husband and his best friend are both turning 40 this year. His wife and I bought tickets for a football game where their college teams were playing each other. We bought the game tickets and airline tickets 9 months in advance to make sure we were able to get good seats at the game. We are bringing both of our families and invited other college friends to come to the game and we will party afterwards.

Thanks to Anonymous June 20, 2008

London bus party

we had a london bus party where everyone had to dress up as routemasters and people were only allowed in in threes !!! Summer Holiday rang out until the small hours, especially as my best mate came as Melvyn Hayes !!! Got some great video and some fabulous memories.

Thanks to Anonymous June 30, 2008

I really like that idea, about having a party around the year your partner was born, good job!

Thanks to REbecca July 11, 2008

have a backyard bbq with friends and family

Thanks to Anonymous July 21, 2008

my mum is turning 40 in august and were just having friends and family over at our house on our back deck. were going to have drinks and a barbecue. also were going to decorate the whole house!!!!!

Thanks to Anonymous July 21, 2008

The good life

For my fortieth we had La dulce vita(the good life) theme. It was an italian lunch with waiters who started to sing opera after the main meal. We danced well into the evening

Thanks to darlene July 21, 2008

Both myself and my partner have 2 years and 7 months to plan our 40ths. Thanks for all the ideas here, we can start saving now and hopefully have a lavish bash lol

Thanks to Poems July 23, 2008

Im hosting a friends 40th next weekend and the theme is Formal, not normal so Im expecting people to come dressed to the 9s, but with a twist: Tuxedo with shorts, ballgown with sneakers etc!

Thanks to Jodi July 27, 2008

ACCITO Venetian Masks and Masquerade Accessories for Parties full of mystery and suprise

Thanks to ACCITO Venetian and Masquerade Ideas July 30, 2008

My sisters-in-law are I are planning a Dos Party..Hair Dos that is for my husbands 40th. Hairs styles thru the years is the theme. We are going to make T-shirts with pictures of my husbands changing hair dos thru the years. Picture on the front and to make it fun we will put the year of the hair do on the back of the shirt for people to try to guess. We cant wait

Thanks to Krissy August 8, 2008

Scavenger hunt

Got lots of great ideas from you site, but got a good one from the different ideas you have here. My wife is having her 40th and we are going to have a Scavenger hunt with a bit of a twist. Everyone having to bring back items on a list, and / or take picture documenting delegated activities. The big catch is every is required to Cross Dress. Men dress as women and women dress as men. After meet up for food and drinks and dancing.

Thanks to Robert August 14, 2008

A case of 40s for a case of the 40s
40 ounce bottles come 12 in a case

Order or make custom 40oz koozies commemorating the big day:

Happy Birthday (name here)!
August 15, 1968 (except their bday here)

And some saying like:

Pushing 40 and still gangsta!
(even if they arentor never have beenits just a silly themeand fun thing to do for a 40 year old with some party left in them)or

40s arent so bad when their dressed well ; ) (referring to the 40 oz image, the koozieand the well dressed 40 year old that you know.

Its just a silly gag/theme for a 40 year olds party when a few laughs and a few beers are on the agenda.

Thanks to Cindy August 16, 2008

I gave my husband a Suprise Party, everyone had a blast.I didnt want my house to get dirty so I rented a clubhouse and a D.J..and I gave the D.J. cds with my husbands pictures from the time he was born till recently and my D.J. played the pictures on his monitors.My husband LOVED it and the guest were entertained while they were waiting for us to arrive.

Thanks to Sandra ( Florida) August 17, 2008

suprise them with tickets to their dream holiday

Thanks to anonemus August 18, 2008

Saling lessons

My dad recently turned 40, hed already had a huge suprise birthday party for his 30th birthday, so we decided to do something special together on a smaller scale. We organised a weekend sailing lesson at our local watersports centre and a weeks holiday to Lake Garda to practise what hed learnt. We also bought him some personalised ales from http://www.WineGifts4U.co.uk, which he took out to Italy with him!

Thanks to Sabina August 18, 2008

Pink Party

i,m turning 40 on sat and we re having a pink party everyone has to wear something pink .thought it would be interesting

[You may also want to look at our Pink Party Ideas page - Editor]

Thanks to josie September 15, 2008

Have a good time its your day!!!

Thanks to Ells September 29, 2008

Im having a totally 80s themed 40th with all 80s music and 80s fancy dress.

Thanks to caroline October 5, 2008

Hawiian/beach party

Im turning 40 on 25th Oct.My family have organised a hawiian/beach party. We have bought scene setters and boarders for the back yard. Have been able to purchase cheap decorations from the cheap shops ( crazys, warehouse, overflow etc) Using my husbands old surfboards that he swears he will get back up on ( one day ) as tables suspended from our trees. Looking forward to great weather, great company & a great night. Having a BBQ for tucker & a cocktail machine.

Thanks to Kylie, Brisbane. QLD October 6, 2008

My husband is turning 40 this year,our kids and I are planning a surprise party. The theme is Dodger Blue because he is a huge Dodgers fan! We made invites that look like game tickets. We have prepared Dodgers trivia questions and will be giving out prizes for correct answers. We will serve Dodger dogs, beer and all the fun food you would find at Dodger stadium. We have also asked the guests to wear their Dodger gearit will be a blast!

Thanks to Ana fron Phoenix October 7, 2008

I am having my 40th birthday party at a snazzy restaurant called Salsa on the 6th of Dec. As my birthday falls on Xmas day it is early, but this will probably be a birthday party with lots of friends for the first time ever! I have a three course meal planned, close friends (120) A DJ who will play music on the hour every hour from the 60s thru to 2008! I have organised a salsa dance after the main meal, funky cup cakes and loot bags to take home! My theme is elegantly wasted a bit of both, interpret it as you wish, this soon-to-be 40yr old will ofcourse start off elegantly and rotate to being wasted!! (once my dad goes home to rest) with love from Sunny South Africa!

Thanks to Louise October 7, 2008

Field of dreams

I rented a baseball field!

Thanks to Kathi October 17, 2008

My 40th is coming in nine months and iam having an All White Dress code.

Thanks to Shelley October 23, 2008


Thanks to sally October 23, 2008

I want to take my three best girls to a day at the spa, then stay in a suite at the Bonaventure hotel in Los Angeles.

Thanks to Mona October 25, 2008

Bali hi

For my 40 th im going to bali with my best mates

Thanks to cazz October 25, 2008

New York, New York

My husband is originally from New York, so Im going to have everything New York-themed: all the New York sports teams with pennants and the like, New York food (pizza, egg creams, cheesecake, etc.) and, of course, play Frank Sinatras New York, New York throughout the night. Maybe well even try to talk with New York accents!

Thanks to Cindy Lou November 4, 2008

I turned forty this year and had a hawaiian party organised by my wife, she did a great job everyone wore hawaiian shirts and grass skirts.
cocktails were had and limbo dancing competition as well as a fully decorated hall with palm tress the lot , babarcued food the lot , great fun especially the ladies not wearing very much ! tara

Thanks to keith crossingham November 11, 2008

My best friend since I was 7 years old (33 years) is turning 40 in a few days. I have one complete workday to celebrate her birthday and have her back home to celebrate with her husband by dinner time. I plan to start off with a tiera and a pagent sash to officially crown her 40! Then, I plan to take her to the day spa at Dillards for a spa package and later to an elegant restaurant for a late lunch.

