Summer Activites for Teens & Pre-Teens
2013 - 2014 Recommendations
Summer Ideas for Tween
March 2014I am looking for summer ideas for my bit quirky tween boy. He is 12 and will be 13 in August. He is quite mature and responsible for his age, but does not have any friends that he likes to hang out with. He seems to not mind having any close friends, which baffles me. Adults love him and describe him as polite and super helpful. He WILL NOT entertain any sleep away camp, or really camp in general, unless he can be a CIT. Ideally, for me, I'd like to see him enrolled in some sort of 1/2 day school that focused on Spanish and math and the sciences, and perhaps music. He'll enter 8th grade in the fall. Ideally, he could do some sort of CIT job in the afternoon. Berkeley/Oakland area. Does such a thing exist?Thanks in advance.
Most CIT positions are reserved for older teens who have some experience being either day or residential campers. Usually the kids who have attended those programs for a few years are the ones selected for CIT roles because they are familiar with the camp program, routines and expectations. I think it might be hard for your tween to walk right into that kind of role due to his age and lack of experience at the camp.
If your son is interested in music, perhaps he would be open to an amazing and different kind of music camp called ''Jam Camp West'' run by an Oakland non-profit called ''Living Jazz.'' Check it out here: and here:
It has been a transformative experience for my daughter and her friends, many of whom she met at the camp and has maintained contact with for years. Plenty of the kids are interesting and quirky, and all they need is an interest (no training required) in music, singing or dance - the rest is magic!Jam Camp West fan
Summer camp for tween
Feb 2014I'm wondering what kind of summer camps everyone recommends for an 11-year-old boy. I'd like him to go for most of the day, and it feels like he's outgrowing a lot of the typical day camps. I'm wondering if the CIT programs really are worthwhile? It's hard to find something that's affordable to do over multiple weeks. For example, we did some Galileo last summer, but this gets really expensive.Mom of Tween
The Albany YMCA has a great summer camp for tweens/young teens (6th-9th graders). I think it's called Awesome Adventures. Every day they go on an amazing field trip or have an exciting activity planned. Sign up week to week depending on what your kid is interested in doing. My son went from age 11 to 13 and there were always plenty of kids his age. Last summer he went river rafting, indoor skydiving, to every local amusement park, to baseball games, water parks, SF, Santa Cruz and a bunch more places I can't even remember. It's well run, the counselors are solid but it is a camp for older kids so they do give them a lot more freedom and less direction than programs for the younger crowd. The counselors mainly are there to supervise while the kids hang out. This was a major selling point for my son and one of reasons he loved it so much. Also it's affordable at about $240 a week(activities included) and runs from 7am-6pm, no extra chargeslove the Y camp
Low-Cost Summer Options for Entering High Schooler
April 2013My stepson is 14 years old and a graduating eighth grader. He is getting too old for summer camps and is still too young to hold a job or internship. We're looking for specific ideas for summer activities, preferably ones that allow him to keep a semi-regular schedule. He is able to navigate public transportation and is responsible and enthusiastic. We've considered a regular community service commitment but haven't been able to find anything consistent that is also appropriate for his age and skill set. We've also considered counselor-in-training (CIT) positions, but most of them ask that CITs pay nearly the same camp rate as younger campers, which makes us wonder whether these positions are really just summer camp with a different heading (we'd like something where he has responsibility). Even better would be a job because he is eager to make money, but we have zero ideas other than the standard mowing lawns, petsitting, etc. gigs. Cost is definitely an issue, as we just haven't budgeted for his summer commitments due to having a newborn at home. We also figure that if we can find something where he can work (unpaid is fine), he shouldn't have to pay to help!
This is a hard age. They're too young to stay at home but there are often not a lot of programs either.
Look at your city/county recreation and park programs. These are usually quite affordable. There may be things like basketball, but there will also be those CIT positions. My daughter did things like that and did indeed have some responsibility for taking care of the younger kids and helping out. You can only expect so much at this age, however; no one is going to have a 14-year-old run a camp. I think when my daughter volunteered at camps for rec and park, we did not pay.
Other places, like YMCA Camp Jones Gulch, will charge you for CIT experience, but in our day anyway, the cost was half. You'd pay the same rate, but get two weeks of training. And yes, they trained them in all kinds of ways for the first week (CPR, for example) and then had them work with kids for the second.
We always managed with a combination of things. Some expensive stuff like YMCA, cheap rec and park things, trading ''playdates'' with other parents, some vacation time with parents. It was always a struggle as I was single-parenting and broke.
If you live in Berkeley you can check out the City of Berkeley camps, and the Berkeley Ys summer options which are low-cost. Cal has a lot of good short term and part day progams (sailing/windsurfing/skateboarding) which might provide enough structure without taking the whole day, or costing too much..
Mostly 14 and 15 year-olds whose parents work do go to summer programs or camps. If you are going to be home with him this summer, you could try to put some part-time things together. The trick is to figure out what he is interested in, or wants to try and have that play a role in structuring the summer. Students that young, aren't much use to organizations as volunteers, though I can see how he might look grown-up to you compared to your infant. Usually programs and organizations only take volunteers over 16, entering junior/senior year.anon
2010 - 2012 Recommendations
Mixed sports summer camp for 13-year-old>
May 2011My 13 y.o. son, who will be a 9th grander in the fall, hasfinally agreed to go to a summer camp and now I'm afraid Iwon't be able to find anything. He was very interested inRoughing It Day Camp, but then we discovered that at his agehe can only do a 4 week program, and we simply do not havethat kind of money ($3690). I'm looking for a 1 to 2 weekcamp with mixed sports, water skills, traditional campactivities, etc. He is old enough to be a CIT, and wouldlike that role, but many camps only accept CITs who haveattended before. Am I too late? Any recommendations appreciated.Valerie
Our twin daughters, who will turn 13 this summer, are returning to City of Berkeley's Echo Lake Camp for 1 week this summer. This will be their third year. It is a 5 day-4 night overnight camp in the woods and mountains near Lake Tahoe. Loads of cool outdoor activities, including sleeping in tents, swimming in Echo Lake, camp fires, etc. It costs less than $500. per child. You can choose from several weeks over the summer. There is a bus that picks them up in Berkeley on a Monday morning and returns them to Berkeley on a Friday evening. Our girls love it.
I also wanted to put a very big recommendation in for Stage Door Conservatory, if your child has any interest at all in a really supportive and fun theater arts camp. There is a 2 week commitment for younger children and a 6 week commitment for middle school and high school students. (Three separate camps.) The middle school kids will be performing Hairspray this summer. This is a fabulous summer program that is very bonding for the kids. They learn about creating together, acting, singing, dancing, stage sets, props, costumes, etc. The final productions are always over-the-top amazing. Our daughters are returning after a great experience last summer participating in Bye, Bye Birdie. More information at this link:
Camp Unalayee, a wilderness camp in the Trinity Mountains, has 10 and 15 day sessions for ages 10-17. Fees are in line with other sleep away camps, But there is an active Campership program, available on an as needed (not necessarily strictly income based) basis. I believe there are still openings. www.gocampu.orgSeena
Highest possible recommendation for Plantation Farm Camp!We have 3 girls (11, 12, 13) who all rate Plantation Farm Camp as a 100 on a scale of 1 - 10! It is a 3.5 week sleep-away camp for boys and girls ages 8-16 or so, 2 hours drive from the Bay Area, has been going for almost 60 years, and is run by a couple who are extraordinarily warm, skilled at dealing with kids, solid, values-based, and committed to the emotional health and growth of their campers as well as to their safety, peacefulness, and joy. Mature counselors are hired from around the world, and the kids spend 24/7 out doors except for barn dances in the 100+ year old barn. They also have a commitment to families with varied means and have a great scholarship program. The camp is open to visit one weekend a month all year so you can check it out ahead of time. This will be our 3rd year and, as an over-zealous parent, I have only good things to say about our Plantation Farm Camp experience.Andrea
Math and/or Latin Summer Camp for teens
April 2011My 15-year-old is an enthusiastic student for whom studies don't come easy. Next fall he will be studying geometry and first-year latin, and he would love to get a jump on either one or both in a summer program in the Berkeley area. Does anyone know of a program that might be a good fit?Peter
I missed the original question, but ATDP, a summer program run by UC Berkeley has Latin and math classes. Language classes are intensive, 6 weeks equivalent to a year of high school instruction in the language. You can look up their website and contact them to see if there are openings or wait lists.chris
Summer Camp for visiting low-income 12yo nephew
March 2011My sister-in-law surrendered custody of her 12 year old sonto my father-in-law. He is currently living with grandpaand is happy, but we think grandpa will need a break thissummer. They are up in Alpine county (which does not havemuch going on) and we thought bringing him down for a coupleweeks to stay with us would be great.We would like to sign him up for camps and he has expressedinterest in sports camps. We do not have a ton of extramoney in our budget and are wondering if there are anyspecial programs/camps out there that offer scholarships. He is a greatkid but hasn't ever had the opportunity toplay sports because of the situation with his mom.We work in El Cerrito and would like something nearby. Howare the Cal camps? Scholarships?Thanks.concerned auntie
Camp Galileo is offering 1000 scholarships this summer. The deadline is March 15 [maybe they have extended it again?], so you'd have to hurry. There are other camps that offer scholarships. This list is from last year, but most likely these camps have financial aid again this year.
My son attended RATS a few summers ago and had a good time. The director is great and has many years experience working with kids. It's extremely reasonably priced ($175 a week 8-5:30!) and they offer financial aid if you need it. Kids play different sports all day and come home tired. Here's some of their posting from last weeks newsletter in case you missed it. Please check them out
"RATS is a fun and moderately competitive program for boys and girls whowant to play sports and games all day long. Kids play basketball,baseball, football, soccer, and a wide variety of alternative games.During "down time" they enjoy chess, checkers, board games, sillytalent competitions and more.
Program Director Don Arreola-Burl (''Coach Don'') has many years ofexperience operating summer programs, coaching, and teaching physicaleducation at several Berkeley schools. (During the school year, he worksfull-time as Washington School's PE Specialist.)
Kids of all ability levels are encouraged to enroll; all they need is awillingness to participate. So, if your child has a passion for sportsand physical activity, or just loves PE, sign up now!To register go to: to download enrollment forms."
Affordable Summer Fun for 15-year-old daughter
March 2011I realize that it may be late for some programs, but I'd love some help in my search for summer activities for my 15-year-old daughter. She is interested in acting, writing, reading, cooking, dancing and photography. I have found that most dedicated camps or experiences are quite expensive. Archived reviews are a little dated and mostly for younger kids. Does anyone have any suggestions for camps, programs or classes that inspire friendly, creative teens without costing an arm and a leg?East Bay mom
Sea Scouts is a great, affordable outdoors activity for Teens in the Bay Area. Is only costs $30 to join, is based in SF, and the teens learn how to sail, row, and care for their boats. We have kids from all over the Bay in our group, and with the America's Cup taking place in SF next, sailing will be on everyone's radar. Check out the website at, or email me at for more info. We'll be having an open house/free sail day on March 19th at 11 for any teens interested, just let me know if you plan on attending. Tamara
Camp Unalayee offers 9 and 15 day sessions. Very affordable because of their dedication to No Child Left Inside, actually Practiced not just Preached. 62 years and counting no child who wishes to participate has been barred by lack of funds -- campership awards range from $100 to $1500 dollars. So, Please, check it out at www.gocampu.orgWhile theater arts are not a stated focus, nightly campfire skits offer as much participation as desired, daily activities always feature creative arts (craft shack, ''Special Day'' themed drama created by participants, music, mask making. . . ). A creatively inclined person can always find opportunity and partners-in-creation at Unalayee. Seena
Something new for 11-year-old this summer
Feb 2011Looking for something new to do this summer for my 11 y.o. son. Need feedback on The Cruicible, Robotics for Fun and Berkeley Ironworks rock climbing camp. Thanks!!Sophia
I can respond re: The Crucible. My kids went there for two weeks last summer, and they said it was one of their favorite camps ever (at least partly because they served extra snacks!). Seemed well run, and they certainly learned quite a bit and really enjoyed themselves. My son recently retrofitted the robot he made there to do something else, so I was happy to see the wheels still turning in his mind.My only issue was the cost. It is one of the priciest options around here. They mentioned after the fact that about half the kids attended either free or on a significant scholarship, which in theory I think is great. However, I have no doubt that it was the dollars of the full price families that contributed to these ''scholarships'' but with no associated tax deduction. If I have to make a charitable contribution, then at least let me save on taxes. As I write this I realize I sound like a shrew, but at $1000/week for my two kids- it was quite an expense, and one we really had to stretch for.anon
Affordable Summer camps & programs for tweens?
April 2010I'm in Alameda but would be interested in camps aroundOakland, Berkeley, San Leandro.I can't believe how expensive a single week of camp is, andthere is so little available for tweens. My daughter's 11and has outgrown the little-kid crafts and singalongs, butstill needs organized events and lots of activity. I don'twant her to spend the entire summer watching TV and playingon the computer.What's good out there? What's affordable? What's worth doing?I can't be the only one in this boat.Thanks!Alana
Does your tween like music? Check out the Laney Summer Musicprogram at - they have 2-week campsin band, orchestra or chorus for only $125 for the 2-weeksession.parent of tweens
Day camps for 12 year old boy not into sports
April 2010Hi,I am still hunting around for some camps for my 12 year oldson during a few weeks of the summer. He is going to beentering 7th grade. He is very independent and so I wouldlove to find some half day camps he can bike to, but am opento anything that will be fun and interesting to him. He isinterested in science, mythology, robotics, tech classes,writing... that sort of thing. Ideas?Thanks.Middle School Mom
For the person who is interested in science, mythology, robotics, tech classes,writing... that sort of thing. Ideas?
He may enjoy the Roleplay Workshop. They offer weekly day camps allsummer, Mon-Fri all day (with optional extended care).You didn't say where you live,but the Roleplay Workshop is on Piedmont Avenue in Oakland. The gamesare creative and involve science and mythology, as well as a little math.My son and daughter have both been attending for years and LOVE it!See their website for more information:
Summer day camp details here:
I think the minimum age is 10 years old, and goes up through 17 or 18.(There's a separate teen table.)- love love love Roleplay Workshop
If your son is interested in science, he should checkout This Land Is Your Land Summer Day Camp in Berkeley(Tilden Park), Oakland (Roberts Regional Park), or SanRamon (Little Hills Park). As a 12-year-old, your soncould be a Counselor In Training (CIT) where he assumessome additional responsibilities such as helping withsnack, assisting his counselor with the daily camperprojects, etc. It's also perfectly okay if he doesn't wantto be a CIT. Older campers get to prepare an advancedproject at least once per week. The camp is outdoors, soall kids are fully exposed to the beauty and wonder ofnature and all campers complete one or more scienceprojects and bring them home every day. Campers playtypical camp games if they want but there is no pressureto participate in games if they choose not to. They hikethrough the forest, go swimming one day per week, andtruly enjoy all of the fun of being outdoors in some ofour most beautiful parks. The basic camp hours are from9:00 am to 3:00 pm and before/after-care is alsoavailable. My 10, 12, and 13 year-old grandsons areexcited abouted attending again this summer and my 17-year-old grandson is hoping he can be a paid counselor. All ofmy grandsons rave about this camp and the three youngerones are eager to become old enough to become acounselor!! You can get additional information about thecamp at or you can call the officeand talk to the staff there. The office number is 510-581-3739.Gran Kathy
Sarah's Science sounds like it might be a great fit for your12 year old. The camp is an outdoor camp with locations inOakland at Roberts Park and Berkeley at Tilden Park. Camperscomplete science projects to take home each day and dooutdoor activities like hiking, fort building, bug huntingand swimming. They do a great job of dancing the sciencearound the fun projects the kids create and the campers areconstantly active without relying on formal sportsactivities. Hope that helps.Anonymous
What's a music major to do for the summer?
