Tattoo Designs & Symbols - knife, koi, kokopelli, kanji

Tattoo Symbols and Designs - K


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Tattoo Designs & Symbols provides tattoo meanings, overviews and explanations of some of the most popular tattoo designs in the world today. The tattoo symbols & designs on this page all start with the letter K. Some of the most popular tattoo designs and symbols on this page include Koi Fish Symbols, Kanji Tattoos, Key - Lock - Padlock Tattoos, Killer Whales, Knife & Dagger Tattoos and Krishna Hindu Tattoos.

You'll find lots of great tattoo ideas for men and tattoos for girls and women here. Take your time deciding which tattoo is right for you - have a really good look around, get informed and most of all get inspired!


Kali symbols and designsKali Designs & Symbols - In India, many myths and legends have evolved over the centuries to explain the forces of nature and the workings of the universe and their impact on human existence. Kali, a terrifying and gruesome-looking Mother Goddess, came to symbolize death, destruction and dissolution. In the Hindu pantheon of deities, she is also the 'Terrible Mother', the one whose power threatens to upset the balance of the universe. No surprise that Kali became associated with danger and the collapse of order, and that she also came to be associated with criminals and other elements that threatened social stability... more

Kanji symbols and designsKanji Tattoo Designs & Symbols - How popular are kanji tattoos? They account for nearly 20% of all Internet tattoo design searches. The idea of expressing a soulful feeling with such an exotic symbol is highly attractive. And the pitfalls are legend. For starters, kanji is not a traditional Japanese tattoo. Its virtually unknown in Japan. But its a tattoo style that has become popular among Westerners who believe that kanji identifies them with an Eastern philosophy based on geishas and cherry blossoms. Not! As a foreign writing system, kanji is a minefield lying in wait for the unsuspecting Westerner.... more

Key and lock symbols and designsKey, Lock and Padlock Tattoo Designs - Keys, and the locks or padlocks they fit, are fascinating symbols, and have often been featured in many different genres of tattoo designs. Since the earliest times, great steps have been taken to secure personal property, be it material, familial, or spiritual. To protect a treasure chest filled with gold or a heart just as pure, humans have found ways to keep looters at bay. Locks and keys speak of the value of what is locked away, and imply 'restricted access'. 'Key to my heart' is a metaphor for exclusive love, a meaningful symbol full of magical and mystical meaning. The lock which can only be opened by one special key has long been a symbol of marital fidelity... more

Killer whale tattoo symbol meaningsKiller Whale / Orca Tattoo Designs - Once a feared and maligned creature of the sea, the killer whale - or Orca - is now loved by millions of people around the world, and is one of the favoured subjects for artists of the Pacific Northwest. The largest member of the dolphin family, the killer whale is synonymous with the waters of the Northwest coast of North America. The Tlingit, Nootka, and Haida tribes in particular honour the orca as one of their ancestral spirits, and see it as a symbol of strength and speed... more

Knife and dagger tattoo symbol meaningsKnife / Dagger Tattoo Designs - Knife and Dagger Tattoo designs and symbols are a reoccurring theme and image (that means they pop up a lot!) in many different tattoo genres and eras, and are often tattooed by themselves as a singular object or as an integral part of a gruesome tale!

The ancient Aztecs used special ceremonial daggers to cut the still beating hearts out of their human sacrifices as they paid homage to their Gods. Such a dagger represented the fearsome and capricious power of the Gods... more

Koi tattoo symbol meaningsKoi Tattoo Designs - Koi, or Carp, are a fixture of Japanese tattooing and play important roles in both Chinese and Japanese myths, legends, fables and stories. In many of those stories, Koi are transformed through their efforts and perseverance, able to climb waterfalls or become dragons. The Koi fish as a symbol represents perseverance in the face of adversity and strength of character or purpose. The Carp can also represents wisdom, knowledge, longevity, and loyalty.

In tattoo imagery, especially in combination with flowing water, the koi symbolizes courage, achievement, and overcoming life's obstacles... more

Kokopelli tattoo symbol meaningsKokopelli Tattoos - or Kokopilau: The Flute Player of the Hopi Indians

Kokopelli is a figure commonly found in petroglyphs and pottery throughout the southwest. Since the first petroglyhs were carved around 3,000 years ago, he predates even Oraibi, the oldest continuous settlement in North America.  He is regarded as a symbol of fertility for all life, be it crops, hopes, dreams, or love. In addition, Kokopelli is also a trickster, a healer and a story teller. There are many myths of the famous Kokopelli. One of which is that he traveled from village to village bringing the changing of... more

Krishna tattoo symbol meaningsKrishna Tattoo Designs - Krishna is one of the most universally beloved deities in Hinduism, not least because his teachings clarify confusion created by various interpretations of Hindu scriptures. As the last avatar (manifestation) of Lord Vishnu, Krishna's word is accepted as final. Some sects hold him up as the Supreme Being. Appearing in Indian sacred texts dating back more than 5,000 years, Krishna shows up in many different aspects and guises, all of them good, beautiful, or wise. In Sanskrit, 'Krishna' means "dark blue" and "all attractive one"... more


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