Thanks to cora November 18, 2008

My sister turned 40 a couple of years ago. Since she lives 1000 miles away, I had emailed 40 family and friends and asked them to send a birthday card to her with a one dollar bill. As her day approached, she couldnt understand why she recieve only $1 in each card until she added all the cards up. $40

Thanks to Paula November 19, 2008

Spice it all up

How about 40 But Still Spicy! for the spicy food enthusiast? My husband loves hot peppers and spicy food so were doing a pot-luck surprise party and having everyone bring a spicy or mildly spicy side dish while I provide the BBQ chicken and ribs along with margaritas and beer. For decorations, Im using chili pepper plates and napkins along with orange and yellow plastic table cloths sprinkled with chili pepper confetti. For guests games, were doing a chili pepper quiz, a roast of the birthday boy, guess the # of hot candies in a jar, and a trivia game about the guest of honor. Well put out old yearbooks, report cards and a collage of his pictures from 40 years ago to the present while playing old home videos of him as a kid, with the volume turned off because well have his favorite music playing.

Thanks to Michelle December 2, 2008

about a love night in??!!with rose pettles

Thanks to Anonymous December 7, 2008

I celebrated for 40 days with 40 friends and it was fabulous. I thought why keep the 40th celebrations to one night only it is over too quickly. I also get frustrated at big parties because I never seem to have enough time to talk to everyone in any depth and I love to connect with friends.

I found different things to do with small numbers of people, or even just 1-1 with people, until I had celebrated with 40! It ranged from going to a music festival, having 2 friends cook me a surprise caviar omelette for my breakfast(!), to going out for drinks, going out for a meal, to having a sing-a-long to almost anything.

Roll on my 100th I say 100 friends over 100 days!
Happy birthday to you
Rachel Green

Thanks to Rachel Green December 11, 2008

Ok I made the mistake of doing this for my husbands 38th birthday in which this year is his 40th and I have NO idea how to top it. We decided to do a surprise Roast (like you see on Comedy central) we had 4 people speak it was hilarious. They had slide shows and bringing up things from the past. the best part was he was so scared when he found out it was a roast and a lot of his co-workers where present if they did not know him before they do now.

Thanks to Melissa December 18, 2008

A Wild West theme party is a great idea as no one minds putting on a pair of jeans and checked shirt. A Rodeo Bull ride is brilliant fun for adults and older kids and other popular items are Cork Gun Ranges, and Quick Draw Shooting games. A few Wild West theme props help with the themeing.
See http://www.rodeobulls.co.uk for some ideas.

Thanks to Wild West Events Ltd December 18, 2008

Im throwing a Stock the Bar party at my BFs house. He never thought hed live this long and now hes out of liquor! His bar is his castle and so I suggested bar items and booze and beers n such. We are also having a poker tourney and blackjack.

Thanks to logogurl December 19, 2008

A bottle of champagne</a> with your message on the full colour personalised label

Thanks to Mark December 21, 2008

Strictly Ballroom

my mum died about a year before my dads 40th and me being the oldest Child of 4 i had to take on the responability of helping more around the house i remember my mum had left all of us kids for our savings and with that money we hired out my mums favorite ball room (she went ball room dancing) and we trough my dad a party and all funds that were made went to our favorite charity In 2005 it was my mothers first anerversary so i also did a ball i miss my mum allot but i know she is looking down on me and is very proud

Thanks to Samantha January 12, 2009

Take a private plane to your favorite and stay the weekend

Thanks to Mel January 19, 2009

For my 40th Birthday, I will be having my party at a friends house. Im single and the Theme will be Back in the Day. You can dress anyway you would have back in the day.

Our parties always last all night, so it will end up being a sleep over for the closest friends. We will cook breakfast sometime that morning and have a movie day the next day.

Thanks to Danielle January 19, 2009

Horse back ride

My friend took about 10 of her closest friends on a horse back ride.The trail ride took us all to a local pub for lunch then back to the ranch.
It was a great day.

Thanks to Tina January 22, 2009

Afternoon Tea with the girls!

Its a modern classic!

Soft Bridge rolls, clotted cream scones with strawberry jam and sweet tarts washed down with a glass or two of bubbly (tea for them thats pregers!)

BEST way to spend the day

Thanks to Kirsty January 23, 2009

Throw a surprise 40th on their 39th birthday!
My brother in law is always playing practical jokes on others so we threw him a surprise 40th on his 39th! It was hilarious!

Thanks to jane January 24, 2009

My husand and I both turned 40 in the same year so I figured 40 plus 40 is 80, so we had an 80s party. Music, clothes, even food (remember the first nachos !) It was lots of fun.

Thanks to Nadine January 24, 2009

Some very good ideas here. If youll be turning 40 and were born in 1969, have the name of your party sound like Princes song 1999. We gonna party like its 1969. (Or some variation around that) Happy Birthday to everyone born in 1969. WERE HERE! CAN U BELIEVE IT?

Thanks to Tim February 1, 2009

Rock star

Im 40 in about 4 weeks time and will be having a Rock star themed party. Ill have 40 people coming over everyone will dress as their favourite Rock star. Cant decide Madonna or Pink!!!

Thanks to Jenny S February 1, 2009

Give them a BIRTHDAY LAWN GREETING!!!!!! Hire a local lawn greeting company to sneak into the yard under the cover of darkness and FILL the whole lawn with PINK flamingos, cows, pigs, chickens, buzzards, tombstones, etc! Its a great gift that the WHOLE neighborhood will love!!

Thanks to Kelly February 5, 2009

My wife and I turn 40 this year, so we rented a local movie theater for 1 hour and are having an film fest with short animated films. I put together a surprise slide show to end the festival on the big screen using music she likes, including family photos and photos of us as babies. Afterward we walked to a local restaurant for a catered lunch.

Thanks to AJ February 6, 2009

Am organizing my own 40th this year at a hoteland decided on a bit of glamour and a night the guest wouldnt forget either. So, apart from a DJ, there will be a CARICATURIST & A SLIGHT-OF-HAND-MAGICIAN. Also Im preparing some LEAFLETS to spread around listing things from 1969: Top 10 Hits, Films, Famous births/deaths, Things that happened in 1969, and a few quiz type of questions too. Hopefully this will get strangers talking. Old photos of me around a well should raise a laugh(hairstyles in particular)!

Thanks to Chloe February 28, 2009

Cooking class

Im thinking of taking a cooking class alongside some of my close friends. Its certainly different from all of the cocktail and dinner parties Ive been to in the past. I enjoy hosting friends at my home, cooking appetizers and sometimes full dinner so Im not an amateur but I love picking up news skills in the kitchen.

I think a cooking class would be fun because its original and everyone can get something out of it and benefit from the lessons.

Thanks to Julia March 13, 2009

My husband is a bit of a thrill seeker,on the morning of his 40th he will be jumping out of a plane.He knows i have a plan for him just does not know what it is,the dvd should be good to watch.

Thanks to Anonymous March 14, 2009

Going Green

Im turning 40 next month.Im having green as my theme.Green means life and life begins at 40.

Thanks to Ruby Canedo March 18, 2009

For my BF 40th who lives hundreds of miles away, I sent her a Time Capsule trivia game. I came up with 41 trivia questions starting with 1968 to 2008. For the 41 days leading up to her birthday she had to open one a day starting with 1968. She had all day to figure out the answers but wasnt allowed to get help anyone. If she got it right she got a gift. The gifts corresponded with the question. Ex: when was the DVD patented and the gift was a DVD slide show of her & I through the years with all our crazy adventures. You can get good ideas for questions at Wikepedia by looking up cool facts from each year. At the end of the 41 days we had a huge surprise party for her. The 41 trivia & gifts game kept her busy while we were secretly planning her party

Thanks to C March 23, 2009

a supries party with friends!!!