March 2010My daughter will be coming home from college for the summer. Lookingfor ideas for a 19yo music major (vocal & violin) around the Bay Areaor not. Internships? volunteer work? Work might be tough in thiseconomy. Anyone with great ideas or where to find some good ideas?-Anonymous
Your daughter should contact the many area camps with music programs,or those devoted to music. something more local.She also might want to consider offering lessons thissummer...introductions to music, note reading, voice, string, etc.Good luck, happy summer planning.Andrew
The Oakland Symphony Chorus offers sing-ins during the summer onTuesday evenings. Have her join us!OSC member
Try Music at Menlo and Piedmont Choirs Summer Camp. There is also awell known instrument and voice summer camp based from, but notnecessarily in, Berkeley which lasts a no. of weeks in the summer butI'm blanking out on the name-Something in the Redwoods? My daughteralso gave individual voice lessons.Mom of Music Major graduating this year.
She could take a Kodaly course at Holy Names University! This iswonderful training in music teaching which she can use in many waysin her life. Contact Anne Laskey at for more info. Or, try to help out or teach at the Crowden School, or the YoungMusicians Program at UCB. Cazadero music camp may need counselors.Good luck!pianojeanette
Day camp near Walnut Creek for picky 6th grader
March 2010Our daughter is 11 years old and in 6th grade. She has now rejected her previousdaycamps now as being ''for kids'' so even though they are not (they go through the teenyears), I am looking for suggestions for daycamps with the following criteria:
A MUST:* full-day program with aftercare* location in or near Walnut CreekDAUGHTER ENJOYS:* swimming* horseback ridingI went to a camp fair today and got all sorts of flyers and brochures and, just as anexample of what I am dealing with, she rejected things based on the fact that there werepictures of younger kids, hence the ''that's for kids!'' remark. I know she's wrong, you knowshe's wrong, but one thing she is is extraordinarily strong-willed.As an added factor, our daughter is not particularly comfortable in new social situations,for what that's worth.Thanks for any suggestions!working parents who need a daycamp
I suggest you check out Adventure Day Camp in Walnut Creek. My15-year-old daughter has been going there for years and loves it. Shenow is a counselor-in-training there. Fun and age-appropriate groupsinclude ones for teens, who get to horseback ride, canoe, swim, playgames, do art projects, and so on. Yes, there are groups for youngerkids, but she would be in a small group with kids her age. Go for further details. If your daughter might liketo talk to mine, email me at the address below.nancy
2007 - 2009 Recommendations
Camp suggestions, 1 to 3 weeks, age 12/13, both genders
June 2009Hi there,Does anyone have Camp suggestions for ages 12/13, both genders, half-or full-day, near Berkeley, FUN, active, varied? Hopefully not toocostly? Not ''young kid'' camps, but geared for the teen (young teenthough!) Thanks if you have any suggestions!Can't let them completely ''veg''
Feather River It's not local butI've signed up my sons for the program. You can apply forscholarships. Good luck!anon
How about the Roleplay Workshop summer day camps? I already posted informationabout them in the ''schools, preschools & camps'' newsletter, but here it is again. As we're all looking ahead to summer and finding activities for our kids/teens, I'd liketo make sure everybody knows about a fantastic weekly summer program called ''TheRoleplay Workshop''. The program is located in a loft above Dr. Comics and Mr. Gameson Piedmont Avenue in Oakland. (They also walk to a local park for lunch and ultimatefrisbee games in the afternoon.) Do your kids like fantasy, science fiction, or otherimaginary worlds? If so, the Roleplay Workshop may be perfect for them. My two kidsboth started as soon as they turned 10 years old and this summer will be their 4th and6th years attending. It's their favorite summer activity! My daughter says ''RoleplayWorkshop is a great place to have fun and express yourself.'' My son says ''RoleplayWorkshop is fun for beginning and advanced players.'' Check out their website here:
Ideas for summer activities for 15-y-o gamer
June 2009I need to find some activity options for my son for the summer. He'sa fairly good student in a small school at Berkeley High. He is easygoing but likes to sleep and stay in his room most of the time whennot in school. Since school let out last week, he has been in frontof the computer gaming all day long i.e. he wakes up at 2 pm in theafternoon and stays up late at night. He used to be passionate aboutskateboarding, used to take music lessons, tried one martial artsclass and never went back. Right now the only scheduled activity forthe summer outside the home is Drivers Education. He knows that Iwill be taking his computer access away for certain hours of the daystarting next week and that he needs to find things to do in thecommunity. He is very bright but has a very shy side and has alwaysbeen difficult since early on for him to try new things. Ideas greatly appreciated!
I highly recommend The Roleplay Workshop (also called Abantey)'s a table-top role playing game and if your kid likes interactive computer games, this will be up his alley. It's even better however because it's real people sitting across from each other interacting in the moment and the game masters are very creative folks. Also, the kids go out and play an hour of ultimate frisbee each afternoon so they get some exercise too. This camp is above Dr. Comics & Mr. Games on Piedmont Ave.
Artsy camp for 15-year-old granddaughter
May 2009I have a 15 year old granddaughter who is very active with choir andall music, the arts and learning French. She is a very bright younggirl and will not back down to a challenge, so physical camps are alsogreat for her. She will be coming to Berkley this summer and I wouldlike to find something for her to do while she is here! If anyone hasany ideas as for days camps in the Berkley area that would be great.As I said, anything Music, French and or Art related is what wereaiming for, but anything really is great.Please and Thank you,Georgina
If your grandaughter is interested in Art, the Academy of Art collegeoffers a Pre-College program in the summer from mid June till the endof July. You can take up to four classes for around $500. My childenjoys the college like experience and it will look good on hercollege applications too.Art mom
Berkeley/Albany summer camp for 5th/6th grader
May 2009I'm looking for a fun, safe summer for my son who is currently in 5th grade. He thinkshe can put together his own fun summer, but I'm not ready for the fallout and/orboredom that I'm sure will come by the beginning of July. Does anyone haveexperience with a camp for entering middle school kids that has a decent balance ofstructured activities/trips and a little bit of just being a kid and having some hang-outtime? Areas of interest include Albany, El Cerrito & Berkeley. Thanks-not quite done with camps
My son was very hesitant about going to camp as a middle schoolkid (he, too, wanted to stay home and hang out w/ friends allsummer - w/ no parents!!?) but he really enjoyed AwesomeAdventures camp with the Albany YMCA. He liked that they wenton field trips to places that I don't have time to take him -river rafting, Great America, rock climbing, etc.- plus theyseemed to have plenty of hang out time w/ ping pong, foosball &card games. He liked the counselors, spoke highly of them, butwhat I liked is that they were adults who kept control and hadrules that the kids learned to respect... the no cell phonerule was great, in my opinion! I hope you can check out the Y'swebsite and see if it's a good match for you and your son!Here's a link to their summer programs & info: grade mom
What to do with 15-year-old this summer?
Feb 2008I have a 15-year-old daughter and am wondering what to have her do this summer. Sitting home alone every day with nothing to do but entertain herself on the computer is not an option. I'd love some suggestions about activities that would meaningful, challenging, educational, or fun that would be appropriate for a girl who is too young to work or drive and too old to do nothing. Any and all suggestions welcome.anonymous
I have a daughter who is currently in 9th grade. this summer she turns 15 and I wonder what she will do while I work full time ( I have some flexibility in my schedule) It seems like she is too old for camp but too young for a job. she is very shy and not one to go out and ''make something happen.'' What do other working parents do with their teenagers over the summer?single mom of a teenager
That's a hard summer. They are kind of in between things. Too old for camp and too young to work. Though, that said, if your daughter is into being a counselor-in-training it's a great summer for that! There are plenty of camps in the BA that would want her. Try the City of Berkeley's camps or Monkey Business. If she is onto playing music she could take a ''class'' at that school of rock place, I can't remember the name of it! It's all over the BA. If she's into science I think the Lawrence Hall of Science has interships for kids that age. Then there is just sending her away to a relative for a week or two in some other state! Oh, there is also the Academy of Art in SF, has classes for $100! (There are also those expensive pre-college art classes at CCA, but it's not really worth it...) There are week-long sports training camps through CAL for the athlete. Dancers can take classes at Destiny Arts and Shawl-Anderson.
I think my daughter took several classes that summer, one at that music place, one at the ASUC (student union at CAL) in photography, and maybe an art class at Studio One in Oakland. I got her a pass to the Strawberry Canyon pool but summers here are dreadfully cold so that wasn't a great investment, I think she went twice! She also played softball but that was mostly in the evenings and on weekends. We also took a week to go somewhere ourselves. It was really a week of this and a week of that, a pain to coordinate. Good luckanon
I also have a 15 year old daughter. She will be a jr counselor again at Monkey Business. She was a CIT 2 years ago & then became a jr counselor. (Jr counselor is by invitation only at this camp.) She was also a CIT at Echo Lake, Berkeley's sleep-away camp near Tahoe. At 15, there are numerous CIT & JC opportunities. At this age, it's likely a reduced fee or essentially volunteering. It's great experience. Maybe she could recruit a friend to sign up with her. There are also some teen programs (there was an item about Cal's teen program in the issue that included your query) for which she could still be a camper. Good luck!another mom of teen daughter
HiI just answered another parent with similar question. My son, his friend and I actually joined a summer camp in China last summer 2007. Both of them do not knowany Chinese language. The program lasted about 3 weeks. Thekids learned the Chinese language, culture. At the end of the session, they travelled to Inner Mongolia for about 4 days. The program itself is really well-organized and safe. You can check their website, it is . I like this camp because the kids came back with a much mature view not only to the world but to their own life.anna
How about Counselor in Training programs? Quite a variety of camps have them. You'd probably still pay for her to be thee, but she'd be with other teens, adults and little kids. You could try to find ones with activities that she'd like.Anon
I have a quiet 14 year old son and have always been in a quandry about summers, breaks, etc. A combo of 'work' and classes would be good! Here are some ideas I'm considering and you might too:
1)Volunteering at the movie theatre!-Unlimited free movies and she would get a lot of low pressure people/work experience.
2)Dog Walking/Housesitting-if she could get a friend to do it with her, even better.
3) C-Scouts-work on 'ship', learn to sail, knot tying, etc. Cheap to join, but need uniform- go on excursions, but weekend ones are a bit pricey. Search net for info.
4)City of Pinole-tv station run by teens and they teach/do all facets-camera, lighting, sound-students can act, write, do sets, etc. During year, but check if avail summers.Best of luck! amy
Affordable summer camp for 13 and 16 year olds
Dec 2007Hi parents,I am writing on behalf of my little sister and brother. Mysister is 16 and my brother is 13. I am trying to find asummer camp for them (doesn't necessarily have to be theSAME camp or program). We are looking for a program that islengthy (lasts the whole summer ideally), affordable, andbased on teens not younger children. They are willing to goanywhere in the country, as long as it's affordable! Thegoal is to get away from home for a summer. I think it'simportant that they gain some time away from my parents (whoare going through a divorce and the home situation is lessthan healthy), where they can have safe fun and be somewhatindependent teenagers for several weeks. They are social,athletic, creative, and into dance, photography, martialarts. It would great if they could meet some new friends.Unfortunately the main limiting factor is COST of theprogram. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Theyare also interested in summer classes, going abroad, themain limiting factor is price. We are in the financialbracket of ''not quite eligible for financial aid'' but cannotspend more than $600.00 per kid. When high school can besuch a tough time, draining both mentally and physically,I'd really love for them to have a healthy, happy summer,peacefully away from the messy divorce! I appreciate any & all advice!--Big Sis
Since the money is so tight, a lot of options are cut off.But maybe they could find opportunities as counselors foryounger children?
There would be other older kids also working, so it wouldn'tbe completely exile among children; it might even give thema little cash of their own, and it would get them out of thehouse and busy all summer.
I don't know their competencies, so I can't recommendanything specific, but Cal has a general summer camp thatmight have openings -- there are lots of programs around,and this is the time to be applying.laura
Summer Day Camp for 13 year old boy
Jan 2007My stepson comes out from Indiana to stay with me and myhusband during the summertime. He is going to be 13 thissummer and we both work outside the home in Walnut Creek.What are some summer DAY camps that we should look into forteen age kids? Last year he was in a Sports Camp which heloved but has an age limit of 12. We do not want anovernight camp since he is only with us for 7 weeks. Anyadvice would help. We're new to the East Bay and do notknow parents with kids his age.Liz, East Bay
Take look at Adventure Day Camp which is right in yourneck of the woods in Walnut Creek. They have programs forkids through 9th grade. My son will be going there forthe third year this summer. He's younger than yours buthe really enjoys the tremendous variety of activities.Older kids get to sail, kayak, horseback ride, etc. Youcan check it out online at You couldalso check out the CIT program for kids 11-15 at Sarah'sScience ''This Land Is Your Land'' camp. www.sarahscience.comFran
Check out Cal Adventures at
It is run by the recreation department at UC Berkeley andoffers a wide variety of camps in the summer time.There also may be orpportunites for him to be a CIT orjunior CIT at some of the camps that age out at 12. Socheck out camps with stuff he likes and see if they haveearly CIT programs (If you htink he'd like that)Mom
2004 - 2006 Recommendations
Summer for 15-year-old step-daughter with attitude
May 2006My almost 15 year old stepdaughter will be coming to livewith us in Berkeley this summer. She is not excited aboutthis fact, as she has got that ''attitude'' that seems toaccompany adolescence (part of the reason she is coming tolive with us). I am looking for suggestions and/oropportunities for her to make some social connections (weknow no teenagers around here). Are theregroups/classes/summercamps? She doesn't have a lot ofinterests other than watching tv and playing with make-up.Also, should we provide her an allowance that is somehowtied to responsibilities? I want her to have some freedombut also know she will be expected to contribute. She doesnot have this set-up at home (hence all the tv-watching). Iexpect the transistion will be difficult for all of us atfirst, but I am hoping to provide her with someopportunities to make this summer not the ''drag'' sheinticipates it to be...NOT the wicked stepmother
Would classes be an option? It might be nice to give her a choice, tell her youwant to make sure she meets some people her own age, and has a few activitiesthat she knows she'll like. The Crucible has some interesting classes for teens.
Also, if she likes applying makeup, how about letting her feel good about that.There are some retirement communities that would love a teen volunteer tocome once a week and apply makeup to their residents. Give the teen a sense ofpurpose and make a senior's day!Ann S.
