R.I.P. Tattoos And Designs; Rest In Peace Tattoo Ideas And

It is never easy losing someone that you love, no matter what your relationship to them is. One of the hardest things one may have to do is bury a child. God forbid this happening to any of you, but sadly, some will. I personally know someone who lost her son at birth. She honored her son with a small memorial tattoo. It looks something like the picture below, with the baby being held by hands. Although this can serve as a memorial, it can also be a reminder of what happened. It can be a tough call. On one hand, you want to honor them, but on the other, it can be a constant barrier of the pain. This is something you will have to consider before you get your rip tattoo. I am not just talking about the loss of children, it can be a mother, brother, sister, or uncle. Personally, it feels different to honor a mother opposed to a child. I would rather honor a child in some other way. You can make your own choice. This is just my opinion.

Rest in peace tattoos give you one last chance to honor a person, a honor that will last until your gone. Make sure you take the time to closely look at each memorial tattoo design. This will give you a better idea of what is available and it may give you the inspiration you need for your rip tattoo design.

Two more popular symbols that are used in memorial tattoo designs is "wings" and the "halo". Some people choose to add wings to their rest in peace tattoo design. They may choose to add names and dates between the wings. Some rip tattoo designs have a pair of wings with a cross in the middle. Rest in peace tattoo designs that include a cross can include a halo on the top of the cross. Some memorial tattoos may also include angels. One unique idea that I have personally seen was a man that have a grave marker tattooed on his arm. The grave marker had his last name, which was "White". Under the grave, he had a list. To give you a visual image, picture Santa's list. At the time, he had 3 names and dates on his list. Come to find out, it was the names of close friends and family. He said that he would honor everyone close to him by adding them to his tattoo.

Since there are many different symbols that are considered appropriate for memorial tattoos, it really gives you plenty of options to create a unique tattoo to honor those you love the most. Although it seems "dark" to add skulls or the grim reaper, some people do chose to go that route. Some memorial tattoos can differ depending on who has passed away. For example, what is a soldier has passed away? Someone may choose to add a flag of their country to their rip tattoo. What did that person enjoy doing in life. Maybe your father loved playing music. You may want to add a guitar or a piano to the design. If he was a big Chicago Bears fan, you may add a Chicago Bear jersey. These are just examples of how people create a unique tattoo for the ones they adore and love.

Some rest in peace tattoo designs do not have one single symbol in them. Instead, they choose to get the face tattooed on them. In my opinion, this is the best way to get a memorial tattoo. Make sure it is a great photo and go get it tattooed. If it was up to me, I want to remember that person when they were the happiest. That way, when I look at their smiling face, I can smile back. Yes, it may cost a little more money, but it is the best way you can do a memorial tattoo. If done correctly, you won't regret it.

Death is a sensitive subject for us all. I know you can have a lot of emotion at this point. If your not sure about getting a memorial tattoo, take your time. Many of us need a time span to heal on our own. Rip tattoos are something you either want or don't. If you have found this article and you are suffering, I pray that you find your way. Remember, they may be gone for now, but you have the chance to see them again. As always, thanks for taking the time to view this article. If you wish to view more tattoo symbols, designs, ideas, and meanings, be sure to follow the links below. Thanks.

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