Thanks to aly torry March 28, 2009

Surfing Party

We are going to have a surfin party. Once a surfer always a surfer. Beach theme. surfing movies ect..

Thanks to Bec March 30, 2009

I myself am turning 40 in May and we are going on an 8 day crusie to the carribean and having a 40 and Fabulous cocktail party upon our return with live music. I will also decorate with pictures through my life and have them playing on the TV during the party.

Thanks to Carol April 10, 2009

Ill be 40 in 6 months and I dont have a theme yet. I really like the idea everyone wearing the same color and the decorations the same. I also like the music through the decades idea. When I make a decision, Ill update everyone on what I have come up. Thanks for the ideas!

Thanks to Anonymous April 27, 2009

For my 40th we hired a bus and we are going on a Mystery Ghost Bus Tour! The bus takes a special route and you have off the bus stops at several pubs in between.
I think this is going to be blast!

Thanks to Wilma May 21, 2009

Alphabet Party.

You give every guest a letter from the alphabet with their invitation. And they have to wear something begining with that letter, bring a drink begining with that letter and some food. Example, I went to a party like this and got an R. I took rum to drink, some rice crispy cakes to eat and wore a rope noose around my neck.

Thanks to Jayne May 26, 2009

I am toying with a lot of different ideas for my husbands 40th, but I think the theme is going to be a Star was Born in 1969. I will ask all the guest to wear black and white. The party will be black and white with accents of gold.

Thanks to Anonymous May 31, 2009

James Bond

My hubby just turned 40 and we are having a party in a month (as we are too busy with work as are all our friends!!). We are having James Bond as the theme and asking all our friends to either dress as a 007 Character or in Casino Attire. Our colour theme is black & silver and we are having all the theme music from the Bond movies in the background. We are having all the drinks in martini glasses and finger food for nibbles.His cake is a mud cake with an edible James Bond logo on the top (that I am having made by cakes around town in Brisbane) with black & silver ribbon around the sides.It is easy to dress up for this party as most people have clothes in their wardrobe that are suitable.

Thanks to Clare June 2, 2009

Great ideas
For my girlfriends 49th we will be having a cocktail party. Each person will bring a cocktail to enter in the contest. We will all get to try a bit of each cocktail. At the end each person will be given a ticket to vote. The drink with the most tickets by it wins a prize

Thanks to NW July 5, 2009

For my 40th a week of houseboating and fireworks on the beach. A great time had by all

Thanks to RLA July 8, 2009

My sister in law is turning 40. She has recently gone back to college. In fact many of our friends are going back to school to work on Masters, etc. We will be hosting a back to college TOGA party, complete with red plastic cups, keg bear, and pizza. For those who prefer not to wear a toga, were asking them to wear a their college jersey. The dj will play top 40s. We will keep the kids busy by letting them toilet paper front of the house.

Thanks to Tami July 14, 2009

Iam turning 40 this December. But instead of calling it my 40th, I am 20 again. Having my picture put on my cake,and the cake will say Happy 20 Again! Even posting an invitation on my high school website.

Thanks to Tracie Wakelee July 14, 2009

Off to Italy

For my 40th I really wanted to go to Italy but having my youngest not quite 2 yet was going to to much to ask of him on a 24 hr plane trip..no thank-you not this year anyway! So Im bringing Italy to me by celebrating with 40 of my closest friends for a big Italian feast at a local Piazza in Sydney. My invitations were going to be in the shape of Italy The boot but I chose a more girly approach and its an beautiful Italian shoe & I also asked everyone to wear something Italiano.

Thanks to Jody July 17, 2009

rent out a pizza place for a few hours for fun with friends and drinks

Thanks to Anonymous July 23, 2009

for my wifes 40th, we threw a huge surprise party. We invited over 50 guests, and had a very good band play. She never suspected anything. And although she didnt want a party, she ended up having a great time.

Thanks to George Regnerus July 23, 2009

Have a birthday greeting on the label of the wine.

Thanks to winelabels July 25, 2009

tea party :)
i did that for my best friend and she loved it

Thanks to samatha July 26, 2009

My husband will be 40 in September 2009, and he has a big family & lots of friends. My idea is, why wait for the evening when we could celebrate his bday through out the whole day. So, maybe the kids & I will do something with him for breakfast, organise lunch with his family and spend the evening with friends.

Thanks to Daphne July 27, 2009

when i turned 40 we had just had our third baby and had little money to spare. so i had a big bbq in a site out in the woods at lunchtime. it was really inclusive as every one brought stuff to add to it, the kids (big and small)played volley ball and generally chilled most of the day.

Thanks to nellie July 29, 2009

My husband is renting 6 rooms in NY City for 12 of my closest friends and we will be going bar hopping all night long.

Thanks to Terri August 11, 2009

Launch 40 Lanterns and make it a birthday to remember!

Thanks to Sky Lanterns August 12, 2009

I love the boat idea. Im going to try and work that into my fathers birthday. Thanks for the ideas.

Thanks to Party Planning Lover August 20, 2009

Im turning 40 September 2009 Im having a Prohetic theme (40 yrs in the desert, now entering the Promised Land) with love ones and friends !!
My thanks go to the Lord !!!!!

Thanks to Anne-Marie Engelbreg August 25, 2009

I am turning 40 in Sept.. I am thinking of something to do since u only turn 40 once my guy is suppose to be planning something will let you know wat it is ?

Thanks to Maam August 28, 2009

For my dads 40th, we are taking him to watch his football team and we are hiring a box to have a football party while watching the game !!

We may meet the players too !!

Thanks to Alice Xx August 28, 2009

Broadway here we come

In March 2010 I will turn 40, my mom 60, and my daughter 18. All 3 of us are planning a trip to NY city for a couple days of shopping, Broadway, and great food!!!!!

Thanks to Sue August 30, 2009

my husband is turning 40 this Sept and since he is a big kid at heart we are having a surprise superhero party. All the guests are coming dressed as their favorite comic book character, should be a blast!

Thanks to Renee September 5, 2009


Thanks to LILY September 10, 2009

Im having a rainbow themed Prom for mu 40th this year as we didnt have school proms when i left school & cant wait to dress up. Also Im guarenteed to be Prom queen

Thanks to Sharon September 21, 2009

Writ a wonderful card and it will shuly chang there lefe and make them happy

Thanks to SARAH September 26, 2009

I turned 40 Feb.09 and since I grew up in the 80s I had an 80s party we dressed in 80s gear .. 80s music . 80s trivial pursuit . it was fun aww the good ol days!! :)

Thanks to Lena September 27, 2009

Pirate Party

Pirate looks at 40 party. Hawaiin Shirts, Jimmy Buffet music and related drinks and atmosphere. Lots of fun!! Plus many of our friends also turn 40!

Thanks to Mo September 29, 2009

I organised a 40th birthday bash for a friend a few weeks ago, the theme was Forty and funky A tribute to Micheal Jackson. Most invitees were told before the d-day to prepare to be a part of a remake of the Thriller Video as the celebrant was a big MJ fan. Lots of bbq (meat, fish n chicken), 80s music and dance from the soul train era alchohol; wine, spirit n beer, sourvenirs and give aways all done in a club-house environment. You shouldve see us all do the Thriller thingy after a couple of alchoholic gulps with urs sincerely playing the part of Micheal Jackson. Flashy disco lighted dancefloor with lots of helium balloons. The celebrant had to join in Hilarously memorable.