Your posting already sounds negative and your stepdaughterhasn't even arrived, you need to have a much more openmind about this new person who will be living in your homeand since you are the stepparent, this is not yourresponsibility to make these decisions for her summer, itis the dad's child and better for him to step in here andfor you to back off - this will be a much more difficulttransition for the teen than it will be for the adults,she will feel uncomfortable in a new city, new rules, newbedroom, god the changes this kid will have to adjust towill be huge and your only job is to make her summer aspleasant and happy as possible and if you can act as apositive and welcoming steparent, your stepdaughter willadjust much more quickly and everyone will benefit. andby the way you obviously aren't around teens much as theyall like to watch TV too much. Do you have a computer forher to keep in contact with all the friends she will beapart from, how about suggesting the two of you goshopping to Target and get her new sheets, new comforter,new pillow, nightlight and other things to make her feelwelcome. Movies are $10.00 a ticket, BART to SF is over$6.00 roundtrip - everything is expensive so be generouswith your allowance, there are many postings forbabysitters and check with your neighbors on babysittingpossibilities. Provide time for dad and daughter to go outtogether - it is very important for dad to spend time withhis daughter over the summer. And by the way 'attitude'is part of the standard teenager personality - they allhave it, it's all in the way adults respond. 15 is a verydifficult age and having to cope with a new livingarrangement at this young age will be challenging foreveryone.JLS
My two teens think Berkeley is TEEN HEAVEN -- the ease ofpublic transportation, the variety of things to do, etc.It won't be too hard to find something for her besides TV,as long as she's willing to participate in an organizedactivity. Two quick suggestions:
1. Academy of Art summer experience for high schoolers --if she likes art at all, the variety of college-levelcourses in this program is great. Located in SF, close toBART, inexpensive for you, very hip for
2. Does she like acting? Berkeley Rep has theatercourses/workshop in the summer. Easy to get to on BART orbus.good luck!Lisa McL
It's hard to find summer camps for 15 year olds, but thereare a couple of good ones where she might make somefriends. Ask her which ones she might like to do:
Beginning windsurfing camp at the Berkeley Marina throughCal
High school students program at Contra Costa Civic Theatergood luck
Last minute summer plans for 15 year old
May 2004Well we didn't plan on it this way but several things fellapart and now my 15 yr old daughter has nothing set forthe summer and no desire for anything that Isuggest--can't see her sitting at home so wondering ifanyone has any ideas on what short term (1 week -3week) programs or ''things'' are available in this area fora non motivated teen who'd rather be somewhere else,but can't be. any ideas welcome
Even with advanced planning our 15 year olds will be
1)working out at the Y,
2)reading books,
3)helping around the house,
4)finishing lingering academic requirements and
5) Rowing with ''Row Oakland 2004''out of the Old LakeMerritt Boathouse (They're already rowers and will beinterning).
Row Oakland offers 3 two-week programs (the firstbegins 6/21 and the last ends 7/30) and both morningor afternoon sessions. Its a great chance to get aworkout and a tan, learn a new skill and meet otherteens, close to home. The interns for this program tendto be kids your daughter's age from the Berkeley (boysand girls) Crew, and it is run by the BHS Crew HeadCoach. Each 2 wk, 1/2 day session cost $90, with feewaivers available. Phone 510-273-9041 for moreinformation.Heather
Looking for suggestions for summer camps
April 2004We are looking for some suggestions for summer camps for teens that may be off the beaten path or not advertised as heavily as the YMCA, etc... Cal has some great programs, but they run from 9:30 to 4:00 and as working parents, we cannot transport our children within this time...We are curious if anyone has found out something that we haven't. Thanks for any imput!
2003 & Earlier
Feb 2000
Summer camps for 12-13 year olds: I have had the same problem with mydaughter who is now 14. Albany Y has the most interesting teen camps whichare open only to teenagers. Some are only half day but others are longer.This allowed her a little bit of time on her own but still providedstructure. If you find a friend to go with them it helps. Cal Adventurecamps ( through the University) also offer interesting teen camps, againthey are often half day and a little pricey. Last summer I was able to gether a job at her younger sister's preschool which was wonderful, but I knowthis would have been impossible if I had not know this school for so manyyears. There are CIT (counselor in training programs) but many don't takekids untill they are 14 or older, same is true for most summer jobs. Ibelieve Albany Y offers the youngest CIT program for 13 year olds, but youneed to apply early. The other idea I had before finding her the preschooljob, was to have her volunteer at places like the senior centers. I knowkids who have done this but never followed up on it myself. I would imaginemany of the preschools would be interested in part-time volunteers. Goodluck, it is not any easy task and usually incorporates a lot of pieces. Thevolunteer or CIT work will definetelty help them get jobs in the summers tocome.-Lynn
April 1998
I believe the Berkeley-Albany YMCA has some pretty interesting teen summer programs. Also, try the Berkeley YMCA. Cal has sports and adventure camps (ck with Intercollegiate Athletics depart). Finally, for referrals ck with BANNANAS (658-7101)-or better yet-go there to look over all their summer program flyers. Dianne
Advice: Teens Resistance to Summer Camp
11 year old boy not interested in sleepaway camp
April 2014Some of my best memories growing up were at sleepaway camp. I've been putting feelers out to my 11 year old for a few years now, and he is completely uninterested in going. I haven't pushed it, because I just figured it's not his thing. He doesn't like sleeping away from home and will occasionally tolerate the random overnight at a friend's, but that's it. Should I give him more of a nudge? He is worried that he won't sleep well, and he is very modest and doesn't like the idea of changing in front of other kids. I suspect both these issues will disappear on day 1 of camp and he will have a great time. I enjoy having him around in the summer, and he goes to day camp for two weeks or so, but there's definitely too much screen time and whining. I don't want him to let his anxieties limit him at such a young age (or ever). On the other hand, there are so many amazing things to do here in the Bay Area, we can have a pretty great and busy summer if I get myself organized a little bit. Any suggestions?First world problem
Is there a middle-ground you can seek? Perhaps you can find a week-long camp that offers a one-night sleepover? You can also talk to him about ways to preserve his modesty, which I can certainly appreciate. He wouldn't be the only kid getting dressed in a bathroom stall or in his sleeping bag, I'll bet.
Also, can you sign him up for more camps this summer, to cut down on the screen time and whining? Your town or adjacent town's rec and park department probably have low-cost camps. Ours run ab out $100 for a five-day week from 7:30-3. You could try that for this summer and revisit sleepaway camp next year.
I was like you - LOVED camp and thought my son would for sure get into once he got there. Well, he went and it was just OK. I am not spending that kind of money for ''just OK.'' So the next summer he stayed home and took a computer programming class and loved it. My second son LOVES camp and is going back for this third year. Perhaps you can have him go to a weekend camp to test it? Or maybe a family camp like Lair of the Bear? With a friend is even better. But, sometimes we just have to honor our kids for who they are.anon
Hi! I felt the same way - going to sleepaway camp really helped me form my own identity. I wasn't my mother's daughter, my brother's sister, I was me! You might start with a Family Camp program. That's what I did with my boys. We did one at Camp Campbell in the Santa Cruz mountains that is lots of fun, we did Camp Jones Gulch as well. I work at the Y, so those are Y camps, but I'm sure there are lots of other options as well. Most of these, though, don't require Y membership or anything. Hope it works out!Eden
We had exactly the same problem with our anxious 11 year old. What we did was:
1) search out the most solid, caring Camp Directors we could find, i.e. those we thought most skilled and experienced at creating a warm and inclusive camp community (and who have a no-electronics policy). These Directors were John Chakan and Kelly Marston; they have been full-time professional summer sleep-away camp directors for 15 years or more. (They also have 3 children of their own) I did a few months of volunteer work for them to get to know them ahead of time and make sure that I trusted them with my children. I do,and after 5 years of summer camp with them, still have no reservations.! John and Kelly now run Camp JaK ( 8-16 year olds). My three kids have been with them for 5 Summers and rave about it the rest of every year.
2) made arrangements with John and Kelly for my highly anxious kid to have the option of coming home after a few days if she really wanted to. At the end of 3 days she had no interest in coming home and stayed happily for almost 4 weeks. The following Summer she begged to go to multiple sessions and went for almost 8 weeks!
Note: While John and Kelly were the Directors at Plantation Farm Camp for over a dozen years, this Summer they they have started their own camp . Since I believe that the leadership at a camp is the primary factor in the quality of children's experience, my kids are moving to the new Camp JaK with these wonderful [Berkeley-based] directors. Part of what I so admire about their mission as life-long summer camp leaders is their ability to simultaneously love kids unconditionally, while setting fair firm and consistent limits. I also have great respect for the values they bring to camp life - kindness, inclusivity, responsibility for community , the farm animals. and the environmentââ¬Â¦ And the food is great! Wishing you all the best,Andrea
My son could have gone to sleep-away camp like some of his friends but he never wanted to do so. So we signed him up for various day camps in the area. At age 16, he was a CIT with some friends of his at a family camp and had a great month. After high school, he traveled abroad on a program and stayed for almost a year. My point is that there's no reason to push your son to do something he doesn't want to do. He may change later and he may not. It is not something to worry about.Enjoy him while you can
Whether to push 14 year old to go to sleepover camp
March 2012I'd love advice on whether to send our foster son to sleepover camp even if he doesn't want to go.
Eighteen months ago, we became foster parents to a teenaged boy we already knew. He came directly to us from his bio parents' house and we expect to be his permanent parents. He has PTSD, grief and depression. His daily behavior was highly anxious and suspicious when he first came to us. He is now 14.5 years old.
With a lot of support, patience and good therapy, he has improved quite a bit. He still has a long way to go. Last summer was really difficult--the large blocks of unstructured time made him very anxious and depressed. At that point, when he was having nightmares and was afraid of all strangers, sleepover camp was impossible and we resisted social services pressure to send him. We enrolled him in some day camps, but several were cancelled. He has no skills for entertaining himself if he doesn't have something electronic to do. He struggles with reading, and his social skills are poor. He has very few friends and clearly doesn't understand how to be a friend yet. He is very agile and enjoys ping pong and tennis, but those require a buddy. We will get him in some camps this summer, but the hours will once again stretch for him (and us).
As a foster youth, he could attend Camp Mendocino. And I can also get him into YMCA's Camp Jones Gulch, where my adult daughter works. He doesn't want to do either. He has no experience with sleepover camps and withdraws in social settings, although I'm told he does okay socially while at school.
Does anyone have experience with requiring a reluctant teen to go to camp? Our hope would be that the extended, close time with other kids in a supportive environment would build social skills, morale, and self-esteem--and that he might have fun. Our fear is that he will feel alone and scared. He's going to be aging out of camps soon, so this might be the last summer he could do it. I will be discussing this with his psychologist, but wanted a parent perspective too.want our boy to enjoy himself for a change
Your intentions are good, but why push this issue of sleepover camp? Let him build his relationship with you as a family, heal, retreat from the world a bit if that's what he needs to heal and don't make a big deal over sleepover camp. Of course you want it to be great for him, but how great can it be given his current emotional mind set? Not very is my guess, and he's likely to be resentful of you for sending him. Good luck.anon
I can't answer your question from a parent's perspective, but I can from a Camp Director's perspective (as well as past counselor, unit leader, and activity director). It sounds like camp could be a great experience for your son! Sleep over camp provides bonding experiences between children and helps them work on their social skills and developing their personality traits. It also lets him "be someone else" for the time he is at camp. If possible I would love for a camp that offers a chance for the camp experience before he's there without you. Look for a camp where you can do family camp for a weekend before you send him for sleep away, or where you can do a site visit with him. If you can show him where it is, what the cabins are like, and how the dinning hall works that may help him easy into the situation. I would also recommend talking to different camp directors. They can not only help prep his counselor to make sure it is a positive experience, but some camps have on-site therapists which might be a good choice for your son. I have personally worked with campers who were suicidal, cutters, dealing with their sexual identify, and been abused - most of these campers had a very positive experience. Some I am even still in contact with (10+ years later) and they say that one week of sleep away camp changed their lives. Camp can help with so many problems. I wish your family luck and I hope you are able to do what is best for your foster son.
As a parent and as someone who has worked with foster teens, definitely not. While you seem to have the best of intentions for sending him, he will think you are trying to get rid of him.
There are so many great day camps--most will give scholarships for foster teens. It will be a bit of work to get them all set up, but you should be able to fill up his whole summer. Some have one overnight in a week or two week session--encourage him to try that out but don't push.If you find gaps that you can't fill with day camp, say he has to spend 30/hrs week volunteering. is a good place to look or try your local library or perhaps he can volunteer in a camp for younger wishes
Our daughter has an anxiety disorder, and also really did not want to go to sleep away camp 3 Summers ago. We have found that all of the most loved things in her life are things which she initially refused to consider due to fear/ anxiety. We did the following:
1) Researched the camp, until we were 100% comfortable with it (volunteered time with the Directors, visited it off-season, sought feedback from experienced camping families, etc.)
2) Made sure that the supervision would be provided by carefully selected, mature adults and not youngsters because many teens are not yet able to provide a) unconditional love even if they don't like a kid, and b) firm yet fair and consistent limits/ boundaries
3) Negotiated an agreement with the camp that our daughter had to stay for 4 days (out of a total of 3.5 weeks) and that, if she wanted to come home, she could after that (so she didn't feel trapped).
4) Told her that she had to go for the 4 days and that we'd come pick her up after that if she wanted us to. She never looked back, and the next Summer, went, at her request, to both 3.5 week sessions.
Should you be interested, all 3 of my kids say that they rate Plantation Farm Camp (2 hours from San Francisco) a 100 on a scale of 1 to 10!... and that they will never miss another Summer there again. All my best to you and your foster Son
Camp for 13yo who feels she is too old for camp
May 2011We are looking for recommendations for summer camp in Contra Costa (preferably). Our daughter, who will be 13 in early August, feels she is too old for camp and wants to hang around at home all summer. My husband and I both work full-time, but even if we didn't, this wouldn't be OK with us. She is bored within 3 seconds of arriving home from school, and cannot think of anything she wants to do. She always asks for suggestions and rejects all of them (welcome to our world!). Anyway, you get the picture.
She is going to two weeks of sleepaway camp in early July. Other than that, we are looking for interesting things for her to do that she won't feel she is ''too old'' for. Last summer she had a fantastic time at Roughing It Horse Camp (first time), but now she has no memory of that good time. She has also gone to Adventure Day Camp for a number of years and that is really convenient to home, but she is again growing tired of it (though she had a better than usual time last summer there due to the field trips they do with the older kids - again, little memory of those good times!).
We are in Walnut Creek, so anything near here would be great.If you want to ask what she is interested in, other than swimming, it's hard to say, alas. Hanging around the house all summer texting her friends is definitely not an option. ;-)Thanks!
I've got kids entering 7th and 9th grades this fall, and I just wanted to recommend Roughing It again. My kids have been going to Roughing It Day Camp for years and even though they're now among the older campers they still love it. I love that they're busy outside all day (away from electronics!) and that they get picked up and dropped off at my house. They love the variety of activities (but most especially the horseback riding) and the dynamics of the campers and counselors. I definitely wouldn't want to force my kids to go to a camp they didn't want to go to so I do consider myself lucky that they like RI ... good luck with helping your daughter find something she likes!Ann
15-year-old claims he's too old for camp
May 2009I need ideas on how to keep an unmotivated 15-yr-old active thissummer and away from screens, which he can do all day long. Heclaims he's too old for camps. He likes basketball and baseball. Weneed ideas about sports, paid work?, volunteering, etc.Bracing for summer
When my children were teenagers I always thought that water sportswere a great summer activity, we live by a fantastic body of water!!!So two thoughts depending on locations are:
The rowing and other boating programs at Lake Merritt
and Cal Adventures programs at the Berkeley Marina
These programs generally have sections specifically for olderteens. My teens went to 1/2 day camps at each locations and as theygot older got themselves to and from either by bike or publictransit. They loved it all and what a great way to spend the summer onthe bay. These are also great programs for kids visiting the bay areafor the summer.mother of college students now
13-y-o is resisting music camp - do it anyway?
