50th Birthday Party Ideas Ideas Helper

Ideas submitted by our readers on: 50th Birthday Party Ideas

For the man with a stout heart, take an aerobatic flight.

Thanks to Anonymous August 24, 2007

A look back on your life a slide show of the person celebrating their 50th and go thorough all the good and bad times in their lives.
OR hire a jukebox and they can listen to all their favourite tunes in the era they were born in, get way to have fun with mates and have some fun it is your special day after all.

Thanks to Anonymous October 11, 2007

you could have you and your partners family over for a meal at your house , get caterers to do the cooking so that you can be with your guests

Thanks to Anonymous December 27, 2007

You could send a singing telegram to a party.
No one ever forgets receiving a singing telegram, especially one featuring a song or character that has special meaning .

Thanks to auraclemusic February 17, 2008

islander theme

Thanks to Anonymous February 26, 2008


Thanks to Anonymous February 29, 2008

a 1958 cd with rock and roll music or either classic and peaceful

Thanks to Anonymous March 10, 2008

make love all night

Thanks to Anonymous March 27, 2008

Get a group of friends together & go camping. Have a big bonfire, plenty of wine etc, marshmallows to toast, stories, go on a night walk, BBQ.

Thanks to Anonymous April 17, 2008

get the invited guests to write a note of a special event they remember of the birthday person and compile them before the party then have someone read them and get the birthday person to try and guess who wrote it. put them into a memory book and present it as a gift


Thanks to Anonymous April 19, 2008

everyone goes dressed as the host

Thanks to Anonymous May 5, 2008

a small dinner party for 20 followed by a marquee in the garden for the rest of your friends the next day

Thanks to Anonymous May 20, 2008

a beer bus Black Country Tours west midlands

Thanks to Anonymous June 3, 2008

a childrens tea party theme for your 50th cake jelly, balloons pass the parcel, musical chairs!

Thanks to Anonymous June 7, 2008

A Famous five theme with the five go on a holiday book as the atmospheric set up.

Thanks to Jo June 8, 2008

play snooker

Thanks to colin July 5, 2008

strum your guitar

Thanks to matt July 5, 2008

for a relaxing fun night everyone wears pyjamas. and there cheap

Thanks to anonymous August 4, 2008

get a limo pick up in the morning and then drive to the perfect spa

Thanks to jessica August 30, 2008

Everyone arriving at the surprise party bring a picture of the birthday person that they dont mind that person to keep. Just for a for a keep sake.

Thanks to samantha September 17, 2008

think of a time she nade you laugh and tell her in person at the party

Thanks to molly November 16, 2008

have a spanish themed party and do that as a theme

Thanks to bert mitchell November 16, 2008

Book a capsule on the london eye and have a champane party followed by dinner.

Thanks to Bobby November 30, 2008

Theme Attraction Spookers (Auckland) great laugh with family and friends

Thanks to Ikitoria-Reimon December 3, 2008

Have a 50years in the life of .. (Birthday Person) printed by sourcing pics from the invited guests; speaches, copies of interviews; special moments like births; weddings; 1st steps etc. Have the book printed and bound for the birthday person on his birthday.

Thanks to Robyn January 17, 2009

If you have people of all ages
Simple mask party include the people young & old with little cost

Thanks to Pet January 26, 2009

Combine your 50th with your first primary school class reunion. Project a scanned 1964 class photo on the wall and get everyone to group in the same order for a 2009 photo. Everyone come to the party in school uniform!

Thanks to Margaret February 19, 2009

get all guests to send a picture of themselves approx 40yrs ago and then make up a pin board with the photos.All guests try to match the childhood ohotos with the party guests on the night.

Thanks to sharon March 10, 2009

Put sand on your lawn HAVE A BEACH PARTY !!

Thanks to Jane March 15, 2009

ask groups of guests to make up a verse to Happy Birthday to you and then go round the room singing them.

Thanks to JIll April 18, 2009

Have a Karaoke Party.or have guys dress as girls and girls dress as guys! Ive done both and they were GREAT!

Thanks to Courtney May 17, 2009

have a party in the street for a laugh

Thanks to kirsty connor July 8, 2009

have a barby at the sandy beach and then let off some fireworks

Thanks to kirsty connor July 8, 2009

Ideal for any 50th Birthday, how about having the birthday guy or girl appering on the cover of a magazine. Of course, it fake, but so much fun. Take a look here for some ideas: My Cover Pics

These are designed and personalised for you and are affordable, with fast delivery.