Thanks to Fred October 1, 2009

My birthday is Hallows eve (devils night for some) so we are having a costume/birthday party. costumes are mandatory. DJ, fog maching and lots of scary food and drinks. looking forward to it. we also rented a hall and will decorate in a festive theme for halloween.

Thanks to val November 3, 2009

my dads gonna be 40 next month + were planning on having a surprise party 4 him + inviting people he hasnt seen in years, as well as his newer friends. Family invited 2, and kids, of course!!!!!!

Thanks to Ailís northern ireland November 3, 2009

Im turning 40 this month and did not want a big party. So my husband and I reserved a suite at a local hotel. We are going for an early dinner and then having friends back to our suite for a party and a night out at the bars.

Thanks to Lainie November 7, 2009

I had a Heavy metal party for my husband. I cant think of any other music that defines this generation better. It was a surprise party. All of our guest wore heavy metal band T-shirts, thoese who did not paid $2 to sit in our back yard(like back when we were in high school).

Thanks to Anonymous November 8, 2009

My 40th birthday is in Jan 10. I am aiming for some glitz and glamour and hence pushing forward the idea of celebrating it in May when there is longer daylight for those ice cool ideas!After all I am 40 through the year until the clock hits 2011!!Bring it on.. The idea is to have themed tables according to the friends you have had through the decadesbut mix and jazz it up with games at guessing..who is who..

Thanks to Ella November 22, 2009

Whatever you do make sure its something that the person who is 40 likes not something thats convenient for the guests instead that will end in tears! If you cant have what YOU like when youre 40, when can you??

Thanks to Duncan November 24, 2009

for my 39th i had a beach themed white party (everyone wore white). it was held in my parents considerably sized yard that is near a small lake. i rented a large tent and used 3 other smaller tents to form a courtyard with a 6 by 10 kiddie pool in the center with floating candles. also i had a dj light that changed colors intermittently. at night it made the white tent glow each color.

I hired a face and body painter, a photographer, a masseuse for chair massages, and someone to give us salsa lessons. i provided some alcohol and light fair, but also had food vendors on hand as well.

i am a dj, so there was also music and dancing under the tent.

later in the evening i had a limo on hand to give rides, home or just around and back.

over 100 people had a great time. my issue now is my 40th. how do i top 39.

Thanks to Christopher November 25, 2009

enqirinig about salsa dancing including meal for a 40th birthday event

Thanks to resham December 7, 2009

My husband is turning 40 in the spring. When he turned 30 I blindfolded him and took him to Niagara Falls (an hour away from home) and had him tattooed while a bunch of his friends watched. So now that hes turning 40 its time to have him inked again. Weve rented a hall and invited 150 of his best friends (lol!). Hired a tattoo artist to come in and give him ink while we all watch. Also have a DJ and live band to provide more entertainment. Closest friends are bringing munchies and the hall provides the cash bar. Were charging a $20 entrance and expect around 80 of the 150 to show up. Half the money will cover party expenses, and half the money will be shared between the Birthday Boy and a lucky guest (each will win around $400!)

Thanks to Sharon December 10, 2009

50/60 s night motown like diana ross and the supremes gladys knight

Thanks to SARAH LOUISE KIDGER December 14, 2009

Rent a party bus for around 20-30 guests and have it take you to a restaurant then to a local indian casino for more partying and fun.

Thanks to Patty December 14, 2009

My husband is turning 40 in February and I am throwing him a SURPRISE party..I have rented a hall, have hired a rock band (80s) that will dress as Van Halen (his favorite band) and will have electric guitars all over the place with the design just like Eddie Van Halensthen I am going to make a mask for everyone with my husbands face on it, so that when he walks in everyone puts the mask on and little by little, they will reveal themselvesalso the cake is the Van Halens guitar..ha!

Thanks to just me December 22, 2009

I wanted input for my fortieth this feb. any ideas.

Thanks to Stephanie December 28, 2009

well for my moms 40th in december ( i know ages way xx) we are hiring a pub and having a bit of a glow in the dark with peope wearing gow up bracets and neckaces

Thanks to emma January 1, 2010

I came across the Mario Andretti school of racing. I wanted to arrange something amazing for my husbands upcoming 40th so I registered on their website for updates etc. lo and behold they emailed me an opportunity for Steve to learn to race indy cars with Mario Andretti HIMSELF! They were expanding the racing school to the eastcoast and Mario would be at Lowes motor speedway to instruct personally, talk about a slam dunk! MARIO ANDRETTI! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? were his exact words, the pictures and the autographs of that day we will treasure forever. Too bad he was only 38 at the time and I jumped the gun two years early! Do you thing Lewis Hamilton is busy this April when he actually does turn 40? BTW it was not super pricey.

Thanks to Desiree January 7, 2010

For a gift I bought an old -black- ladies handbag at a thrift shop and filled it with lots of old stuff i.e. hairnet/depends/wrinkle diminisher/jar of baby prunes/huge pill box/etc called it the Old Bags Bag

Thanks to donna January 10, 2010

For my husbands 40th, Ive arranged a surprise birthday party, and weve booked a caribbean cruise with our close friends. The holidays a couple of months after his birthday, so thought the surprise party would go down a treat.
He thinks hes going for a meal with our closest and regular friends on route to the meal, he thinks were picking up our friends from our local Golf Club who are attending a wake this is where were having the party so when he goes in to collect them everybody will jump out from the party room thats the plan anyway.
I have a £2000 budget, and for that Ive made a big cake, catered for 100 people, and booked a Take That Tribute band. Im also going to plaster the walls with funny pictures of the hubby.
Hes not got a clue about the party. Cant believe nobody has let it slip Ive not told my two children as they would definately let the cat out of the bag.

Thanks to Joanne January 12, 2010

I arranged a surprise Bollywood party for my husbands 40thhe had no idea and we had a fabulous evening. Everyone enjoyed dressing up. It was a night well never forget.

Thanks to Adrienne January 17, 2010

For my husbands 4oth we hired a steam train and had a meal in the dining car it was ideal for all ages. In the evening we released lanterns -but I recommend only the ones with no wire as the metal poses a danger to wildlife.

Thanks to joe b January 22, 2010

For my husbands 40th i arrange a weekend away we went to manchester on the train stayed at the macdonalds hotel for two nights went to see we will rock you and had family and friends do our house up with decorations and photos of him from birth to present day and we had a surprise party on our return it was fab he really enjoyed it oh also to make it fun i did little clue cards for him to read during different stages of the weekend starting from the moment he awoke on the friday morning to us coming home on sunday.

Thanks to Angie January 24, 2010

for my husband i gave him 400 dollars and told him to spend it that day like brewsters milions,i brought him to las vegas and he spent it there,it was deadly,he also had a surprise casino party at home,all guest were given jobs on arival and wore nametags,ie..dealer or toilet cleaner,somebody got security and we had a big blackjack game going on,got local chipper to deliver sausage and chips for 60 people and everybody got a supper ticket on arrivali did nothing on the night and we had a ball..!!!