March 2007We're thinking of sending our son to Cazadero Music Camp's Junior Highsession this summer. He's really been resisting the idea (at almost 13he's never been away from home on his own for more than 2 days, and hedislikes being away too long, even with us) and I hate to push him, and spendall the money (!), if he'll really hate it. On the other hand, I'm pretty surehe'll love it, and that even if he doesn't it'll be good for him. (He plays piano & trumpet BTW - though he refuses to play piano at Caz, IF he goes.)
Does anyone have recent experience with Caz, AND/OR experience sendingmiddle school kids to away camp, when they'd much rather stay home &play Runescape?
One of our son's friends went to Caz last year, and said he didn't likeit bc he didn't know anyone. That was the only negative comment I've heard.Fortunately, two of our son's other friends may attend this summer,making the whole thing look way more attractive, even to him. Still, I coulduse your wise advice.Thank you!lcf
(Editor Note: Click here to read thefull reviews below of Cazadero Music Camp that are excerpted below)
Cazadero Music Camp has been wonderful for our 15-yearold daughter.... The environment is great. Thepeople are warm and supportive. The music is amazing: Thekids always learn a whole new program under a newconductor each week. The camp setting, along the creek, isalso beautiful. I'm guessing he won't miss his videogames after the first day. There's so much to do and somuch fun to be had at Caz.
My son went to the beginning Cazadero camp several yearsago, and it was excellent. However, I can certainlyunderstand that your son prefers to have people there healready knows, and also may not be ready for a sleep awaycamp at a place he's never visited. Here are twopossibilities for you to consider: (1) check out the LaneyCollege Summer Music Program for middle schoolers. Mydaughter attended last year when she was 12, and althoughit's not as deep a music experience as ''Caz,'' it's a nearbyday camp that's very affordable, and overall was anexcellent experience for her despite sometimes wishing itwas a little better organized. (2) consider attending oneof the two Caz family camp weeks in August. That wouldallow you and your son to get familiar with Caz, not tomention have fun doing everything from various kinds ofmusic to circus to visual arts to Taiko drums. It's notcheap to attend, but good value if your family has thedeeply memorable experiences that many have had.-Still wearing my Caz T shirt
I've heard wonderful things about Cazadero although I haveno personal experience with it. I'm sure that part of theirgreat reputation (besides the music) comes from the factthat they provide a positive camping experience for the kidsthat go there!
The reason I'm writing is that I feel strongly about sendingkids off to sleep-away camp. I think it's like learning toride a bike or learning to swim or learning to drive acar---it's an important life experience that provides anopportunity for growth and sense of personal accomplishment. I went to several camps over several summers (for a week ortwo each). Most of them were great. Learned lots of songs,made new friends, hiked and swam. Loved riding the bus andsinging ''Catalina, Madalina'' at the top of my lungs. Onecamp was a horrible experience, I hated my counselor, I wasthere for my birthday and the counselors confiscated thecookies that my grandmother sent to me (hmmm, wonder who atethose?!) But, I survived!! And, I have some pretty funnystories and great memories, even of THAT camp.
Each of my kids went off to their first camp starting thesummer before 6th grade. My son went to Boy Scout camp,with a backpack full of clean clothes each marked with hisname. He came home with a backpack full of cleanclothes---he even survived not having showered or brushedhis teeth for an entire week! (Maybe he swam that week?)
I do think it's nice if you have a friend go to the samecamp---but after a couple of days at camp it won't matter ifhe doesn't. There will be other kids in the same boat!
I strongly encourage you to send him off! I think our kidsneed us to push them to do things that are a little scary ornew so that they can move on to other (perhaps scary)rewarding activities---college, marriage, you know.
If he goes, definitely mail a letter off to him before hegoes so that he'll get mail the first day. I always sent amagazine or quick paperback too. If the camp allows food,by all means consider a package of cookies. Helps makefriends with your bunkmates!
I'd be willing to bet money that he'll have a great time.Sally
13-year-old refuses camp's overnight stays
Jan 2006my 13 year old son has attended a wonderful day camp forthe past four years and has enjoyed it as much as heenjoys anything. the problem is that the camp has twoovernights per session that increase in length each year(for example, the two nighter for 4th graders is a threenighter for 6th graders). He absolutely will not stayovernight. Promises, threats, cajoling, bribing, etc. havenot worked and I always end up driving for 1 to 3 hours topick him up. This also results in many lost days of campwhich have already been paid for (it ain't cheap!).AND...since all of his friends are away at camp he sitshome and does nothing for those missed days. Well thisyear I have put my foot down and told him that we willhave to find another day camp that doesn't haveovernights. Yes, he's anxious; yes we've tried therapy;yes, he has friends at the camp who do stay overnight;yes, we've tried negotiating with the camp. The idealsituation for him (and me) would be some kind of OutwardBound program where he couldn't possibly come home butsince that won't be happening I was hoping BPN folks couldrecommend local day camps. Sports camps are out, as isAbantey (hated it). Thanks everyone.
Can't Afford Brat Camp
I would like to recommend ifyour son is at all interested in music and/or computers.MixLab is a audio and media production class that runs as anafter school program durring the school year and campdurring the summer. My children attend the school where thiscamp is held and I can highly recommend this teacher and anyother staff that your son may come in contact with.Feel free to contact me with any questions.Natasha
My advice is that your son could be a Junior Counselor inTraining at one of the day camps for younger kids that doesnot have overnights. City of El Cerrito recreation has aJr. CIT program that can be a really good experience. TheCITs receive training and are expected to learn to beresponsible and organized. Other cities and the Y probablyhave similar programs. In El Cerrito you pay only theadministrative costs of participation, so it is muchcheaper than being a camper.-parent of a teen
For many years I sent my daughter to a summer camp sheenjoyed, which also had overnights that grew longer as shegot older. She also didn't want to go on overnights, and Iremember several long drives to far away locations to pickher up, arguments about my paying and her at least givingit a try, etc.
My advice: don't push it.If you found a camp he likes, stick to it as he has friendsand continuity. On the overnights, have him make playdateswith friends so he's not just sitting at home. Don't createmore anxiety for this type of kid. My daughter eventuallyoutgrew her fears, to the point that now at 19 she hiked byherself through Spain and will be spending next year in auniversity in Africa. Some kids are just more cautious andhave more fears than others, and they need to take theirown time feeling comfortable in situations. Don't make abig deal out of it.Been There
having picked up my kid from numerous day camp overnightsand sleepovers at friends' homes, I know well of what youspeak, and clearly remember the frustration. so I knowwhat you're going through.
but in terms of your kid's day camp for this summer, unlessfinding something else for him to do during the overnightwould constitute some kind of real financial hardship (andat 13, maybe he can stay home for a day or two?), I wouldsimply suck it up and send him back to the camp that hereally likes and has friends at even though he'll miss theovernight. if you force him to go to another camp, you'rebasically punishing him for having whatever psychologicalissue makes it difficult to spend the night away fromhome. and as weird as that might seem to you and me asparents, apparently some kids have that issue longer thanwe might think is ''appropriate.'' (my kid recently decidedthat overnights are fine, and I was totally unaware of whatmade this change happen.)
so just let it slide, send him back to the camp he loves,and who knows? maybe by this summer he'll be ready to dothe overnight. best wishes and good luck.anon
Daughter refuses any structured summer activities
March 2001Dear Parents, I am gearing up for our usual summer battle. My husband andI would like our daughter to use some of her summer for either volunteering,taking a class or working at a paying job. She is very resistant to theidea of doing anything but hanging out with her friends. Does anyone haveany clever ideas as to how I might suggest a way in which she herself mightfind something constructive to do? Any resources for summer activities forteens which are community service oriented ? I feel I am asking really dumbquestions here, but I really don't know what to do. When I even broach thesubject of doing something other than playing the whole summer "by ear" mydaughter gets combative. I must be doing something wrong. All I want toconvey to her is: You must find something [acceptable to me and Dad] tooccupy a minimum of 50% of your time and the best way to have some choiceswould be to start looking around now. Does this sound reasonable to otherparents out there? Am I being heavy handed to insist on discussing it now? Any and all sorts of advice are welcome: advice about the mechanics offinding someting to advice on how to improve my parental approach. Thanks,The Wet Blanket
No, you don't sound unreasonable at all (to me.) I've said the same words! I'll be looking forward to reading the responses!
To the parent signed Wet Blanket regarding her daughter doing something other than hanging out this summer. I totally agree with your position. It is very reasonable that your daughter not "waste" the whole summer just hanging out. simply being out of school and not having homework is a great break. She doesn't have to spend every waking minute in unstructured time. Plus, if she's college-bound, how she spends her free time is a factor that colleges look at. I want my daughter to do any of the three things you suggested, class, volunteering or paid work, during the time she's in town this summer. She will be a CIT for a few weeks and a camper for a couple more. Good luck and hold your ground even if your daughter grumbles.
You are certainly not alone in your predicament. It seems that the societal message toteens today is they aren't children and that they should be allowed to decide what isgoodfor them rather than to capitulate to their parent's preferences and I think that a greatmany teens are taking this message to heart. It is, perhaps, fruitless to debate wether ornot this is a good thing; it is enough to realize that this is reality. As parents we have notangible means to force our children to do as we wish and this is even more so regardingcertain willful independent minded teenagers.
Modern circumstances have altered the role of parenthood from the old fashionedauthoritarian guardianship to something that might be characterized as a facilitatorguardianship. As such, your main leverage as a parent is the degree to which youfacilitate their interests and desires. The regulatory function is no longer a matter of "doit or else", but, you can still impose your will on reluctant children by less direct yeteffective means. In short, you provide encouragement, compliments and support for thosebehaviors that you approve of and speak out against, complain, and withhold supportfrom those behaviors that you don't approve of. What are the alternatives? You can trybluffing them with empty threats but unless your child is somewhat dull they see rightthrough it and call your bluff. You can get tough but so can they and when push comesto shove they will most likely be judged innocent and you guilty.
Don't let this discourage you. You have the advantage. Teenagers think that theyknow everything and you are so much wiser and experienced than they are. You merelyhave to trick them into doing the right thing and let them think that it was their idea.You must converse with them and ask them a lot of questions. When you get an answerthat is acceptable to your purpose you seize upon that and promote it and provide thesupport to move that particular idea from thought to deed.
In your particular case, Ms. Wet Blanket, my first impression is that whatever"constructive" activities your daughter is going to end up doing are going to have toinclude one or more of her friends. Perhaps you can get her and a couple of her friends toapply for summer jobs at the same place or to volunteer for the same thing. She wants tobe with her friends and you can facilitate this and lend your support to this providingthey are doing something of value together.
Finally, although she doesn't know it, she is still just a kid and considering whatmodern life holds for her in the future, her teen years are her probably the greatestopportunity for the pure enjoyment of living that she will have in her lifetime. It is yourresponsibility and privilege to see to it that you steer her to those things that willprovide her with memorable times that will help sustain her as she takes on theawesome task of facing the coming years. Help her to find something constructive to dothat she will cherish the memory of having done and you will both be getting exactlywhat you want.Frank
I have a 15-year-old like this. Last summer his best friend's momsuggested they take a class together and we also planned out a coupleweeks of camp. Then we could both say, "Your best friend is going to betaking sailing lessons in August. Why don't I sign you up too?" This hadgood results.
Once they get to be about 16, many if not most of their friends aregoing to be working or taking classes or doing other things in thesummer, so "just hanging out" may well mean hanging out by herself for agood part of the time. Now's a good time to make a few phone calls toyour daughter's friends' parents and find out what their plans are. Youwill have more leverage if you can point out to your daughter that mostof her friends will not actually be available for hanging out thissummer. Also you both may get some ideas for activities that yourdaughter might like, especially if her friends will be there too. Thistime last year, my older son discovered that many of his friends wereplanning to be counselors at Strawberry. He got in his application intime (er, actually I finished it myself and mailed it for him) and hehad a great time, met new friends, made some money, and is applyingagain this summer.
I guess I am also a wet blanket type of parent, because I alsoinsisted that my daughter and I develop a plan for her summers.
But my battles began before summer, since I insisted that she have aplan for after school time. I just repeated over and over, hangingout with your friends on Telegraph Ave after school every day is notacceptable. Eventually, we developed ideas. I bought her amembership in the YMCA, so that one or two afternoons a week she wentthere. She found that she had friends who also worked out. Andalthough at first she was going to swim, it turned out she discoveredother fun things, like weight lifting and other exercise machines.And I did eventually give her permission to go to a friend's houseafter school one day a week. Anyway, developing a plan took a longtime, and over time, changes happened.
These days it is relatively easy for teens to get jobs, I think. Atleast there are lots of openings listed in store windows. It mighthelp if you brain storm with your daughter about how to get a job.First general type of environment she might like working in. Second,the information she needs to have all together in order to fill out anapplication. Third how to ask for an appointment. Fourth practicingasking questions with her. But again, teaching teens about gettingjobs takes time.
Other things your teen might do, is take a class. Mine took driver'sed. And I forced her to volunteer one day a week, the summer beforeshe started working. It turned out she liked the volunteering sortof. It was a long bus ride. And when she started working after herjunior year, what she really liked, probably more than the money, wasthe young people she met.
Another helpful idea would be to ask her what her friends are doingthis summer. If they are going to be busy, working, or whatever, thenshe might realize that she can't just hang with them. Because I workin a bookstore, I had the luxury of insisting that if she didn'tdevelop a plan, then the plan would be to come to the bookstore.
I wish you lots of luck and your idea, that your daughter has to dosomething is not extreme. When my teen got combative, I always said."Well you have a very conservative, old-fashioned parent. Sorry."And I would also say that "Having a plan for what you are going to dois not negotiable. What is negotiable is what the plan will consistof."
My daughter was given a smallish allowance. Therefore she noticedthat in order to afford her life style, going to the movies, buyingCD's, having lunch with friends, she needed to earn money.
Hope this helps. Cheers. Kirsten
Dear Wet Blanket -
I feel extremely strongly about doing something. Despite his proteststo the contrary, I think my son would just sit around and ultimately getdepressed if he had no structure in his life for any length of time. Inthe past he has always gone to camp, but as he gets older it becomesharder and harder to find appropriate activities. This year we simplyselected from the rather slim camp pickings. Realistically, he's notquite old enough to get a job yet.
I don't have any vast wisdom on the parenting aspect of the powerstruggle involved. My son splits his time between two households and hetells me that his father doesn't mind if he does nothing. I haveresorted to telling him that if he wishes to do nothing he will have togo live with his father as I am absolutely unwilling to agree to it. Sofar it's worked. Yes, I do believe that I would follow through with thethreat.