Thanks to dave July 24, 2009

have a dogde ball party great fun

Thanks to tony August 6, 2009

Launch 50 lanterns and make it a day for all to remember.

They can also be personalized.

Thanks to Sky Lanterns August 12, 2009

Hawaii Five O Theme Party, Book it Dano !

Thanks to Andrew August 16, 2009

I am 50 in November 2009. I,m organizing a pipe and slippers party.

Thanks to Rob September 5, 2009

have a Hawaiin theme BBQ with beer,burgers and cake

Girls night in, or out, go for dinner and maybe bowling or a sleepover with your friends

Thanks to fatty BOOM October 14, 2009

or you could just beat it

Thanks to alissa November 10, 2009

invite family and friends over, shoot off fire works, BYOB of course, and party like its 1999.

Thanks to alissa November 10, 2009

Hire a large room and throw aStrictly Come Dancing party, with tunes from the 1950s.
There will be quite a number of guests that can waltz and quick-step etc. and the other guests will have fun trying to copy them.

Thanks to June November 29, 2009

I had a lovely dinner dance party for about eighty people I hired the local community centre,hired caterers and hired someone to play cds with tunes from the 1950s and 60s. I asked the guests to dress to impress (Tux & Tiaras)and what a night that was! Years later my friends still say it was one of the best parties they have been to. Not only did they enjoy the ballroom dancing but the sing a long was great fun too.

Thanks to Mary November 29, 2009

Scottish/Country Dancing with a caller telling you what to do. Suits all ages. Fantastic fun.

Thanks to Jean January 18, 2010

50th birthday party ideas for the Richest people.

These ideas are for the super rich, not for your average celebrity with a few dollars.

1. Contact the Burj Khalifa, which is the worlds tallest building and hire the top floors. Arrange for the Red Arrows to do a flyby, followed by 50 hot air balloons floating pass the building with your name on each balloon. Your DJ jumps out of the last balloon and carefully parachutes onto the building, enters and starts the party.

2. Hire 3 or more luxury yachts, depending on the number of guests and make an enclosure in the middle of a deep bay. A triangle or circle shape would be best. For your grand entrance, you surface from the middle of the enclosure in a military submarine. A helicopter then airlifts you onto the main yacht. The submarine dives, followed by a 3 aircraft flyby and the party begins.

If you successfully adopt any of the above ideas, or variation on the same theme, you are welcome to send a gratuity to Big Sand with some photos from the event.

Thanks to Big Sand - steel band hire January 18, 2010

Stay in

Thanks to Phil January 22, 2010

50th Birthday ideas for the Celebrity.

Hire a script writer and production team to create a documentary or drama based on your life.

It must only last for 50 minutes, so youll have to focus on the key aspects. For the party, you will arrange to show the film to your guests immediately after the champagne reception. Try to cast some of your guests in the film so that they are also keen to see the final cut and have some fun watching it.

If it went down well, you may be offered a proper deal by one of your celebrity guest. So make sure that you invite the right people.

After the film and the applause, you immediately go up a gear and let the real party begin. No speech, it drains too much energy from the party. Incorporate it into the film.

For your champagne reception, you could hire a 5 piece steel band to perform some lively music to show your guests that you can still shake it. They will then be happy to relax and watch a film after that introduction.

For the rest of the party, focus on providing great food, drink and entertainment. If this works, you are welcome to send a gratuity to Big Sand and a copy of the film.

Thanks to Big Sand - Steel band hire January 28, 2010

Heard of a good 50th party from a friend. Everyone went in the fancy dress of their choice but it had to start with B (the birthday girls initial). There were Barbies, babies, butterflies, batman and Bertie Bassett even put in an appearance!

Thanks to Liza February 5, 2010

For my husbands 50th we had a mexican theme, we all got dressed up in mexican costume the men all had a false tash on , we hired a rodeo bull, we had mexican music , 8 of us learnt the mexican hat dance ,and perfomed it on the night ,pin the tale on the donkey , not a real one of course,lots of mexican food ,chilli nachos,fajitas and nibbles , we made vodka and lime jelly shots,plenty of tequila and sol, played Whats the gist?
1. Grab the camera, a cheap one set the self-timer and the game begins.
2. Each player must hold the camera at arms length and point it at themselves for a second or two before passing it on to their left.
3. Keep going, until the camera goes off with a flash of light, a startled face and much laughter.
4. If the flash goes off, that person must do a quick forfeit (you decide!) before the game continues. Of course, random forfeits can also be awarded for not holding the camera long enough

Who wins? Anyone lucky enough to avoid the flash.
we had a fantastic time and a good laugh.