Thanks to grace January 27, 2010

its my 40th in may and im thinking of having a party at home with a celebrtiy heads theme when the guests arrive theyre given a headband with the name of a celebrity on it and have to talk to other gests to find out who they are. prizes awarded to the first to guess

Thanks to Fiona January 30, 2010

its a pj party for me,small amount of friends,pitza,beer,tiddley winks competion,maybe makeover,jokes,whatever is stressfree,sleep over,fry in the mourning,great fun for all,bring on forty

Thanks to ruby February 5, 2010

my husband is 40 this year,so i thought a small dinner for his facebook friends,with a couple of print outs of funny comments,maybe some pf peoples photos etc.and a surprise house party were everyone dresses up os people they have been told hey look like,should go down a treat for our circle of friends..lookinf forward tto that

Thanks to abbergaiel February 5, 2010

for my dads 40th birthdat we had a school party every one had to dress up like they were going to school again we rented a hall and made the tables into desks nd had one of our friends dress up like a teacher and give a lesson to the class about any thing she wanted she ended up teaching us about how to use a cell phone it eas great the look on my dads face was so funny cause he finaly figured out how to work his phone

Thanks to melissa February 5, 2010

Where do you people get all your money??? Cruises, Safaris, Tripsmust be rough.

Thanks to Tony February 5, 2010

For my husbands 40th we are going for a mexican meal with a couple of friends. Then we have booked tickets for volksworld show. A week later we are having a house party where unfortunately the kids out number the adults so will be copying some of the excellent ideas from above. (Scavenger hunt, trivia, Pin birthday boy to the seat of his bus.) Would like to do inflatable sumo wrestling and gadiators but february in the uk is a bit too cold. Presents: Kite boarding taster lesson approx £100 and lottery tickets. Also trying to get some decent pictures of the kids into a frame.

Thanks to Ally February 9, 2010

its my 40th the end of the year but my hubby is useless at organising stuff so doing it myself, have a few ideas from this site but money is an issue so will be looking for short cuts LOL

Thanks to cally February 10, 2010

My mum is 40 next year and i have organised for all her friends to bring a memory or picture and i am going to make a timecapsule and bury it in our backgarden. xx
Hope i can help xx

Thanks to Jodie-ann Oliver x February 10, 2010

Its my 40th this year and Im hiring a hotel function room, live band or DJ (cost depending!!)and Im having a black and white theme. Were going to dress the room with black & white balloons and bits, and all the guests have to dress in black and white. That way people can splash out on new outfits if they want, but for those who cant afford itwell, everyone has something black and white in their wardrobe!! Cant wait, its gonna be a great drunken night!!

Thanks to Jan February 11, 2010

Have a Rocky Horror Picture Show party. Get everyone to dress up in suspenders and bodices. Play all the music. Its such fun! Do it now before youre 50. I did

Thanks to Janby February 11, 2010

I just had my 40th birthday party. It was a princess party. My friends and family decorated it with pink tables cloths, pink balloons and a tiara for all the girls. I was given a sash to wear with princess written across it. I even wore a tiara! I had a barbie cake served with a diamond ring as the tiara for me for my present from my husband. It was a fantastic night!! A true princess party.by the end of the night, they replaced my princess sash with a queen sash!

Thanks to Hayley February 23, 2010

My huisband hates attention and gatherings and believes he has no mates! he also does not like to plan things.

Its his surprise 40th this sat at his old loal (where he hung out in 20s) downstairs in function room with bar. I sent out 80s themed invites with rubix cube for an 80s do booked DJ wholl do 80s music, got a rubix cube cake. And hunted down all his old mates!Got lots of decorations disposable cameras on tables to then print for a photo album later for him, light grub and on his actual birthday on the Monday gonna light 40 lanterns at the top of our hill (after having his fav meal a mexican with family)

HE thinks were going on a couples pub crawl as planned time and location WEre gonna steer him to his do.

Thank you whoever said avout a remember when poster as Ill put this up for peeps to fill in.

This will be a most public divorce or a blast how exciting!!! x

I have left

Thanks to Claireydingdongbell February 25, 2010

Hire out a kids soft play area, just adults. Its amazing how child-like we can all be!

Thanks to sarah February 25, 2010

For my dads 40th my mom rented a school bus. Loaded on all of my dads friends, gave them all baseball hats with balloons tied on the top and they drove around town a la this is your life. His Mom even set up his childhood home like it was a museum, and at one stop a rather large woman came running out of a house dressed like his first girlfriend. They also crashed a local high school football game. People were talking about it for years!

Thanks to Anonymous February 25, 2010

whomever said pimps and hos, bless that genious brain of yours!!!! this will rock!

Thanks to Erin February 27, 2010

Collect 55 remarkable photos with your friends. Then convert them into playing cards.

Thanks to Mika March 2, 2010

I came back from China recently, loved the Chinese Lanterns over there.

Thanks to www.chineselanterns-uk.co.uk March 4, 2010

ice skating and fall on your bum!!!! X

Thanks to miss cleva X March 10, 2010

have a neon party

Thanks to miss cleva X March 10, 2010

relive your childhood memories have a few old school freinds round for a dinner party or hint to them to invite you around.

Thanks to miss cleva X March 10, 2010

hint about a suprise birthday party.

Thanks to miss cleva X March 10, 2010

I am having a funeral for my husband. His young life is dead and burried his new life is going down hill! HA!! :)

Thanks to Kristy March 13, 2010

I am suprising my man for his 40th birthday in November. I have rented a hall, hired a DJ, I am requesting the guest to wear black or white. I am going to have the DJ to play 70s music while we are Remimber When I am also going to have a autograph board with pictures of him from childhood to the present. I am so excited because he never been suprised before

Thanks to Laura March 20, 2010

Had a good laugh looking at some of the ideas. Especially Video Party & Celebrity Head. My 40th is creeping up more quickly than Id realised. I had not planned to make a fuss. Done plenty of
party-ing in my life. Looking through for something a little different, I decided what I would love most would be something I have named 40 DEEDS FOR 40 DAYS! Instead of invites to a party, a request to my family & friends to participate in a good deed per day for the consecutive days following my birthday. No matter how large or small, these good deeds would be done in honour of myself & written down on a card to be presented to me (by reading out loud) at the end of the 40 day period at a gathering of some sort ie. bbq or picnic.

Thanks to Sonya March 26, 2010

Its a really good idea to make a moment memorable by doing something a little different, try something that no one has seen before, chinese lanterns are good for this type thing, use my name to see my website.

Thanks to Chinese Lanterns March 31, 2010

A good friend of ours was having a birthday and his wife, Stacy, asked me to help her with a surprise birthday party for her husbandhelping with the Evite and sign up for food, drinks, etc. So I put this all together for them and then my husband took my friends husband bowling to get him out the house. My husband called me to tell me they were on their way to the house. They came in and then imagine my surprise when my friends husband ran up to em and held up a sign to my face that said Happy Birthday, Christine! The joke was on me! I could not believe it!!!! My husband had resigned himself to the fact that hes a terrible planner and would never be able to pull off a surprise party for me so he had asked me a few weeks before to give him a list of invitees and that we would have a party at our house. No problem I thought, I was impressed that he was actually discussing this in advance! So thats when he came up with the idea to have a surprise party and since I am such a good organizer/planner I would plan my own party I just didnt know it! He emailed everyone to tell them what the real deal was and he pulled it off! I was truly surprised and had no idea! Kudos to my husband he made my 40th a party I will never forget! We had BBQ, plus sides that everyone brought, my daughter made a trifold with pictures of my life and my friends/family from out of town all came! My friends and family thought it was pure genius! And it was, love you, Steve! <3

Thanks to ck April 9, 2010

Love the Rubiks Cube idea. How hilarious!!!