- Even Wetter Blanket
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Summer Activites for Teens & Pre-Teens
2013 - 2014 Recommendations
Summer Ideas for Tween
March 2014I am looking for summer ideas for my bit quirky tween boy. He is 12 and will be 13 in August. He is quite mature and responsible for his age, but does not have any friends that he likes to hang out with. He seems to not mind having any close friends, which baffles me. Adults love him and describe him as polite and super helpful. He WILL NOT entertain any sleep away camp, or really camp in general, unless he can be a CIT. Ideally, for me, I'd like to see him enrolled in some sort of 1/2 day school that focused on Spanish and math and the sciences, and perhaps music. He'll enter 8th grade in the fall. Ideally, he could do some sort of CIT job in the afternoon. Berkeley/Oakland area. Does such a thing exist?Thanks in advance.
Most CIT positions are reserved for older teens who have some experience being either day or residential campers. Usually the kids who have attended those programs for a few years are the ones selected for CIT roles because they are familiar with the camp program, routines and expectations. I think it might be hard for your tween to walk right into that kind of role due to his age and lack of experience at the camp.
If your son is interested in music, perhaps he would be open to an amazing and different kind of music camp called ''Jam Camp West'' run by an Oakland non-profit called ''Living Jazz.'' Check it out here: and here:
It has been a transformative experience for my daughter and her friends, many of whom she met at the camp and has maintained contact with for years. Plenty of the kids are interesting and quirky, and all they need is an interest (no training required) in music, singing or dance - the rest is magic!Jam Camp West fan
Summer camp for tween
Feb 2014I'm wondering what kind of summer camps everyone recommends for an 11-year-old boy. I'd like him to go for most of the day, and it feels like he's outgrowing a lot of the typical day camps. I'm wondering if the CIT programs really are worthwhile? It's hard to find something that's affordable to do over multiple weeks. For example, we did some Galileo last summer, but this gets really expensive.Mom of Tween
The Albany YMCA has a great summer camp for tweens/young teens (6th-9th graders). I think it's called Awesome Adventures. Every day they go on an amazing field trip or have an exciting activity planned. Sign up week to week depending on what your kid is interested in doing. My son went from age 11 to 13 and there were always plenty of kids his age. Last summer he went river rafting, indoor skydiving, to every local amusement park, to baseball games, water parks, SF, Santa Cruz and a bunch more places I can't even remember. It's well run, the counselors are solid but it is a camp for older kids so they do give them a lot more freedom and less direction than programs for the younger crowd. The counselors mainly are there to supervise while the kids hang out. This was a major selling point for my son and one of reasons he loved it so much. Also it's affordable at about $240 a week(activities included) and runs from 7am-6pm, no extra chargeslove the Y camp
Low-Cost Summer Options for Entering High Schooler
April 2013My stepson is 14 years old and a graduating eighth grader. He is getting too old for summer camps and is still too young to hold a job or internship. We're looking for specific ideas for summer activities, preferably ones that allow him to keep a semi-regular schedule. He is able to navigate public transportation and is responsible and enthusiastic. We've considered a regular community service commitment but haven't been able to find anything consistent that is also appropriate for his age and skill set. We've also considered counselor-in-training (CIT) positions, but most of them ask that CITs pay nearly the same camp rate as younger campers, which makes us wonder whether these positions are really just summer camp with a different heading (we'd like something where he has responsibility). Even better would be a job because he is eager to make money, but we have zero ideas other than the standard mowing lawns, petsitting, etc. gigs. Cost is definitely an issue, as we just haven't budgeted for his summer commitments due to having a newborn at home. We also figure that if we can find something where he can work (unpaid is fine), he shouldn't have to pay to help!
This is a hard age. They're too young to stay at home but there are often not a lot of programs either.
Look at your city/county recreation and park programs. These are usually quite affordable. There may be things like basketball, but there will also be those CIT positions. My daughter did things like that and did indeed have some responsibility for taking care of the younger kids and helping out. You can only expect so much at this age, however; no one is going to have a 14-year-old run a camp. I think when my daughter volunteered at camps for rec and park, we did not pay.
Other places, like YMCA Camp Jones Gulch, will charge you for CIT experience, but in our day anyway, the cost was half. You'd pay the same rate, but get two weeks of training. And yes, they trained them in all kinds of ways for the first week (CPR, for example) and then had them work with kids for the second.
We always managed with a combination of things. Some expensive stuff like YMCA, cheap rec and park things, trading ''playdates'' with other parents, some vacation time with parents. It was always a struggle as I was single-parenting and broke.
If you live in Berkeley you can check out the City of Berkeley camps, and the Berkeley Ys summer options which are low-cost. Cal has a lot of good short term and part day progams (sailing/windsurfing/skateboarding) which might provide enough structure without taking the whole day, or costing too much..
Mostly 14 and 15 year-olds whose parents work do go to summer programs or camps. If you are going to be home with him this summer, you could try to put some part-time things together. The trick is to figure out what he is interested in, or wants to try and have that play a role in structuring the summer. Students that young, aren't much use to organizations as volunteers, though I can see how he might look grown-up to you compared to your infant. Usually programs and organizations only take volunteers over 16, entering junior/senior year.anon
2010 - 2012 Recommendations
Mixed sports summer camp for 13-year-old>
May 2011My 13 y.o. son, who will be a 9th grander in the fall, hasfinally agreed to go to a summer camp and now I'm afraid Iwon't be able to find anything. He was very interested inRoughing It Day Camp, but then we discovered that at his agehe can only do a 4 week program, and we simply do not havethat kind of money ($3690). I'm looking for a 1 to 2 weekcamp with mixed sports, water skills, traditional campactivities, etc. He is old enough to be a CIT, and wouldlike that role, but many camps only accept CITs who haveattended before. Am I too late? Any recommendations appreciated.Valerie
Our twin daughters, who will turn 13 this summer, are returning to City of Berkeley's Echo Lake Camp for 1 week this summer. This will be their third year. It is a 5 day-4 night overnight camp in the woods and mountains near Lake Tahoe. Loads of cool outdoor activities, including sleeping in tents, swimming in Echo Lake, camp fires, etc. It costs less than $500. per child. You can choose from several weeks over the summer. There is a bus that picks them up in Berkeley on a Monday morning and returns them to Berkeley on a Friday evening. Our girls love it.
I also wanted to put a very big recommendation in for Stage Door Conservatory, if your child has any interest at all in a really supportive and fun theater arts camp. There is a 2 week commitment for younger children and a 6 week commitment for middle school and high school students. (Three separate camps.) The middle school kids will be performing Hairspray this summer. This is a fabulous summer program that is very bonding for the kids. They learn about creating together, acting, singing, dancing, stage sets, props, costumes, etc. The final productions are always over-the-top amazing. Our daughters are returning after a great experience last summer participating in Bye, Bye Birdie. More information at this link:
Camp Unalayee, a wilderness camp in the Trinity Mountains, has 10 and 15 day sessions for ages 10-17. Fees are in line with other sleep away camps, But there is an active Campership program, available on an as needed (not necessarily strictly income based) basis. I believe there are still openings. www.gocampu.orgSeena
Highest possible recommendation for Plantation Farm Camp!We have 3 girls (11, 12, 13) who all rate Plantation Farm Camp as a 100 on a scale of 1 - 10! It is a 3.5 week sleep-away camp for boys and girls ages 8-16 or so, 2 hours drive from the Bay Area, has been going for almost 60 years, and is run by a couple who are extraordinarily warm, skilled at dealing with kids, solid, values-based, and committed to the emotional health and growth of their campers as well as to their safety, peacefulness, and joy. Mature counselors are hired from around the world, and the kids spend 24/7 out doors except for barn dances in the 100+ year old barn. They also have a commitment to families with varied means and have a great scholarship program. The camp is open to visit one weekend a month all year so you can check it out ahead of time. This will be our 3rd year and, as an over-zealous parent, I have only good things to say about our Plantation Farm Camp experience.Andrea
Math and/or Latin Summer Camp for teens
April 2011My 15-year-old is an enthusiastic student for whom studies don't come easy. Next fall he will be studying geometry and first-year latin, and he would love to get a jump on either one or both in a summer program in the Berkeley area. Does anyone know of a program that might be a good fit?Peter
I missed the original question, but ATDP, a summer program run by UC Berkeley has Latin and math classes. Language classes are intensive, 6 weeks equivalent to a year of high school instruction in the language. You can look up their website and contact them to see if there are openings or wait lists.chris
Summer Camp for visiting low-income 12yo nephew
March 2011My sister-in-law surrendered custody of her 12 year old sonto my father-in-law. He is currently living with grandpaand is happy, but we think grandpa will need a break thissummer. They are up in Alpine county (which does not havemuch going on) and we thought bringing him down for a coupleweeks to stay with us would be great.We would like to sign him up for camps and he has expressedinterest in sports camps. We do not have a ton of extramoney in our budget and are wondering if there are anyspecial programs/camps out there that offer scholarships. He is a greatkid but hasn't ever had the opportunity toplay sports because of the situation with his mom.We work in El Cerrito and would like something nearby. Howare the Cal camps? Scholarships?Thanks.concerned auntie
Camp Galileo is offering 1000 scholarships this summer. The deadline is March 15 [maybe they have extended it again?], so you'd have to hurry. There are other camps that offer scholarships. This list is from last year, but most likely these camps have financial aid again this year.
My son attended RATS a few summers ago and had a good time. The director is great and has many years experience working with kids. It's extremely reasonably priced ($175 a week 8-5:30!) and they offer financial aid if you need it. Kids play different sports all day and come home tired. Here's some of their posting from last weeks newsletter in case you missed it. Please check them out
"RATS is a fun and moderately competitive program for boys and girls whowant to play sports and games all day long. Kids play basketball,baseball, football, soccer, and a wide variety of alternative games.During "down time" they enjoy chess, checkers, board games, sillytalent competitions and more.
Program Director Don Arreola-Burl (''Coach Don'') has many years ofexperience operating summer programs, coaching, and teaching physicaleducation at several Berkeley schools. (During the school year, he worksfull-time as Washington School's PE Specialist.)
Kids of all ability levels are encouraged to enroll; all they need is awillingness to participate. So, if your child has a passion for sportsand physical activity, or just loves PE, sign up now!To register go to: to download enrollment forms."
Affordable Summer Fun for 15-year-old daughter
March 2011I realize that it may be late for some programs, but I'd love some help in my search for summer activities for my 15-year-old daughter. She is interested in acting, writing, reading, cooking, dancing and photography. I have found that most dedicated camps or experiences are quite expensive. Archived reviews are a little dated and mostly for younger kids. Does anyone have any suggestions for camps, programs or classes that inspire friendly, creative teens without costing an arm and a leg?East Bay mom
Sea Scouts is a great, affordable outdoors activity for Teens in the Bay Area. Is only costs $30 to join, is based in SF, and the teens learn how to sail, row, and care for their boats. We have kids from all over the Bay in our group, and with the America's Cup taking place in SF next, sailing will be on everyone's radar. Check out the website at, or email me at for more info. We'll be having an open house/free sail day on March 19th at 11 for any teens interested, just let me know if you plan on attending. Tamara
Camp Unalayee offers 9 and 15 day sessions. Very affordable because of their dedication to No Child Left Inside, actually Practiced not just Preached. 62 years and counting no child who wishes to participate has been barred by lack of funds -- campership awards range from $100 to $1500 dollars. So, Please, check it out at www.gocampu.orgWhile theater arts are not a stated focus, nightly campfire skits offer as much participation as desired, daily activities always feature creative arts (craft shack, ''Special Day'' themed drama created by participants, music, mask making. . . ). A creatively inclined person can always find opportunity and partners-in-creation at Unalayee. Seena
Something new for 11-year-old this summer
Feb 2011Looking for something new to do this summer for my 11 y.o. son. Need feedback on The Cruicible, Robotics for Fun and Berkeley Ironworks rock climbing camp. Thanks!!Sophia
I can respond re: The Crucible. My kids went there for two weeks last summer, and they said it was one of their favorite camps ever (at least partly because they served extra snacks!). Seemed well run, and they certainly learned quite a bit and really enjoyed themselves. My son recently retrofitted the robot he made there to do something else, so I was happy to see the wheels still turning in his mind.My only issue was the cost. It is one of the priciest options around here. They mentioned after the fact that about half the kids attended either free or on a significant scholarship, which in theory I think is great. However, I have no doubt that it was the dollars of the full price families that contributed to these ''scholarships'' but with no associated tax deduction. If I have to make a charitable contribution, then at least let me save on taxes. As I write this I realize I sound like a shrew, but at $1000/week for my two kids- it was quite an expense, and one we really had to stretch for.anon
Affordable Summer camps & programs for tweens?
April 2010I'm in Alameda but would be interested in camps aroundOakland, Berkeley, San Leandro.I can't believe how expensive a single week of camp is, andthere is so little available for tweens. My daughter's 11and has outgrown the little-kid crafts and singalongs, butstill needs organized events and lots of activity. I don'twant her to spend the entire summer watching TV and playingon the computer.What's good out there? What's affordable? What's worth doing?I can't be the only one in this boat.Thanks!Alana
Does your tween like music? Check out the Laney Summer Musicprogram at - they have 2-week campsin band, orchestra or chorus for only $125 for the 2-weeksession.parent of tweens
Day camps for 12 year old boy not into sports
April 2010Hi,I am still hunting around for some camps for my 12 year oldson during a few weeks of the summer. He is going to beentering 7th grade. He is very independent and so I wouldlove to find some half day camps he can bike to, but am opento anything that will be fun and interesting to him. He isinterested in science, mythology, robotics, tech classes,writing... that sort of thing. Ideas?Thanks.Middle School Mom
For the person who is interested in science, mythology, robotics, tech classes,writing... that sort of thing. Ideas?
He may enjoy the Roleplay Workshop. They offer weekly day camps allsummer, Mon-Fri all day (with optional extended care).You didn't say where you live,but the Roleplay Workshop is on Piedmont Avenue in Oakland. The gamesare creative and involve science and mythology, as well as a little math.My son and daughter have both been attending for years and LOVE it!See their website for more information:
Summer day camp details here:
I think the minimum age is 10 years old, and goes up through 17 or 18.(There's a separate teen table.)- love love love Roleplay Workshop
If your son is interested in science, he should checkout This Land Is Your Land Summer Day Camp in Berkeley(Tilden Park), Oakland (Roberts Regional Park), or SanRamon (Little Hills Park). As a 12-year-old, your soncould be a Counselor In Training (CIT) where he assumessome additional responsibilities such as helping withsnack, assisting his counselor with the daily camperprojects, etc. It's also perfectly okay if he doesn't wantto be a CIT. Older campers get to prepare an advancedproject at least once per week. The camp is outdoors, soall kids are fully exposed to the beauty and wonder ofnature and all campers complete one or more scienceprojects and bring them home every day. Campers playtypical camp games if they want but there is no pressureto participate in games if they choose not to. They hikethrough the forest, go swimming one day per week, andtruly enjoy all of the fun of being outdoors in some ofour most beautiful parks. The basic camp hours are from9:00 am to 3:00 pm and before/after-care is alsoavailable. My 10, 12, and 13 year-old grandsons areexcited abouted attending again this summer and my 17-year-old grandson is hoping he can be a paid counselor. All ofmy grandsons rave about this camp and the three youngerones are eager to become old enough to become acounselor!! You can get additional information about thecamp at or you can call the officeand talk to the staff there. The office number is 510-581-3739.Gran Kathy
Sarah's Science sounds like it might be a great fit for your12 year old. The camp is an outdoor camp with locations inOakland at Roberts Park and Berkeley at Tilden Park. Camperscomplete science projects to take home each day and dooutdoor activities like hiking, fort building, bug huntingand swimming. They do a great job of dancing the sciencearound the fun projects the kids create and the campers areconstantly active without relying on formal sportsactivities. Hope that helps.Anonymous
What's a music major to do for the summer?