Thanks to sue February 21, 2010

How about a tramps party cheap and easy to do catering was hotpot table covers were news papers.

Thanks to Oliver February 28, 2010

I came back from China recently, loved the Chinese Lanterns over there.

Thanks to www.chineselanterns-uk.co.uk March 4, 2010

Its my 50th but a number of my friends (who are in 20s, & 30s) dont know Im 50. Those that do know my age are saying I must do something and Im feeling pressurized. Id like to do something (and pretend Im 45) but my friends are so diverse in age and background, I dont know what do do. I actually am depressed at the thought of being 50. Im single, fat (which makes me really feel old), unemployed whats there to celebrate really?

Thanks to Veronica March 13, 2010

Cheer up Veronica! Just because youre coming up 50 you dont have to look it or act it if you dont want to. Have a Plastic Surgery Party where everyone has to try and look 10 years younger.

Thanks to Alicia March 29, 2010

I am having a rock and roll party for my 5Oth really looking forward to it, fancy dress easy for everyone especially as legins are back in fashion

Thanks to monica March 31, 2010

Stay in and forget about the fact

Thanks to Kevan April 10, 2010

Party Party Party Its great being 50.

Thanks to Rosa April 15, 2010

For my husbands 50th I hired a caricature drawer who drew an individual picture of all guests on the night It was a wonderful keepsake for my husband.

Thanks to Debbie April 17, 2010

Make it a night to remember.Have a garden party in the summer with lots of fairy lights and candles in jars hanging around the garden. Music from all 5 decades, plenty of food and drink and invite everyone that is special to you. Lovely.

Thanks to Jan April 22, 2010

For the more socialite ! I will turned 50 next year. I am a classical trained musician and will give a recital for about 80 guests followed by a buffet reception afterwards.

Thanks to Ronald May 4, 2010

I am having my 50th birthday in August, I am having a Uniform theme, which means you can go to as little or as much trouble as you like to dress up.
I am having guests bring a memory of me written down on paper and will make a book of memories.
There will be heaps of food, drink and music and around 100 guests I cant wait!!!!

Thanks to Michelle May 28, 2010

i am having a 50th in july, i have yet to firm up the theme but like the idea of childrens tea party, as i am having ice cream van come and dish out ice creams cant wait.

Thanks to caroll June 14, 2010

I have read all of your submitted ideas and love all of them. thank you for helping me compose a combination of a bit of it all.!!

Thanks to Anonymous June 14, 2010

Have a scottish caleigh

Thanks to Sophie June 18, 2010

Bollywood party with guests dressed in glam clothes, with food n decor from Indian movies

Thanks to Fanny July 17, 2010

i need more ideas. I can not fine my dress

Thanks to leonor July 20, 2010

hire a bus for you and all your freinds. for a trip to the seaside for the day.

Thanks to champion August 1, 2010

For my 50th I had a runway fashion show party. I love clothes so everyone got all dolled up and I had a red carpet and decorated my house in fancy shoes, dresses and spotlights. All rentals. Great music and a prize for the best dressed woman and man. It was a blast and everyone loved it.

Thanks to Anonymous August 5, 2010

I am having a surprise 50th for my hubby in Sept. He thinks his present is a week in the South of France I gave him but doesnt know that his family, friends and most of his travel pals from years ago will be at a surprise dinner the evening we return. He is still traveling in his head so is more 25 than 50 so I decided to go for the 3 Ds Dinner, Drinking and very, very strange Dancing (they are 50 you know). Everyone is bringing something that reminds them most of him and well have it in a 50 years in the life of chest. Hope he doesnt log on here or Ive just ruined it :-)

Thanks to Hazel- Dublin August 19, 2010

Ive loved Music all my life so Im having a Music themed party. A friend is the DJ. The Cake will be an Electric Guitar {which Ive been trying to learn all my life}. Everyone has to wear something musical. And were having a Guitar Pinata! Im not real happy about turning 50 but figure I cant get out of it so I may as well enjoy it. Ive thrown 32 parties for my 3 kids its my turn now!!!

Thanks to Karen September 23, 2010

My husband is turning 50 and Im throwing a surprise party at a Bingo Hall. Our friends are dressing up in old person clothes with walkers and canes. I also considered renting a party room at a retirement center, but I was afraid we would be too rowdy!