Thanks to Donna April 17, 2010

Have upto 16 people come for a ride with the birthday girl/boy in a Stallion Limosine which is a 16 seater stretch hummer limosine. (any age)

Thanks to louisa April 18, 2010

I threw a stunning Morroccan party for my husband, now I dont know how to top it for mine! I like the school or pyjama party

Thanks to Debbie giles April 18, 2010

For my husbands 40th in 2009,my son and i did a star trek themed party,we hired a venue and asked everyone to come dressed as their favourite sci-fi charecter except the captain of the starship enterprise as that was the uniform i got for my husband,my son was dressed as a clone trooper and all my husbands nephews and niece were too. The dj played the theme from star wars as we walked in,his birthday cake was in the shape of the moon (1969)1st man on moon,and had an astranaut holding a flag with 40 on, on the side of the cake it read one small step for man one giant leap for john,everyone enjoyed dressing up and still talk about it now. Im now looking for ideas for a teenager any ideas anyone

Thanks to julie April 21, 2010

40 and Naughty girls night out. Sexy uniforms were compulsory! No men allowed for our girlie pub crawl.
We had police, nurses, school girls, french maids, pilots and the list goes on. Everyone had so much fun

Thanks to KELLY April 28, 2010

My wife, turning 40, had decided with her sister to go to London for 4 days. (My wife is German and we live in Germany)
I took 2 days off for work for this. And Im watching both kids.
I had planned a surpise trip to New York for her but it backfired, her sister basically didnt tell me my wifes plan. I found out about the trip from my wife.
So I have found out after 18 years of marriage Im no. 2 in her life.
I was to stupid to see the signs before.
But Im 41, and there is something called the winds of change.
On my 40th, my wife planned nothing. We sat at home and watched TV with the kids.
So, for my 42nd B-Day, I will plan my 4oth B-Day. I have planned a 9 day drip to Cozumel for some diving alone.
But before my B-Day in August, I will plan a lone hiking trip either in Hawaii or Washington State.
(I can fly for free as my sister works for Continental) When my daughters are a little older (at least 10) I will be taking them on my world excursions.

Thanks to Nick May 10, 2010

Hi, would love to hear more about the Amazing Race Party! I have my own 40th coming up in September and would love to do something unconventional to my group of friends and this is right up my alley!

Thanks to Tammy May 13, 2010

Wifes bday is dec27, but everybody is always busy. So, doing a birthday in June for her, with girl games like makeup/ lipstuff pinata, pin the junk on the hunk, and wine, cheese and fruit. getting her lady friends to help with the invites.
Also whatever else i can think of for her 40th!
Now if we can keep the surprise a surprise

Thanks to Dave June 7, 2010

I threw a mexican party for my brother in law. Fancy dress, mexican food, lots of mexican party drinks. It was a huge success

Thanks to Sophie June 18, 2010

My boyfriend took me skydiving for my 40th birthday!
As far as Im concerned, he didnt give me skydiving a s a gift, he gave me life affirmation!
Hes turning 40 in August and I have no idea what to do for him!

Thanks to Sonny June 21, 2010

My mom is tuning 40 and Im really excited, but me and my dad cannot deside what to do for her! We have agreed on a powerpoint/slideshow with a guest sign in book,cake, her favorite music playing (top 40) and a huge present (dont know what that will be for you) We were also thinking about balloons and an album from her past ( top 40 funniest pictures) I am really excited, and I hope it turns out

Thanks to UNKNOWN June 28, 2010

a slumber party.

Thanks to slumber party June 28, 2010

For our joint 40th, my husband and I invited 30 of our friends to come black tie to our place for entrees, and then a bus took our guests to a mystery destination, which was a local historical bluestone mansion where we enjoyed a 3 course silver service dinner and the run of the mansion for the night! so much fun best night ever!

Thanks to Anonymous July 17, 2010

for my aunties 40th b-day her theme was the oscar. We told her guests to get all glamed up and at the front door there was a fake papparazi nall!

Thanks to kelly may July 22, 2010

go to a restaurant and have everyone there surprise mom dad friend etc

Thanks to Sasha Sidhu July 29, 2010

plan a party on a cannal in a boat

Thanks to elle August 9, 2010

going to have a ganster & molls do for my 40th, complete with roulette wheel, poker games, coktails, gold & black decorations, marquee with fairy lights. guests will be given tokens to swop for chips the winning woman & man will get a bottle of champers each.
i also heard a really good idea, everyone brings an ipod & gets to play their fav 5 songs, that way everyone is up dancing to what they like & you get to hear stuff you havent heard in a while.
cant wait!

Thanks to vanessa August 14, 2010

Think I will take mine to a male strip club. Claims she has never been to one. LOL

Thanks to Rob August 21, 2010

go to a restaurant and have all of his or her friends come and suprise him or her at the restaurant.

Thanks to nicole August 31, 2010

My husband has been talking for some time now about getting a sail boat to go around Australia when we retire.

For his 40th I wanted to ignite his dream so sent him on a 6 day sailing course with the Whitsunday Marine Academy, on the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland in Australia.

He loved it, talks about it all the time and it will now be an annual event so he can up skill for the big day!

Thanks to Jasmine September 5, 2010

My daughter will be 40 in Feb. 2010. She loves heavy metal, especially KISS. Thinking of decorating with heavy metal rockers pictures then and now. Perhaps invitations could be on cassette tapes. Maybe guests could make up their faces with KISS makeup. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Of course I will have an area with things from her childhood, ie, favorite candy, movies, clothes, etc. Please help me to make this a great success. Aloha, Jo Chandler

Thanks to Jo Chandler September 13, 2010

So, heres the deal-
I will be 40 in December just before Christmas. Everyone gets so busy at that time Im thinking of having the party early.

So I LOVE HALLOWEEN I am thinking of a 40th Birthday/ Halloween Costume party with all black accessories and the standard gobblins and ghouls.

Is it crazy to celebrate 6 weeks early?

Thanks to Michelle October 3, 2010

Our friends are spread far and wide, around the globeso I had them pick a bottle of wine from our local wine shop, where they could pay by internet, and email me a note. I secretly collected the bottles over the course of a few weeks. After a wonderful dinner out on his birthday, we came home to 40 bottles of wine with notes attached

In his quiet way, my honey was touched to have been remembered by so many peopleand to have his cellar stocked!

My 40th is in two weeksDublin, here we come!

Thanks to Nicole October 5, 2010

We took Dad for his 40th to a big shooting gallery, it was awesome, he is totally into guns so he loved it!

Thanks to Katie October 16, 2010

How ignorant is the person who criticises people spelling organise with an s!
Lots of my friends play instruments and one is the slum poet so Im hiring a hall and well create our own entertainment (and probably drink a lot of real ale)
Steve Colchester (England where its spelled organise)

Thanks to Steve October 17, 2010

I have planned a trip around the world (6 month) for my wife (she hasnt got a clue)! We will trip off with a sailing boat from Sydney, South pacific..and so on. I reckon she will be excited as she loves traveling.

Thanks to Frenzzy October 21, 2010

Awesome Ideas and Thanks for correcting the one that tried to correct the proper spelling in the UK. LOl

I am having a Pinata filled with little liquior bottles and candy. :) cheers!

Thanks to Marcey October 23, 2010

Ill be 40 next April 2011. Im half way planning a trip to my country Puerto Rico with about 12 girlfriends. There are a lot of things (all of them funn..) to do the this beautiful Enchantment Island, but still looking for ideas we will be there for a week and I was thinking on having a special night every day.we will have the BIG party on Friday! Any ideas?