March 2010My daughter will be coming home from college for the summer. Lookingfor ideas for a 19yo music major (vocal & violin) around the Bay Areaor not. Internships? volunteer work? Work might be tough in thiseconomy. Anyone with great ideas or where to find some good ideas?-Anonymous
Your daughter should contact the many area camps with music programs,or those devoted to music. something more local.She also might want to consider offering lessons thissummer...introductions to music, note reading, voice, string, etc.Good luck, happy summer planning.Andrew
The Oakland Symphony Chorus offers sing-ins during the summer onTuesday evenings. Have her join us!OSC member
Try Music at Menlo and Piedmont Choirs Summer Camp. There is also awell known instrument and voice summer camp based from, but notnecessarily in, Berkeley which lasts a no. of weeks in the summer butI'm blanking out on the name-Something in the Redwoods? My daughteralso gave individual voice lessons.Mom of Music Major graduating this year.
She could take a Kodaly course at Holy Names University! This iswonderful training in music teaching which she can use in many waysin her life. Contact Anne Laskey at for more info. Or, try to help out or teach at the Crowden School, or the YoungMusicians Program at UCB. Cazadero music camp may need counselors.Good luck!pianojeanette
Day camp near Walnut Creek for picky 6th grader
March 2010Our daughter is 11 years old and in 6th grade. She has now rejected her previousdaycamps now as being ''for kids'' so even though they are not (they go through the teenyears), I am looking for suggestions for daycamps with the following criteria:
A MUST:* full-day program with aftercare* location in or near Walnut CreekDAUGHTER ENJOYS:* swimming* horseback ridingI went to a camp fair today and got all sorts of flyers and brochures and, just as anexample of what I am dealing with, she rejected things based on the fact that there werepictures of younger kids, hence the ''that's for kids!'' remark. I know she's wrong, you knowshe's wrong, but one thing she is is extraordinarily strong-willed.As an added factor, our daughter is not particularly comfortable in new social situations,for what that's worth.Thanks for any suggestions!working parents who need a daycamp
I suggest you check out Adventure Day Camp in Walnut Creek. My15-year-old daughter has been going there for years and loves it. Shenow is a counselor-in-training there. Fun and age-appropriate groupsinclude ones for teens, who get to horseback ride, canoe, swim, playgames, do art projects, and so on. Yes, there are groups for youngerkids, but she would be in a small group with kids her age. Go for further details. If your daughter might liketo talk to mine, email me at the address below.nancy
2007 - 2009 Recommendations
Camp suggestions, 1 to 3 weeks, age 12/13, both genders
June 2009Hi there,Does anyone have Camp suggestions for ages 12/13, both genders, half-or full-day, near Berkeley, FUN, active, varied? Hopefully not toocostly? Not ''young kid'' camps, but geared for the teen (young teenthough!) Thanks if you have any suggestions!Can't let them completely ''veg''
Feather River It's not local butI've signed up my sons for the program. You can apply forscholarships. Good luck!anon
How about the Roleplay Workshop summer day camps? I already posted informationabout them in the ''schools, preschools & camps'' newsletter, but here it is again. As we're all looking ahead to summer and finding activities for our kids/teens, I'd liketo make sure everybody knows about a fantastic weekly summer program called ''TheRoleplay Workshop''. The program is located in a loft above Dr. Comics and Mr. Gameson Piedmont Avenue in Oakland. (They also walk to a local park for lunch and ultimatefrisbee games in the afternoon.) Do your kids like fantasy, science fiction, or otherimaginary worlds? If so, the Roleplay Workshop may be perfect for them. My two kidsboth started as soon as they turned 10 years old and this summer will be their 4th and6th years attending. It's their favorite summer activity! My daughter says ''RoleplayWorkshop is a great place to have fun and express yourself.'' My son says ''RoleplayWorkshop is fun for beginning and advanced players.'' Check out their website here:
Ideas for summer activities for 15-y-o gamer
June 2009I need to find some activity options for my son for the summer. He'sa fairly good student in a small school at Berkeley High. He is easygoing but likes to sleep and stay in his room most of the time whennot in school. Since school let out last week, he has been in frontof the computer gaming all day long i.e. he wakes up at 2 pm in theafternoon and stays up late at night. He used to be passionate aboutskateboarding, used to take music lessons, tried one martial artsclass and never went back. Right now the only scheduled activity forthe summer outside the home is Drivers Education. He knows that Iwill be taking his computer access away for certain hours of the daystarting next week and that he needs to find things to do in thecommunity. He is very bright but has a very shy side and has alwaysbeen difficult since early on for him to try new things. Ideas greatly appreciated!
I highly recommend The Roleplay Workshop (also called Abantey)'s a table-top role playing game and if your kid likes interactive computer games, this will be up his alley. It's even better however because it's real people sitting across from each other interacting in the moment and the game masters are very creative folks. Also, the kids go out and play an hour of ultimate frisbee each afternoon so they get some exercise too. This camp is above Dr. Comics & Mr. Games on Piedmont Ave.
Artsy camp for 15-year-old granddaughter
May 2009I have a 15 year old granddaughter who is very active with choir andall music, the arts and learning French. She is a very bright younggirl and will not back down to a challenge, so physical camps are alsogreat for her. She will be coming to Berkley this summer and I wouldlike to find something for her to do while she is here! If anyone hasany ideas as for days camps in the Berkley area that would be great.As I said, anything Music, French and or Art related is what wereaiming for, but anything really is great.Please and Thank you,Georgina
If your grandaughter is interested in Art, the Academy of Art collegeoffers a Pre-College program in the summer from mid June till the endof July. You can take up to four classes for around $500. My childenjoys the college like experience and it will look good on hercollege applications too.Art mom
Berkeley/Albany summer camp for 5th/6th grader
May 2009I'm looking for a fun, safe summer for my son who is currently in 5th grade. He thinkshe can put together his own fun summer, but I'm not ready for the fallout and/orboredom that I'm sure will come by the beginning of July. Does anyone haveexperience with a camp for entering middle school kids that has a decent balance ofstructured activities/trips and a little bit of just being a kid and having some hang-outtime? Areas of interest include Albany, El Cerrito & Berkeley. Thanks-not quite done with camps
My son was very hesitant about going to camp as a middle schoolkid (he, too, wanted to stay home and hang out w/ friends allsummer - w/ no parents!!?) but he really enjoyed AwesomeAdventures camp with the Albany YMCA. He liked that they wenton field trips to places that I don't have time to take him -river rafting, Great America, rock climbing, etc.- plus theyseemed to have plenty of hang out time w/ ping pong, foosball &card games. He liked the counselors, spoke highly of them, butwhat I liked is that they were adults who kept control and hadrules that the kids learned to respect... the no cell phonerule was great, in my opinion! I hope you can check out the Y'swebsite and see if it's a good match for you and your son!Here's a link to their summer programs & info: grade mom
What to do with 15-year-old this summer?
Feb 2008I have a 15-year-old daughter and am wondering what to have her do this summer. Sitting home alone every day with nothing to do but entertain herself on the computer is not an option. I'd love some suggestions about activities that would meaningful, challenging, educational, or fun that would be appropriate for a girl who is too young to work or drive and too old to do nothing. Any and all suggestions welcome.anonymous
I have a daughter who is currently in 9th grade. this summer she turns 15 and I wonder what she will do while I work full time ( I have some flexibility in my schedule) It seems like she is too old for camp but too young for a job. she is very shy and not one to go out and ''make something happen.'' What do other working parents do with their teenagers over the summer?single mom of a teenager
That's a hard summer. They are kind of in between things. Too old for camp and too young to work. Though, that said, if your daughter is into being a counselor-in-training it's a great summer for that! There are plenty of camps in the BA that would want her. Try the City of Berkeley's camps or Monkey Business. If she is onto playing music she could take a ''class'' at that school of rock place, I can't remember the name of it! It's all over the BA. If she's into science I think the Lawrence Hall of Science has interships for kids that age. Then there is just sending her away to a relative for a week or two in some other state! Oh, there is also the Academy of Art in SF, has classes for $100! (There are also those expensive pre-college art classes at CCA, but it's not really worth it...) There are week-long sports training camps through CAL for the athlete. Dancers can take classes at Destiny Arts and Shawl-Anderson.
I think my daughter took several classes that summer, one at that music place, one at the ASUC (student union at CAL) in photography, and maybe an art class at Studio One in Oakland. I got her a pass to the Strawberry Canyon pool but summers here are dreadfully cold so that wasn't a great investment, I think she went twice! She also played softball but that was mostly in the evenings and on weekends. We also took a week to go somewhere ourselves. It was really a week of this and a week of that, a pain to coordinate. Good luckanon
I also have a 15 year old daughter. She will be a jr counselor again at Monkey Business. She was a CIT 2 years ago & then became a jr counselor. (Jr counselor is by invitation only at this camp.) She was also a CIT at Echo Lake, Berkeley's sleep-away camp near Tahoe. At 15, there are numerous CIT & JC opportunities. At this age, it's likely a reduced fee or essentially volunteering. It's great experience. Maybe she could recruit a friend to sign up with her. There are also some teen programs (there was an item about Cal's teen program in the issue that included your query) for which she could still be a camper. Good luck!another mom of teen daughter
HiI just answered another parent with similar question. My son, his friend and I actually joined a summer camp in China last summer 2007. Both of them do not knowany Chinese language. The program lasted about 3 weeks. Thekids learned the Chinese language, culture. At the end of the session, they travelled to Inner Mongolia for about 4 days. The program itself is really well-organized and safe. You can check their website, it is . I like this camp because the kids came back with a much mature view not only to the world but to their own life.anna
How about Counselor in Training programs? Quite a variety of camps have them. You'd probably still pay for her to be thee, but she'd be with other teens, adults and little kids. You could try to find ones with activities that she'd like.Anon
I have a quiet 14 year old son and have always been in a quandry about summers, breaks, etc. A combo of 'work' and classes would be good! Here are some ideas I'm considering and you might too:
1)Volunteering at the movie theatre!-Unlimited free movies and she would get a lot of low pressure people/work experience.
2)Dog Walking/Housesitting-if she could get a friend to do it with her, even better.
3) C-Scouts-work on 'ship', learn to sail, knot tying, etc. Cheap to join, but need uniform- go on excursions, but weekend ones are a bit pricey. Search net for info.
4)City of Pinole-tv station run by teens and they teach/do all facets-camera, lighting, sound-students can act, write, do sets, etc. During year, but check if avail summers.Best of luck! amy
Affordable summer camp for 13 and 16 year olds
Dec 2007Hi parents,I am writing on behalf of my little sister and brother. Mysister is 16 and my brother is 13. I am trying to find asummer camp for them (doesn't necessarily have to be theSAME camp or program). We are looking for a program that islengthy (lasts the whole summer ideally), affordable, andbased on teens not younger children. They are willing to goanywhere in the country, as long as it's affordable! Thegoal is to get away from home for a summer. I think it'simportant that they gain some time away from my parents (whoare going through a divorce and the home situation is lessthan healthy), where they can have safe fun and be somewhatindependent teenagers for several weeks. They are social,athletic, creative, and into dance, photography, martialarts. It would great if they could meet some new friends.Unfortunately the main limiting factor is COST of theprogram. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Theyare also interested in summer classes, going abroad, themain limiting factor is price. We are in the financialbracket of ''not quite eligible for financial aid'' but cannotspend more than $600.00 per kid. When high school can besuch a tough time, draining both mentally and physically,I'd really love for them to have a healthy, happy summer,peacefully away from the messy divorce! I appreciate any & all advice!--Big Sis
Since the money is so tight, a lot of options are cut off.But maybe they could find opportunities as counselors foryounger children?
There would be other older kids also working, so it wouldn'tbe completely exile among children; it might even give thema little cash of their own, and it would get them out of thehouse and busy all summer.
I don't know their competencies, so I can't recommendanything specific, but Cal has a general summer camp thatmight have openings -- there are lots of programs around,and this is the time to be applying.laura
Summer Day Camp for 13 year old boy
Jan 2007My stepson comes out from Indiana to stay with me and myhusband during the summertime. He is going to be 13 thissummer and we both work outside the home in Walnut Creek.What are some summer DAY camps that we should look into forteen age kids? Last year he was in a Sports Camp which heloved but has an age limit of 12. We do not want anovernight camp since he is only with us for 7 weeks. Anyadvice would help. We're new to the East Bay and do notknow parents with kids his age.Liz, East Bay
Take look at Adventure Day Camp which is right in yourneck of the woods in Walnut Creek. They have programs forkids through 9th grade. My son will be going there forthe third year this summer. He's younger than yours buthe really enjoys the tremendous variety of activities.Older kids get to sail, kayak, horseback ride, etc. Youcan check it out online at You couldalso check out the CIT program for kids 11-15 at Sarah'sScience ''This Land Is Your Land'' camp. www.sarahscience.comFran
Check out Cal Adventures at
It is run by the recreation department at UC Berkeley andoffers a wide variety of camps in the summer time.There also may be orpportunites for him to be a CIT orjunior CIT at some of the camps that age out at 12. Socheck out camps with stuff he likes and see if they haveearly CIT programs (If you htink he'd like that)Mom
2004 - 2006 Recommendations
Summer for 15-year-old step-daughter with attitude
May 2006My almost 15 year old stepdaughter will be coming to livewith us in Berkeley this summer. She is not excited aboutthis fact, as she has got that ''attitude'' that seems toaccompany adolescence (part of the reason she is coming tolive with us). I am looking for suggestions and/oropportunities for her to make some social connections (weknow no teenagers around here). Are theregroups/classes/summercamps? She doesn't have a lot ofinterests other than watching tv and playing with make-up.Also, should we provide her an allowance that is somehowtied to responsibilities? I want her to have some freedombut also know she will be expected to contribute. She doesnot have this set-up at home (hence all the tv-watching). Iexpect the transistion will be difficult for all of us atfirst, but I am hoping to provide her with someopportunities to make this summer not the ''drag'' sheinticipates it to be...NOT the wicked stepmother
Would classes be an option? It might be nice to give her a choice, tell her youwant to make sure she meets some people her own age, and has a few activitiesthat she knows she'll like. The Crucible has some interesting classes for teens.
Also, if she likes applying makeup, how about letting her feel good about that.There are some retirement communities that would love a teen volunteer tocome once a week and apply makeup to their residents. Give the teen a sense ofpurpose and make a senior's day!Ann S.
