Virgo Zodiac Sign - Info, Meanings and Pictures of Virgo

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Virgo Zodiac Symbol

People who are born between August 23 and September 23 fall under the Virgo zodiac sign. Each astrological symbol of the zodiac has its own unique characteristics and traits; Virgo is no different. Learning about those horoscope traits is a lot of fun and it can help you learn more about yourself. As a Virgo, for instance, your lucky numbers are 4 and 8. The next time you need to supply a number, use one of them - you'll probably enjoy great results! Navy blue is your lucky color, so invest in a few t-shirts or pairs of pants of that color. Keep in mind that Mercury is your ruling astrology planet.

Shyness and Modesty Abound for the Virgo
As a Virgo, you are probably quite shy. You'd rather not be the center of attention and you prefer to blend in with the crowd. If you are a woman, you probably dress very modestly; you're not one to wear a barely-there bikini to the beach, for instance. Modesty and shyness are two of the most enduring traits of this sign of the zodiac. It's easy to make a Virgo blush, so you may know people who enjoy saying shocking things just to get a reaction out of you.

A Virgo has an Easy, Natural Intelligence
Virgos have razor-sharp intellects; ever since preschool, you probably stood out from the crowd - at least in terms of your smarts. Your braininess makes schoolwork easy for you, but you have to remember that it's impossible to master each and every subject. Being over-confident about your intellectual capabilities can doom you to failure. Still, Virgo is one of the smartest zodiac signs out there. By nurturing that topnotch intelligence, you can achieve some truly amazing things. Be sure to keep your mind as sharp as possible, by reading and doing plenty of crossword puzzles.

The Virgo has a Tendency to Be Overcritical
Like others that possess the Virgo zodiac sign, you are probably extremely hard on yourself. In turn, you can be quite hard on others, too. You expect everyone to share your obsession with order and perfection; when they don't, you can be mercilessly harsh and overcritical. Remember that everyone has faults - even you! As smart as the Virgo astrological sign may be, it often forgets that its not the center of the universe. Don't be discouraged, though; as long as you can rein in your hypercritical ways, you can have a long, happy and very satisfying life.

Virgo Zodiac Horoscope Astrological Signs and Symbols their Meaning and Characteristics 2 Virgo Zodiac Horoscope Astrological Signs and Symbols their Meaning and Characteristics 4Virgo Zodiac Horoscope Astrological Signs and Symbols their Meaning and Characteristics 5Virgo Zodiac Horoscope Astrological Signs and Symbols their Meaning and Characteristics 6 Virgo Zodiac Horoscope Astrological Signs and Symbols their Meaning and Characteristics 7 Virgo Zodiac Horoscope Astrological Signs and Symbols their Meaning and Characteristics 9 Virgo Zodiac Horoscope Astrological Signs and Symbols their Meaning and Characteristics 10Virgo Zodiac Horoscope Astrological Signs and Symbols their Meaning and Characteristics 11Virgo Zodiac Horoscope Astrological Signs and Symbols their Meaning and Characteristics 12 Virgo Zodiac Horoscope Astrological Signs and Symbols their Meaning and Characteristics 15 Virgo Zodiac Horoscope Astrological Signs and Symbols their Meaning and Characteristics 16 Virgo Zodiac Horoscope Astrological Signs and Symbols their Meaning and Characteristics 17 Picture of Zodiac and Horoscope signPicture of Zodiac and Horoscope signPicture of Zodiac and Horoscope sign

The Virgo zodiac symbol belongs to anyone born from August 21st to September 20th. It is considered a summer sign, belonging to the element of Earth, and it is the sixth sign of the Zodiac.
The representative colors are beige and blue, with the stone being sapphire. The Virgo is symbolized with a Virgin, representing their shy and naïve personality. While they do not necessarily remain celibate, they simply choose to be private with their lives and are considered to be virginal in behavior. The zodiac symbol also shows a woman with a harvest of wheat often interpreted as them carrying wisdom on their back.

Born Under the Virgo Symbol

Virgo zodiac symbol bearers are often recognized right away by their need to be precise and organized with their life. While this does not necessarily mean they are clean-freaks as some may think, it just means they like having order in their life. This could be as simple and symbolic as a journal that is carried around with information and little notes. Virgos are often considered workaholics and they can get very insecure about their work performance, feeling that it may not be enough. They find joy in doing things exceptionally well, making them a bit of a perfectionist compared to the other signs of the Zodiac. Many are known to have a strong trait of responsibility, enjoying being in charge of projects and others as well.

Virgo Zodiac Traits

One of the most unique traits of this symbol is their health conscious lifestyle. While some can be hypochondriac, typically a Virgo enjoys eating healthy food and straying away from unhealthy behavior. This is often due to their need to look into details and analyse the big picture overmuch. While some Virgo zodiac symbol owners are stuck in the material world, they are unlikely to overlook their own personal needs in order to be happy. Health and hard work are often big priorities, allowing them to make the best decisions that help their desire to remain in a good and healthy state.

Virgo Symbol Horoscope

Due to their analytical nature, a Virgo individual is likely to find a lot of joy in reading their daily horoscope. While some zodiac signs may not think these readings are very insightful, a Virgo is likely to find the information interesting as it can help them get an idea of what to expect from the future. Since those living within the Virgo symbol can be a little reserved, they may be the last to vocally agree with their horoscope reading, but it is likely that they take the words to heart once they are alone with their thoughts.

Virgo Zodiac Symbols - Meanings, Pictures, Constellations and Astrological Symbols Virgo Zodiac Symbols - Meanings, Pictures, Constellations and Astrological SymbolsVirgo Zodiac Symbols - Meanings, Pictures, Constellations and Astrological Symbols Virgo Zodiac Symbols - Meanings, Pictures, Constellations and Astrological Symbols Virgo Zodiac Symbols - Meanings, Pictures, Constellations and Astrological Symbols Virgo Zodiac Symbols - Meanings, Pictures, Constellations and Astrological Symbols Virgo Zodiac Symbols - Meanings, Pictures, Constellations and Astrological Symbols Virgo Zodiac Symbols - Meanings, Pictures, Constellations and Astrological SymbolsVirgo Zodiac Symbols - Meanings, Pictures, Constellations and Astrological Symbols

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