Thanks to Marisol November 1, 2010

For my Hubs 40th, I am throwing him a karoake bash. It will be a surprise party and he has no clue. We haev friends who run a karoake business in the local pubs so I am fortunate enough to have them, but you rent a system. We have a huge veranda the lenght of our house and I will convert into a pub with colored lights and the karaoke. I am renting tables and chairs to put out and having bowls of pretzels and nuts on the tables. I am also doing a light buffet. I am having a drink table with bottles of spirits and coke and sprite and then putting coolers of beer and Bundy on floor at the end of the drink table.
Just for the 2 of us, on a differnt night, I have booked a cruise on the Sydney Harbour.

Thanks to Peaches November 11, 2010

How about keeping it simple.Celebrating anything is about being with people you love or whose company you enjoy. Dont try to make it too contrived just have a few family and friends for drinks at home. You could have a bring and eat/drink where each guest brings some food or drink to share. Throw in some good music and if you wanted a little something different, how about hiring a hog roast.

Thanks to Karen M November 21, 2010

Barbie and Ken party where everyone dresses up as Barbie, Ken. ie, bride barbie, ballet barbie, action ken, prom ken, just google any characters they have played. you can also use it for a surprise wedding where your friends dont know you are getting married. food for thought mmm

Thanks to Charlie Girl December 9, 2010

I decided for my 40th this year (NYE), I would celebrate the fact that my dreams pretty much have come true. So weve asked people to come as their own dream come true.

Thanks to Melissa December 19, 2010

Its going to be my dads 40th b-day soon and we want to make a surprise party. The good thing is that he is away and wont be back until his b-day the bad thing is that he is coming home at midnight. So we will have it the next day. We r thinking of inviting at least 45 people. We need help with the food ideas and what to do. We dont want to spend more than $200 and we want to have little kid stuff like a lot of balloons, cake, presents, happy birthday song and things like that. Soooooooooooo plz help me.

Peace out

Thanks to hi January 6, 2011

Well its my exs bday Feb/2011 so mom, friend and I r putting together a surprise party,( He really doesnt like attenion, tee yee) My 40th is Oct 2011, so BUNGEEEE JUMPING! for me with the family in black( incase I die, lol) and then dinner with all .

Thanks to pb January 10, 2011

We are going to the Roller Derby with all of our friends and family for my husbands 40th. Its $10 and great for all ages, plus, only 3 peeps in the group have ever been. They will announce his birthday on the Jumbotron. When I emailed, one of the players is also turning 40. Im hoping she drags him out onto the floor!!!!.

Thanks to Dawn January 11, 2011

BEFORE you start your 40th celebrations, spend some quality time reflecting on all the great things that you have done so far in your life.

The people that you have met, the people that you have helped.

The changes you made that had the greatest benefit in your life.

The cornerstones that you have put in place which you can now build upon.

Now make a list of the most important people in your life, refine the list and throw a great party.


Thanks to Big Sand January 26, 2011

When I turned 40 I decided to embrace the year and complied a list of 40 things to do at 40 on the list was all the things Id thought about doing for years, but always found some excuse not to do: for example learning to play the piano, sky diving, tap dancing, hot air ballooning, running a marathon, finally reading books that I always wanted to etc etc.

It has made my 40th year such a great adventure and I feel more alive now than I did when I was 20! As a great present you can start your friends/family with their own list and help them achieve some of the experiences theyve always wanted to.

Thanks to Rosey January 30, 2011

Thanks for all of the great ideas Now I just have to choose one Turning 40 in Los Angeles in June and cannot decide what I want to do for me Casino Night, James Bond party, Murder Mystery Train, or just an Old School party at the house???? Any other L.A. suggestions are welcome

Thanks to Bill January 30, 2011

For my wifes 40th bday, i took her to a super expensive restaurant. It was very romantic. Candle light dinner, dimmed lights, everything. Then around 10, we went to a night club. I surprised her by inviting some of her friends. She loved it

Thanks to annymous February 1, 2011

My husband and I turned 40 a few years ago. On our 39th birthdays, we compiled a list of things to do before we turned 40. We spent the year having many adventures and scrapbooked about all of them.

For our joint 40th birthday party, we rented a big house and had stations set up all over the house with adventures for our guests to try. The invitations included a passport to adventure.

Stations included: inflatable Twister, handwriting analysis, palm reading, building and racing lego cars, walking blindfolded through a maze with mousetraps with partner directing you, a human puzzle where you were tied to your partner and had to untie yourselves, working on a volunteer project (either decorating bags for nursing home patients or writing cards to sick children), drinking a lime pepper drink, eating chocolate bark with red pepper, and getting a henna tattoo.

My husbands biggest adventure during the year had been shaving his head, so we offered to shave the guests heads too. Two of them took us up on it.

Thanks to Anne February 4, 2011

my birthday is on 19 march i am 10 years old and i want to celeberate my birthday in school and i want to keep a suprise to my all friends and my family what can i do to suprise to all my frieds and my full family.

Thanks to ayesha March 10, 2011

My Wife is turning 40 next month and Im very good at putting these kind of events together so for her 40th Im throwing a surprise birthday party. The suprise is, no one but me will be there! She will be floored!

Thanks to Gareth March 17, 2011

For my 30th and my boyfriends 40th birthday we rented a hall whith a romeo and Juliet theme party. Everyone had to either dress up like romeo and Juliet or decorate there head with something. The hall was made up like romeo and juliet. we played, romeos chair and pick a box.

Thanks to adele Jacobs May 8, 2011

Im doing a talent show for my husbands 40th. Ive asked guests to share a talent on stage who knew our friends were comedians, singers and fire-eaters before we all had kids?

Thanks to Anonymous May 23, 2011


Thanks to Photoshoot party! May 24, 2011

Go out to a resturante or bar bring your girls it would be a blast and a fun night to remember!

Thanks to Leah May 24, 2011

Julie just so you know in some countries it is spelt organise..as it is indeed in mine. But I digress

Am turning 40 next year and it is a long weekend. Have been joking about getting a sitter for the kids and sleeping for 3 days to try and cath up on all the sleep lost over the past 4 years, but am also toying with the idea of a things to try before you die type party. Obviously nothing overly extreme as you want as many people as possible to particpate, but it might include things like, get your tarot read (have a tarot reader on hand.. there are party readers that are not that expensive) you might also have a karaoke set up for people to sing and record themselves, perhaps an area set up where you can try some weird and wonderful ingredient never tried beforermember this relates to the birthday person mostly so some may have already tried it) Of course friends can also offer things they might want to try which could be used. IDea is to keep it small (no skydiving etc as that gets expensive very quickly) and perhaps finish off watching a movie the birthday person has always wanted to see but never has for whatever reason (to scary, was to young at the time of release etc etc)

Thanks to kylie May 28, 2011

Launching Chinese Lanterns has always been a great party moment! 40 would be perfect for a 40th birthday, maybe all in different colours!! :)

Thanks to Chinese Lanterns May 31, 2011

Light Candle Bags for a better atmosphere! Theyre cheap and cost effective!

Thanks to Candle Bags May 31, 2011

I see that some people ahve suggested a murder mystery party why not do one that is themed for the 1970s! Thats the decade of our birth after all yes I am approaching the big 40 too. (sigh) Might as well make a feature of it!

Thanks to Katie July 5, 2011

I am taking my wife to a jungle expedition in Timbucktwo and then Im gonna take her for deep sea diving off the coast of Capri. I dont care about money, her happiness is the most important thing in the world to me. And I have a new outfit for her waiting in every hotel room. I dont care about money, cause I have lots

Thanks to stu July 28, 2011

We made a hay castle and had a huge party with a medival theme. It was a huge success.