Your posting already sounds negative and your stepdaughterhasn't even arrived, you need to have a much more openmind about this new person who will be living in your homeand since you are the stepparent, this is not yourresponsibility to make these decisions for her summer, itis the dad's child and better for him to step in here andfor you to back off - this will be a much more difficulttransition for the teen than it will be for the adults,she will feel uncomfortable in a new city, new rules, newbedroom, god the changes this kid will have to adjust towill be huge and your only job is to make her summer aspleasant and happy as possible and if you can act as apositive and welcoming steparent, your stepdaughter willadjust much more quickly and everyone will benefit. andby the way you obviously aren't around teens much as theyall like to watch TV too much. Do you have a computer forher to keep in contact with all the friends she will beapart from, how about suggesting the two of you goshopping to Target and get her new sheets, new comforter,new pillow, nightlight and other things to make her feelwelcome. Movies are $10.00 a ticket, BART to SF is over$6.00 roundtrip - everything is expensive so be generouswith your allowance, there are many postings forbabysitters and check with your neighbors on babysittingpossibilities. Provide time for dad and daughter to go outtogether - it is very important for dad to spend time withhis daughter over the summer. And by the way 'attitude'is part of the standard teenager personality - they allhave it, it's all in the way adults respond. 15 is a verydifficult age and having to cope with a new livingarrangement at this young age will be challenging foreveryone.JLS
My two teens think Berkeley is TEEN HEAVEN -- the ease ofpublic transportation, the variety of things to do, etc.It won't be too hard to find something for her besides TV,as long as she's willing to participate in an organizedactivity. Two quick suggestions:
1. Academy of Art summer experience for high schoolers --if she likes art at all, the variety of college-levelcourses in this program is great. Located in SF, close toBART, inexpensive for you, very hip for
2. Does she like acting? Berkeley Rep has theatercourses/workshop in the summer. Easy to get to on BART orbus.good luck!Lisa McL
It's hard to find summer camps for 15 year olds, but thereare a couple of good ones where she might make somefriends. Ask her which ones she might like to do:
Beginning windsurfing camp at the Berkeley Marina throughCal
High school students program at Contra Costa Civic Theatergood luck
Last minute summer plans for 15 year old
May 2004Well we didn't plan on it this way but several things fellapart and now my 15 yr old daughter has nothing set forthe summer and no desire for anything that Isuggest--can't see her sitting at home so wondering ifanyone has any ideas on what short term (1 week -3week) programs or ''things'' are available in this area fora non motivated teen who'd rather be somewhere else,but can't be. any ideas welcome
Even with advanced planning our 15 year olds will be
1)working out at the Y,
2)reading books,
3)helping around the house,
4)finishing lingering academic requirements and
5) Rowing with ''Row Oakland 2004''out of the Old LakeMerritt Boathouse (They're already rowers and will beinterning).
Row Oakland offers 3 two-week programs (the firstbegins 6/21 and the last ends 7/30) and both morningor afternoon sessions. Its a great chance to get aworkout and a tan, learn a new skill and meet otherteens, close to home. The interns for this program tendto be kids your daughter's age from the Berkeley (boysand girls) Crew, and it is run by the BHS Crew HeadCoach. Each 2 wk, 1/2 day session cost $90, with feewaivers available. Phone 510-273-9041 for moreinformation.Heather
Looking for suggestions for summer camps
April 2004We are looking for some suggestions for summer camps for teens that may be off the beaten path or not advertised as heavily as the YMCA, etc... Cal has some great programs, but they run from 9:30 to 4:00 and as working parents, we cannot transport our children within this time...We are curious if anyone has found out something that we haven't. Thanks for any imput!
2003 & Earlier
Feb 2000
Summer camps for 12-13 year olds: I have had the same problem with mydaughter who is now 14. Albany Y has the most interesting teen camps whichare open only to teenagers. Some are only half day but others are longer.This allowed her a little bit of time on her own but still providedstructure. If you find a friend to go with them it helps. Cal Adventurecamps ( through the University) also offer interesting teen camps, againthey are often half day and a little pricey. Last summer I was able to gether a job at her younger sister's preschool which was wonderful, but I knowthis would have been impossible if I had not know this school for so manyyears. There are CIT (counselor in training programs) but many don't takekids untill they are 14 or older, same is true for most summer jobs. Ibelieve Albany Y offers the youngest CIT program for 13 year olds, but youneed to apply early. The other idea I had before finding her the preschooljob, was to have her volunteer at places like the senior centers. I knowkids who have done this but never followed up on it myself. I would imaginemany of the preschools would be interested in part-time volunteers. Goodluck, it is not any easy task and usually incorporates a lot of pieces. Thevolunteer or CIT work will definetelty help them get jobs in the summers tocome.-Lynn
April 1998
I believe the Berkeley-Albany YMCA has some pretty interesting teen summer programs. Also, try the Berkeley YMCA. Cal has sports and adventure camps (ck with Intercollegiate Athletics depart). Finally, for referrals ck with BANNANAS (658-7101)-or better yet-go there to look over all their summer program flyers. Dianne
Advice: Teens Resistance to Summer Camp
11 year old boy not interested in sleepaway camp
April 2014Some of my best memories growing up were at sleepaway camp. I've been putting feelers out to my 11 year old for a few years now, and he is completely uninterested in going. I haven't pushed it, because I just figured it's not his thing. He doesn't like sleeping away from home and will occasionally tolerate the random overnight at a friend's, but that's it. Should I give him more of a nudge? He is worried that he won't sleep well, and he is very modest and doesn't like the idea of changing in front of other kids. I suspect both these issues will disappear on day 1 of camp and he will have a great time. I enjoy having him around in the summer, and he goes to day camp for two weeks or so, but there's definitely too much screen time and whining. I don't want him to let his anxieties limit him at such a young age (or ever). On the other hand, there are so many amazing things to do here in the Bay Area, we can have a pretty great and busy summer if I get myself organized a little bit. Any suggestions?First world problem
Is there a middle-ground you can seek? Perhaps you can find a week-long camp that offers a one-night sleepover? You can also talk to him about ways to preserve his modesty, which I can certainly appreciate. He wouldn't be the only kid getting dressed in a bathroom stall or in his sleeping bag, I'll bet.
Also, can you sign him up for more camps this summer, to cut down on the screen time and whining? Your town or adjacent town's rec and park department probably have low-cost camps. Ours run ab out $100 for a five-day week from 7:30-3. You could try that for this summer and revisit sleepaway camp next year.
I was like you - LOVED camp and thought my son would for sure get into once he got there. Well, he went and it was just OK. I am not spending that kind of money for ''just OK.'' So the next summer he stayed home and took a computer programming class and loved it. My second son LOVES camp and is going back for this third year. Perhaps you can have him go to a weekend camp to test it? Or maybe a family camp like Lair of the Bear? With a friend is even better. But, sometimes we just have to honor our kids for who they are.anon
Hi! I felt the same way - going to sleepaway camp really helped me form my own identity. I wasn't my mother's daughter, my brother's sister, I was me! You might start with a Family Camp program. That's what I did with my boys. We did one at Camp Campbell in the Santa Cruz mountains that is lots of fun, we did Camp Jones Gulch as well. I work at the Y, so those are Y camps, but I'm sure there are lots of other options as well. Most of these, though, don't require Y membership or anything. Hope it works out!Eden
We had exactly the same problem with our anxious 11 year old. What we did was:
1) search out the most solid, caring Camp Directors we could find, i.e. those we thought most skilled and experienced at creating a warm and inclusive camp community (and who have a no-electronics policy). These Directors were John Chakan and Kelly Marston; they have been full-time professional summer sleep-away camp directors for 15 years or more. (They also have 3 children of their own) I did a few months of volunteer work for them to get to know them ahead of time and make sure that I trusted them with my children. I do,and after 5 years of summer camp with them, still have no reservations.! John and Kelly now run Camp JaK ( 8-16 year olds). My three kids have been with them for 5 Summers and rave about it the rest of every year.
2) made arrangements with John and Kelly for my highly anxious kid to have the option of coming home after a few days if she really wanted to. At the end of 3 days she had no interest in coming home and stayed happily for almost 4 weeks. The following Summer she begged to go to multiple sessions and went for almost 8 weeks!
Note: While John and Kelly were the Directors at Plantation Farm Camp for over a dozen years, this Summer they they have started their own camp . Since I believe that the leadership at a camp is the primary factor in the quality of children's experience, my kids are moving to the new Camp JaK with these wonderful [Berkeley-based] directors. Part of what I so admire about their mission as life-long summer camp leaders is their ability to simultaneously love kids unconditionally, while setting fair firm and consistent limits. I also have great respect for the values they bring to camp life - kindness, inclusivity, responsibility for community , the farm animals. and the environmentââ¬Â¦ And the food is great! Wishing you all the best,Andrea
My son could have gone to sleep-away camp like some of his friends but he never wanted to do so. So we signed him up for various day camps in the area. At age 16, he was a CIT with some friends of his at a family camp and had a great month. After high school, he traveled abroad on a program and stayed for almost a year. My point is that there's no reason to push your son to do something he doesn't want to do. He may change later and he may not. It is not something to worry about.Enjoy him while you can
Whether to push 14 year old to go to sleepover camp
March 2012I'd love advice on whether to send our foster son to sleepover camp even if he doesn't want to go.
Eighteen months ago, we became foster parents to a teenaged boy we already knew. He came directly to us from his bio parents' house and we expect to be his permanent parents. He has PTSD, grief and depression. His daily behavior was highly anxious and suspicious when he first came to us. He is now 14.5 years old.
With a lot of support, patience and good therapy, he has improved quite a bit. He still has a long way to go. Last summer was really difficult--the large blocks of unstructured time made him very anxious and depressed. At that point, when he was having nightmares and was afraid of all strangers, sleepover camp was impossible and we resisted social services pressure to send him. We enrolled him in some day camps, but several were cancelled. He has no skills for entertaining himself if he doesn't have something electronic to do. He struggles with reading, and his social skills are poor. He has very few friends and clearly doesn't understand how to be a friend yet. He is very agile and enjoys ping pong and tennis, but those require a buddy. We will get him in some camps this summer, but the hours will once again stretch for him (and us).
As a foster youth, he could attend Camp Mendocino. And I can also get him into YMCA's Camp Jones Gulch, where my adult daughter works. He doesn't want to do either. He has no experience with sleepover camps and withdraws in social settings, although I'm told he does okay socially while at school.
Does anyone have experience with requiring a reluctant teen to go to camp? Our hope would be that the extended, close time with other kids in a supportive environment would build social skills, morale, and self-esteem--and that he might have fun. Our fear is that he will feel alone and scared. He's going to be aging out of camps soon, so this might be the last summer he could do it. I will be discussing this with his psychologist, but wanted a parent perspective too.want our boy to enjoy himself for a change
Your intentions are good, but why push this issue of sleepover camp? Let him build his relationship with you as a family, heal, retreat from the world a bit if that's what he needs to heal and don't make a big deal over sleepover camp. Of course you want it to be great for him, but how great can it be given his current emotional mind set? Not very is my guess, and he's likely to be resentful of you for sending him. Good luck.anon
I can't answer your question from a parent's perspective, but I can from a Camp Director's perspective (as well as past counselor, unit leader, and activity director). It sounds like camp could be a great experience for your son! Sleep over camp provides bonding experiences between children and helps them work on their social skills and developing their personality traits. It also lets him "be someone else" for the time he is at camp. If possible I would love for a camp that offers a chance for the camp experience before he's there without you. Look for a camp where you can do family camp for a weekend before you send him for sleep away, or where you can do a site visit with him. If you can show him where it is, what the cabins are like, and how the dinning hall works that may help him easy into the situation. I would also recommend talking to different camp directors. They can not only help prep his counselor to make sure it is a positive experience, but some camps have on-site therapists which might be a good choice for your son. I have personally worked with campers who were suicidal, cutters, dealing with their sexual identify, and been abused - most of these campers had a very positive experience. Some I am even still in contact with (10+ years later) and they say that one week of sleep away camp changed their lives. Camp can help with so many problems. I wish your family luck and I hope you are able to do what is best for your foster son.
As a parent and as someone who has worked with foster teens, definitely not. While you seem to have the best of intentions for sending him, he will think you are trying to get rid of him.
There are so many great day camps--most will give scholarships for foster teens. It will be a bit of work to get them all set up, but you should be able to fill up his whole summer. Some have one overnight in a week or two week session--encourage him to try that out but don't push.If you find gaps that you can't fill with day camp, say he has to spend 30/hrs week volunteering. is a good place to look or try your local library or perhaps he can volunteer in a camp for younger wishes
Our daughter has an anxiety disorder, and also really did not want to go to sleep away camp 3 Summers ago. We have found that all of the most loved things in her life are things which she initially refused to consider due to fear/ anxiety. We did the following:
1) Researched the camp, until we were 100% comfortable with it (volunteered time with the Directors, visited it off-season, sought feedback from experienced camping families, etc.)
2) Made sure that the supervision would be provided by carefully selected, mature adults and not youngsters because many teens are not yet able to provide a) unconditional love even if they don't like a kid, and b) firm yet fair and consistent limits/ boundaries
3) Negotiated an agreement with the camp that our daughter had to stay for 4 days (out of a total of 3.5 weeks) and that, if she wanted to come home, she could after that (so she didn't feel trapped).
4) Told her that she had to go for the 4 days and that we'd come pick her up after that if she wanted us to. She never looked back, and the next Summer, went, at her request, to both 3.5 week sessions.
Should you be interested, all 3 of my kids say that they rate Plantation Farm Camp (2 hours from San Francisco) a 100 on a scale of 1 to 10!... and that they will never miss another Summer there again. All my best to you and your foster Son
Camp for 13yo who feels she is too old for camp
May 2011We are looking for recommendations for summer camp in Contra Costa (preferably). Our daughter, who will be 13 in early August, feels she is too old for camp and wants to hang around at home all summer. My husband and I both work full-time, but even if we didn't, this wouldn't be OK with us. She is bored within 3 seconds of arriving home from school, and cannot think of anything she wants to do. She always asks for suggestions and rejects all of them (welcome to our world!). Anyway, you get the picture.
She is going to two weeks of sleepaway camp in early July. Other than that, we are looking for interesting things for her to do that she won't feel she is ''too old'' for. Last summer she had a fantastic time at Roughing It Horse Camp (first time), but now she has no memory of that good time. She has also gone to Adventure Day Camp for a number of years and that is really convenient to home, but she is again growing tired of it (though she had a better than usual time last summer there due to the field trips they do with the older kids - again, little memory of those good times!).
We are in Walnut Creek, so anything near here would be great.If you want to ask what she is interested in, other than swimming, it's hard to say, alas. Hanging around the house all summer texting her friends is definitely not an option. ;-)Thanks!
I've got kids entering 7th and 9th grades this fall, and I just wanted to recommend Roughing It again. My kids have been going to Roughing It Day Camp for years and even though they're now among the older campers they still love it. I love that they're busy outside all day (away from electronics!) and that they get picked up and dropped off at my house. They love the variety of activities (but most especially the horseback riding) and the dynamics of the campers and counselors. I definitely wouldn't want to force my kids to go to a camp they didn't want to go to so I do consider myself lucky that they like RI ... good luck with helping your daughter find something she likes!Ann
15-year-old claims he's too old for camp
May 2009I need ideas on how to keep an unmotivated 15-yr-old active thissummer and away from screens, which he can do all day long. Heclaims he's too old for camps. He likes basketball and baseball. Weneed ideas about sports, paid work?, volunteering, etc.Bracing for summer
When my children were teenagers I always thought that water sportswere a great summer activity, we live by a fantastic body of water!!!So two thoughts depending on locations are:
The rowing and other boating programs at Lake Merritt
and Cal Adventures programs at the Berkeley Marina
These programs generally have sections specifically for olderteens. My teens went to 1/2 day camps at each locations and as theygot older got themselves to and from either by bike or publictransit. They loved it all and what a great way to spend the summer onthe bay. These are also great programs for kids visiting the bay areafor the summer.mother of college students now
13-y-o is resisting music camp - do it anyway?