Thanks to Tracy October 8, 2010

i am 50 in January and im throwing a Oscars night party red carpet and all the trimmings cant wait

Thanks to melanie October 12, 2010

an.. irish fiftieth fake wake where everyone is dressed up,.. go to the pub and talk about you all night the good only and then drink, sing and dance in your honour (and with you of course)invite local musicians and talent

Thanks to lorraine didek October 15, 2010

Items suitable 50th Birthday Table decoration:

- 50th design place card holder
- 50th design tea light candle holder
- 50th design place card frame

Favours for guest at 50th birthday party:

- 50th design bookmarks
- 50th design key rings
- 50th design crystal ornament
- 50th design wine bottle stopper
- cupcake design candle
- gift box design candle

Thanks to MM Giftware October 18, 2010

I am organising a Sailors & Salesmen theme for my husbands 50th he was in the navy for 23 yrs and now has his own business. People are coming dressed to the theme what they dont know is that we will be having a Dragons Den and instruction on parade marching switching the roles around which should be a real laugh. Lots of good food, plenty of drink and the obligatory memory album and themed cake cant wait!

Thanks to Lynda October 20, 2010

I am having a 50th in April and really want to go all out.I am going to be doing senior olympics. And have games using walking sticks walking rings Please if anyone else can help me with more ideas Thanx

Thanks to Belinda October 24, 2010

hire a box at the races, not cheap, but youre only 50 once

Thanks to charlottefrancesca October 25, 2010

Heres my take on a 50th Surprise Birthday Party: Invite the party boy or girl to your house. Using garden stakes, create a timeline along the path to your front door noting 10 (1 for every 5 years) special moments in his or her life. The timeline will give the person a sense that something is up, but wont give them enough time to bolt. When you answer the knock at the door, be sure to hold up the last garden stake with the date and So and sos Surprise Birthday Party! written on it. Its fun to keep the garden stakes, and even use them in the garden.

Thanks to BirthdayPartyBabble.com December 27, 2010

[...] It could be used for presentations on someones 50th birthdays i.e. a slideshow of pictures, or even for invitations, cards, decorations i.e. a banner or table settings and present/ gift tags. For party ideas please visit; http://www.ideashelper.com/50th-birthday-party-ideas-57.htm [...]

Thanks to 50th Birthday Template March 14, 2011

We are holding my Husband a Horrible Histories 50th Party in July.( As in the CBBC series!) Guests can choose to come as any character in History, we have created lots of Horrible facts to put up as decorations,eg,did you know that the Ancient Egyptian dentists used to believe that half a hot, freshly killed mouse in your mouth will prevent bad breath! We are also planning some fearsome food eg jellied eyeballs(jelly with sweetie eyeballs in!) Also some gruesome grog(whatever hideous looking punch i can create!) Its going to be great fun with all our friends celebrating how brilliant my hubby is!

Thanks to Stefi June 2, 2011

I had a hollywood party..come as a movie star or a character from a movieget someone to take photos..had a cardboard standup of Halle Berry to take pics next to. make film strip cut from black card board as runners for tables..Get old movie posters from a video shop to decorate the walls..If you want to go all out hire a red carpet, a spotlight and some fire twirlers for when your guests arrive..then party! Dj is always fun!

Thanks to Tracca July 28, 2011

ime 50 in 2013 i cant believe ime that old !!!! ime in the process of organising a party to remember,ime thinking fancy dress karaoke loads of food and drink but not sure on a theme yet.

Thanks to julie March 13, 2012

The first idea reminded me to my aunts party. We had a 60s party, with The Beatles, Rolling Stone, pace and loveI ordered to a page (cancionespararegalar.com) a song with the letter written by me and my sister and the guys addded the music (all rock and roll)

Thanks to MarĂ­a Cayena June 15, 2012

Best idea for my wifes 40th, (can be used for 50th as well), have all guests dress up as an elderly person,so the guest of honor looks & feels the youngest. People loved it and went all out with their costumes,.including smeared lipstick, misplaced eyebrows, misstucked shirts/skirts & crossword puzzles, crazy too short ties, mismatched clothes, spray grey hair, oldstyle glasses,..with my padded 3 piece suit, my wife didn t even recognize me

Thanks to Dennis Plizga December 31, 2012

Im 50 in july and as going to have a sixtys theme dress in the sixties cloths ,would the younger family and friends enjoy this x

Thanks to Rita January 15, 2013

who says we cannot put a twist? Id like to have a pajama party on my 50th Birthday! Its only a norm that this is suitable for teens or kids. BUT, I like a unique one :-)

Thanks to Birthday Blueprints April 14, 2013

Try something new go to track together:)

Thanks to Diana May 10, 2014

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