Thanks to :) September 2, 2011

A costume party is great fun, ask everyone to dress up as something beginning with the first initial of your name, or ask everyone to dress up as what they wanted to be when they were five, expect ballerinas, astronauts and race car drivers !

Thanks to Brenda September 18, 2011

Comic-con party for the geeks. Have Batman, the joker, Darth Vader, etc show up.

Thanks to Wayne Woodall September 21, 2011

We are thinking of laser tag in the afternoon with a comedy show at night , dancing after

Thanks to Ali December 5, 2011

1940s for turning 40

Thanks to G T January 18, 2012

Get all your guests to dress up in 1940s style clothes.

Thanks to G T January 18, 2012

my husband is turning 40 at the end of the month. he is a captain in the police force. im throwing a surprise bday party for him on the same night he will be on duty.im going to make a prank call to him, on a hoax housebreaking in progress. the theme will be the boys in blue.works all in my favour because he will have his uniform on. there will be a couple of his friends to escourt him in with r5 rifles and a salute. color scheme is blue and white.and a bright idea on the centre pieces, a toy cop car and gun.this should be great, hope he likes it.

Thanks to dee January 21, 2012

I just turned 40 in August and for my 40th I wanted to do something different. I havent had a birthday party since I was 13. I usually dont celebrate my birthday at all so this year I decided I was going to do it up. I planned a Yacth Party but not only was it gonna be on a boat but there was a theme. All the ladies had to wear Freakum Dresses in honor of Beyonces song titled Freakum Dress meaaning a dress that you feel absolutely, positively sexy in when you put it on. All the women came dressed in thier dresses looking totally fab!

Thanks to AG February 7, 2012

Try getting a party script from these people. I went to a party that used their script & it was the most surreal & funny party ever! Definitely hope to use them for my 40th.

Thanks to Mellanie March 27, 2012

For my sisters party, we celebrated a reunion in our house, very familiar. We made a video of photos and we entrusted a personalized song for her to cancionespararegalar.com a site I really recommend. We spent a nice day.

Thanks to Carla Montes July 6, 2012

Look for ides for 40 party

Thanks to maxikaan July 20, 2012

Any ideas for my look-alike friends 40 birthday in this year of James Bond being my 50-ieth anniversary also, but not just a party

Thanks to James Bond September 24, 2012

Last year my husband turned 40, we hired Skaterz in Eltham,VIC. He had never had a party that big as a kid, and is quite shy. By the time the skating was over he was used to being centre of attention and the alchol was opened. Local pizzeria delivered and kids played games and danced on the rink. Oh and I made him a PACMAN cake.
Its my 40th this year and 4 days after I will graduate after studying partime for 5.5yrs. Not sure what I want to do. I love getting dressed up (formal wear), but think a wii dance party where everyone has to do a dance and come dressed like a character from wii dance party could be happening. I now have some other ideas thanks to this website.
Thank you everyone.

Thanks to Deb January 10, 2013

So I came here looking for ideas for my 40th while reading some posted got my wheels turning here a few I came up with..

Invite 40 ( or more) and on the invite give each person a year that person has to bring an item from that year. Can be any item either from that year or representing that year. Any thing from a baseball card to a record or news clipping to an item of clothing or a small model of a car you get the idea.This way you have a collection you can continue adding to each year.

How about a BDSM lite party girls can dress in sexy outfits or lingerie and heels ..guys in black suits or leather. Every one. Brings some type of paddle (ping pong. Spoon.. leather belt..homade wooden paddle.. flogger) the birthday boy or girl gets tied to a chair or stool with their bottom in the air and each guest gets to take a few turns spanking the guest of honor.

Its scary turning 40 party everyone but the guest of honor dresses like a zombie and go out clubbing or bar hopping and the zombies chase the birthday person all night..at the end of the night in a parking lot when everyone truly feels like a zombie create a couple scene and take pictures..like have the birthday person ten feet in front of the psck looking like their running for their life.. or birthday person in a car with the zombies trying to get in..having 30 plus zombies would make for some cool pics..

Just a few ideas

Thanks to chris March 17, 2013

I am organising my 40th birthday party. One idea that seems to work and to get friends excited about the party is a flashmob. You can chose your favorite song, make up a funny choreagraphy and get a group of friends to learn it before the party. doesnt need to be perfect. I chose Oh Day! by Belafonte and the choreagraphy of the movie Beetlejuice, when people at a dinner dance possesed by the gohsts of the house. Will let you know how it goes!

Thanks to Connie March 25, 2013

I recently turned the big 40. We had such a great day. We got all the wives and my friends over and hired an inflatable bungee run. We had such a good laugh and after a few drinks the competition really heated up between us. I would recommend it it anyone. These inflatable toys arent just for the kids lol

Thanks to Jonny July 21, 2013

I had a surprise party for my husband and had everyone dress in tropical attire. I gave him a message in a bottle -5 day cruise just the 2 of us to Grand Cayman. It was great, he said he was a little worried I saved and made payments on a cruise without him knowing :) I was very sneaky.

Thanks to Tami August 5, 2013

We booked my husbands 40th Birthday party at a Country House in Hertfordshire via The Country Castle Company website and I must say they are ever so helpful with helping get ideas and options together for you.

All I knew was that we wanted a big house for a party for all our family and friends and the flexibility to do our own catering (to help keep costs down)

They found us a super house with ample bedrooms and a stunning ballroom where we had the big party night on the Saturday. We did a fire and ice theme,with table settings, hot and cold buffet and a fire blower act in the grounds, DJ to round the night off.

It was a real success and we still had all day Sunday to recover and go for walks around the countryside


Thanks to Adele Wordsmith November 25, 2013

My 40th was awesome! We rented a room at the horse race track. There were 12 horse races throughout the day. The guests could bet the horses, while enjoying food and drinks. We had a beautiful buffet set up and to top it off, my name was included in one of the races! We had a great time. Low stress party.

Thanks to Jordan December 4, 2013

What about foam party? A super fun party idea during summer season.

Thanks to Calvin May 12, 2014

For my husbands 40th we had a heavy metal party. I asked all guests to wear their favorite rock band t-shirt and we had a headbangers ball in our back yard.

Thanks to Lisa S. September 4, 2014

[...] 40th birthday party ideas | Ideas Helper Ideas submitted by our readers on: 40th birthday party ideas. An adult pyjama party? Thanks to Anonymous August 10, 2007. Im looking into a wine country tour [...]

Thanks to Beautiful Party Gifts | dibeauty.com October 13, 2014

[...] 40th birthday party ideas | Ideas Helper Ideas submitted by our readers on: 40th birthday party ideas. An adult pyjama party? Thanks to Anonymous August 10, 2007. Im looking into a wine country tour [...]

Thanks to Beautiful Good Birthday Gifts For Girlfriend | Beauty Eats October 22, 2014

Valuable information. Fortunate me I discovered your web site by chance, and I am surprised why this coincidence didnt happened in advance! I bookmarked it. eggbgdaekeebdkge

Thanks to Smithf25 October 25, 2014

Thak yor for so many wonderful ideas on here, Im 40 on the 4th December, I did not want a big party. And unlike some on here I dont have alot of money to spend.
Im just having girls over and have decided to give each person a year and they need to bring something from that year.
Also they are going to be given a celeb name and will have to work out who they are.

Thanks to Kiri K November 13, 2014

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