March 2007We're thinking of sending our son to Cazadero Music Camp's Junior Highsession this summer. He's really been resisting the idea (at almost 13he's never been away from home on his own for more than 2 days, and hedislikes being away too long, even with us) and I hate to push him, and spendall the money (!), if he'll really hate it. On the other hand, I'm pretty surehe'll love it, and that even if he doesn't it'll be good for him. (He plays piano & trumpet BTW - though he refuses to play piano at Caz, IF he goes.)
Does anyone have recent experience with Caz, AND/OR experience sendingmiddle school kids to away camp, when they'd much rather stay home &play Runescape?
One of our son's friends went to Caz last year, and said he didn't likeit bc he didn't know anyone. That was the only negative comment I've heard.Fortunately, two of our son's other friends may attend this summer,making the whole thing look way more attractive, even to him. Still, I coulduse your wise advice.Thank you!lcf
(Editor Note: Click here to read thefull reviews below of Cazadero Music Camp that are excerpted below)
Cazadero Music Camp has been wonderful for our 15-yearold daughter.... The environment is great. Thepeople are warm and supportive. The music is amazing: Thekids always learn a whole new program under a newconductor each week. The camp setting, along the creek, isalso beautiful. I'm guessing he won't miss his videogames after the first day. There's so much to do and somuch fun to be had at Caz.
My son went to the beginning Cazadero camp several yearsago, and it was excellent. However, I can certainlyunderstand that your son prefers to have people there healready knows, and also may not be ready for a sleep awaycamp at a place he's never visited. Here are twopossibilities for you to consider: (1) check out the LaneyCollege Summer Music Program for middle schoolers. Mydaughter attended last year when she was 12, and althoughit's not as deep a music experience as ''Caz,'' it's a nearbyday camp that's very affordable, and overall was anexcellent experience for her despite sometimes wishing itwas a little better organized. (2) consider attending oneof the two Caz family camp weeks in August. That wouldallow you and your son to get familiar with Caz, not tomention have fun doing everything from various kinds ofmusic to circus to visual arts to Taiko drums. It's notcheap to attend, but good value if your family has thedeeply memorable experiences that many have had.-Still wearing my Caz T shirt
I've heard wonderful things about Cazadero although I haveno personal experience with it. I'm sure that part of theirgreat reputation (besides the music) comes from the factthat they provide a positive camping experience for the kidsthat go there!
The reason I'm writing is that I feel strongly about sendingkids off to sleep-away camp. I think it's like learning toride a bike or learning to swim or learning to drive acar---it's an important life experience that provides anopportunity for growth and sense of personal accomplishment. I went to several camps over several summers (for a week ortwo each). Most of them were great. Learned lots of songs,made new friends, hiked and swam. Loved riding the bus andsinging ''Catalina, Madalina'' at the top of my lungs. Onecamp was a horrible experience, I hated my counselor, I wasthere for my birthday and the counselors confiscated thecookies that my grandmother sent to me (hmmm, wonder who atethose?!) But, I survived!! And, I have some pretty funnystories and great memories, even of THAT camp.
Each of my kids went off to their first camp starting thesummer before 6th grade. My son went to Boy Scout camp,with a backpack full of clean clothes each marked with hisname. He came home with a backpack full of cleanclothes---he even survived not having showered or brushedhis teeth for an entire week! (Maybe he swam that week?)
I do think it's nice if you have a friend go to the samecamp---but after a couple of days at camp it won't matter ifhe doesn't. There will be other kids in the same boat!
I strongly encourage you to send him off! I think our kidsneed us to push them to do things that are a little scary ornew so that they can move on to other (perhaps scary)rewarding activities---college, marriage, you know.
If he goes, definitely mail a letter off to him before hegoes so that he'll get mail the first day. I always sent amagazine or quick paperback too. If the camp allows food,by all means consider a package of cookies. Helps makefriends with your bunkmates!
I'd be willing to bet money that he'll have a great time.Sally
13-year-old refuses camp's overnight stays
Jan 2006my 13 year old son has attended a wonderful day camp forthe past four years and has enjoyed it as much as heenjoys anything. the problem is that the camp has twoovernights per session that increase in length each year(for example, the two nighter for 4th graders is a threenighter for 6th graders). He absolutely will not stayovernight. Promises, threats, cajoling, bribing, etc. havenot worked and I always end up driving for 1 to 3 hours topick him up. This also results in many lost days of campwhich have already been paid for (it ain't cheap!).AND...since all of his friends are away at camp he sitshome and does nothing for those missed days. Well thisyear I have put my foot down and told him that we willhave to find another day camp that doesn't haveovernights. Yes, he's anxious; yes we've tried therapy;yes, he has friends at the camp who do stay overnight;yes, we've tried negotiating with the camp. The idealsituation for him (and me) would be some kind of OutwardBound program where he couldn't possibly come home butsince that won't be happening I was hoping BPN folks couldrecommend local day camps. Sports camps are out, as isAbantey (hated it). Thanks everyone.
Can't Afford Brat Camp
I would like to recommend ifyour son is at all interested in music and/or computers.MixLab is a audio and media production class that runs as anafter school program durring the school year and campdurring the summer. My children attend the school where thiscamp is held and I can highly recommend this teacher and anyother staff that your son may come in contact with.Feel free to contact me with any questions.Natasha
My advice is that your son could be a Junior Counselor inTraining at one of the day camps for younger kids that doesnot have overnights. City of El Cerrito recreation has aJr. CIT program that can be a really good experience. TheCITs receive training and are expected to learn to beresponsible and organized. Other cities and the Y probablyhave similar programs. In El Cerrito you pay only theadministrative costs of participation, so it is muchcheaper than being a camper.-parent of a teen
For many years I sent my daughter to a summer camp sheenjoyed, which also had overnights that grew longer as shegot older. She also didn't want to go on overnights, and Iremember several long drives to far away locations to pickher up, arguments about my paying and her at least givingit a try, etc.
My advice: don't push it.If you found a camp he likes, stick to it as he has friendsand continuity. On the overnights, have him make playdateswith friends so he's not just sitting at home. Don't createmore anxiety for this type of kid. My daughter eventuallyoutgrew her fears, to the point that now at 19 she hiked byherself through Spain and will be spending next year in auniversity in Africa. Some kids are just more cautious andhave more fears than others, and they need to take theirown time feeling comfortable in situations. Don't make abig deal out of it.Been There
having picked up my kid from numerous day camp overnightsand sleepovers at friends' homes, I know well of what youspeak, and clearly remember the frustration. so I knowwhat you're going through.
but in terms of your kid's day camp for this summer, unlessfinding something else for him to do during the overnightwould constitute some kind of real financial hardship (andat 13, maybe he can stay home for a day or two?), I wouldsimply suck it up and send him back to the camp that hereally likes and has friends at even though he'll miss theovernight. if you force him to go to another camp, you'rebasically punishing him for having whatever psychologicalissue makes it difficult to spend the night away fromhome. and as weird as that might seem to you and me asparents, apparently some kids have that issue longer thanwe might think is ''appropriate.'' (my kid recently decidedthat overnights are fine, and I was totally unaware of whatmade this change happen.)
so just let it slide, send him back to the camp he loves,and who knows? maybe by this summer he'll be ready to dothe overnight. best wishes and good luck.anon
Daughter refuses any structured summer activities
March 2001Dear Parents, I am gearing up for our usual summer battle. My husband andI would like our daughter to use some of her summer for either volunteering,taking a class or working at a paying job. She is very resistant to theidea of doing anything but hanging out with her friends. Does anyone haveany clever ideas as to how I might suggest a way in which she herself mightfind something constructive to do? Any resources for summer activities forteens which are community service oriented ? I feel I am asking really dumbquestions here, but I really don't know what to do. When I even broach thesubject of doing something other than playing the whole summer "by ear" mydaughter gets combative. I must be doing something wrong. All I want toconvey to her is: You must find something [acceptable to me and Dad] tooccupy a minimum of 50% of your time and the best way to have some choiceswould be to start looking around now. Does this sound reasonable to otherparents out there? Am I being heavy handed to insist on discussing it now? Any and all sorts of advice are welcome: advice about the mechanics offinding someting to advice on how to improve my parental approach. Thanks,The Wet Blanket
No, you don't sound unreasonable at all (to me.) I've said the same words! I'll be looking forward to reading the responses!
To the parent signed Wet Blanket regarding her daughter doing something other than hanging out this summer. I totally agree with your position. It is very reasonable that your daughter not "waste" the whole summer just hanging out. simply being out of school and not having homework is a great break. She doesn't have to spend every waking minute in unstructured time. Plus, if she's college-bound, how she spends her free time is a factor that colleges look at. I want my daughter to do any of the three things you suggested, class, volunteering or paid work, during the time she's in town this summer. She will be a CIT for a few weeks and a camper for a couple more. Good luck and hold your ground even if your daughter grumbles.
You are certainly not alone in your predicament. It seems that the societal message toteens today is they aren't children and that they should be allowed to decide what isgoodfor them rather than to capitulate to their parent's preferences and I think that a greatmany teens are taking this message to heart. It is, perhaps, fruitless to debate wether ornot this is a good thing; it is enough to realize that this is reality. As parents we have notangible means to force our children to do as we wish and this is even more so regardingcertain willful independent minded teenagers.
Modern circumstances have altered the role of parenthood from the old fashionedauthoritarian guardianship to something that might be characterized as a facilitatorguardianship. As such, your main leverage as a parent is the degree to which youfacilitate their interests and desires. The regulatory function is no longer a matter of "doit or else", but, you can still impose your will on reluctant children by less direct yeteffective means. In short, you provide encouragement, compliments and support for thosebehaviors that you approve of and speak out against, complain, and withhold supportfrom those behaviors that you don't approve of. What are the alternatives? You can trybluffing them with empty threats but unless your child is somewhat dull they see rightthrough it and call your bluff. You can get tough but so can they and when push comesto shove they will most likely be judged innocent and you guilty.
Don't let this discourage you. You have the advantage. Teenagers think that theyknow everything and you are so much wiser and experienced than they are. You merelyhave to trick them into doing the right thing and let them think that it was their idea.You must converse with them and ask them a lot of questions. When you get an answerthat is acceptable to your purpose you seize upon that and promote it and provide thesupport to move that particular idea from thought to deed.
In your particular case, Ms. Wet Blanket, my first impression is that whatever"constructive" activities your daughter is going to end up doing are going to have toinclude one or more of her friends. Perhaps you can get her and a couple of her friends toapply for summer jobs at the same place or to volunteer for the same thing. She wants tobe with her friends and you can facilitate this and lend your support to this providingthey are doing something of value together.
Finally, although she doesn't know it, she is still just a kid and considering whatmodern life holds for her in the future, her teen years are her probably the greatestopportunity for the pure enjoyment of living that she will have in her lifetime. It is yourresponsibility and privilege to see to it that you steer her to those things that willprovide her with memorable times that will help sustain her as she takes on theawesome task of facing the coming years. Help her to find something constructive to dothat she will cherish the memory of having done and you will both be getting exactlywhat you want.Frank
I have a 15-year-old like this. Last summer his best friend's momsuggested they take a class together and we also planned out a coupleweeks of camp. Then we could both say, "Your best friend is going to betaking sailing lessons in August. Why don't I sign you up too?" This hadgood results.
Once they get to be about 16, many if not most of their friends aregoing to be working or taking classes or doing other things in thesummer, so "just hanging out" may well mean hanging out by herself for agood part of the time. Now's a good time to make a few phone calls toyour daughter's friends' parents and find out what their plans are. Youwill have more leverage if you can point out to your daughter that mostof her friends will not actually be available for hanging out thissummer. Also you both may get some ideas for activities that yourdaughter might like, especially if her friends will be there too. Thistime last year, my older son discovered that many of his friends wereplanning to be counselors at Strawberry. He got in his application intime (er, actually I finished it myself and mailed it for him) and hehad a great time, met new friends, made some money, and is applyingagain this summer.
I guess I am also a wet blanket type of parent, because I alsoinsisted that my daughter and I develop a plan for her summers.
But my battles began before summer, since I insisted that she have aplan for after school time. I just repeated over and over, hangingout with your friends on Telegraph Ave after school every day is notacceptable. Eventually, we developed ideas. I bought her amembership in the YMCA, so that one or two afternoons a week she wentthere. She found that she had friends who also worked out. Andalthough at first she was going to swim, it turned out she discoveredother fun things, like weight lifting and other exercise machines.And I did eventually give her permission to go to a friend's houseafter school one day a week. Anyway, developing a plan took a longtime, and over time, changes happened.
These days it is relatively easy for teens to get jobs, I think. Atleast there are lots of openings listed in store windows. It mighthelp if you brain storm with your daughter about how to get a job.First general type of environment she might like working in. Second,the information she needs to have all together in order to fill out anapplication. Third how to ask for an appointment. Fourth practicingasking questions with her. But again, teaching teens about gettingjobs takes time.
Other things your teen might do, is take a class. Mine took driver'sed. And I forced her to volunteer one day a week, the summer beforeshe started working. It turned out she liked the volunteering sortof. It was a long bus ride. And when she started working after herjunior year, what she really liked, probably more than the money, wasthe young people she met.
Another helpful idea would be to ask her what her friends are doingthis summer. If they are going to be busy, working, or whatever, thenshe might realize that she can't just hang with them. Because I workin a bookstore, I had the luxury of insisting that if she didn'tdevelop a plan, then the plan would be to come to the bookstore.
I wish you lots of luck and your idea, that your daughter has to dosomething is not extreme. When my teen got combative, I always said."Well you have a very conservative, old-fashioned parent. Sorry."And I would also say that "Having a plan for what you are going to dois not negotiable. What is negotiable is what the plan will consistof."
My daughter was given a smallish allowance. Therefore she noticedthat in order to afford her life style, going to the movies, buyingCD's, having lunch with friends, she needed to earn money.
Hope this helps. Cheers. Kirsten
Dear Wet Blanket -
I feel extremely strongly about doing something. Despite his proteststo the contrary, I think my son would just sit around and ultimately getdepressed if he had no structure in his life for any length of time. Inthe past he has always gone to camp, but as he gets older it becomesharder and harder to find appropriate activities. This year we simplyselected from the rather slim camp pickings. Realistically, he's notquite old enough to get a job yet.
I don't have any vast wisdom on the parenting aspect of the powerstruggle involved. My son splits his time between two households and hetells me that his father doesn't mind if he does nothing. I haveresorted to telling him that if he wishes to do nothing he will have togo live with his father as I am absolutely unwilling to agree to it. Sofar it's worked. Yes, I do believe that I would follow through with thethreat.
- Even Wetter Blanket
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