Saints' Names (girls A-B) & Their Meanings - Good News

Nov. 25




April 29



Mar. 24

Catalina, Caterina, Karen, Kate, Kateri, Katherine, Kathleen, Kathryn, Katrina, Kay, Kit, Kitty, Trina


Jesus gave Saint Catherine Labour a vision of the Blessed Mother revealing an image that was to be made into the Miraculous Medal. He commissioned her to spread its devotion. It included the prayer: "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee." He promised that those who wear it as a sign of devotion will receive the graces needed for holy living.

Saint Catherine of Siena took her faith out into the world to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. She served as a spiritual guide to many, she affected politics, and she convinced the pope to return the Churchs leadership to Rome. By word and deed, she taught that Christians should influence the world with their spiritual values.

Saint Catherine of Sweden, with her mother Saint Bridget, organized pilgrimages to Jerusalem and other places to stimulate peoples spiritual growth. In between pilgrimages, they spent their time in prayer and meditation, ministering to the poor and instructing them in religion.

Nov. 22

Cecile, Cecily, Cicely,  Ceil, Shiela

dim sighted

Saint Cecilias parents wed her to a pagan nobleman. Eager to convert her new husband, she told him about the angel that always escorted her. He wanted to see the angel, too, so he asked for his soul to be purified by baptism. The next time Saint Cecilia prayed, her husband saw the angel place a crown on both of their heads.

Nov. 13

Frances, Francesca, Franchette, Francine


When Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini was a child, she pretended she was a missionary to China as she sailed paper boats on a stream. Although God eventually sent her west to America instead of East to the Orient, her childhood games shaped her desire to serve Him.

(Aug. 18)



Saint Jane Frances de Chantal's husband was killed in a hunting accident. She could not forgive the man who shot him, but she worked on it. At first she just greeted him on the street. Eventually, she invited him to her house. Finally, she forgave him so completely that she even became godmother to his child. This experience opened her heart to  God and she sought God in prayer and a deepening spiritual life. Her commitment impressed Saint Francis de Sales, the bishop who became her director and best friend.




According to legend, there was a Roman widow, Saint Wisdom (or Sofia), who had three daughters, Saint Faith, Saint Hope, and Saint Charity, and they all suffered for Jesus. Faith, age 12, miraculously survived being scourged and thrown into boiling pitch, and was finally beheaded; Hope, age 10, and Charity, age 9, were unharmed when tossed into a furnace, so they also were beheaded; their mother suffered while praying over the bodies of her children.

Nov. 4

Charlotte, Charlene,
(feminine for Charles)


Saint Charles Borromeo served as a bishop in a diocese that was plagued by superstitions and other faulty religious practices, but he resolved the problems by issuing wise rulings, instituting them with kindness, and setting an example through his own holy life. He learned from having a severe speech impediment that "we are all weak, but if we want help, the Lord God has given us the means to find it easily."


Christian, Christiana, Kirsten, Kristin, Nina, Tina

anointed, belonging to Christ

Jesus Christ is your patron! With this name and a heart that is devoted to Christ, you have the whole body of Christ -- the Communion of Saints -- as your prayer partners.

Aug. 11


Aug. 17

Claire, Clara, Clairette, Claretta, Clarice, Clarissa, Clarita


Saint Clare lived a very mystical and spiritually powerful life. In her dying days, when she was unable to attend Mass, God brought the Mass to her by displaying it like a movie on her wall. Thus she is now the patron saint of television.

Saint Clare of the Cross continually reflected upon Your Passion. So devoted was she to this that when she died, a cross was discovered emblazoned in the skin above her heart.

(June 6) 

Claudette, Claudine


Saint Claud was a holy priest who served as a Benedictine Abbot and later a bishop, though he preferred not to have such status. In the 12th century (400 years later), his body was discovered to be incorrupt. His burial place became a favorite place for pilgrimages, and miraculous cures occurred there.

Nov. 23

Clemence, Clementina


Saint Clement knew the Apostles personally before they were martyred. As pope, he challenged his people to follow their examples. He said, "We ought to put aside vain and useless concerns and should consider what is good, pleasing and acceptable in the sight of Him who made us."

Mar. 6

Coleen, Colleen

people's victory

When Saint Colette was born, her parents were nearly sixty years old and she became an orphan at seventeen. She is the patron of all those who have experienced the death of one or more of their parents, especially the little children.

(Nov. 23)

Columbina, Columba, Columbia, Columbina


Saint Columban moved from place to place preaching the Gospel, forming a community who accompanied him, and being a witness of humility and love through his own life. He often took time out to be alone with God in the forrest, and the animals obeyed his voice.

(Dec. 8)

Concepcion, Concepta

honoring Mary's immaculate conception

From the moment of the Blessed Virgin Marys conception, Jesus gave her the benefit of His future death on the cross. He granted her the fullness of grace and a life free of the stain of original sin. He sanctified her womb so that she could carry His divine presence within her body.

(Mar. 11)

Constanza, Consantia


Saint Constantine was a king, and when his wife died, he ceded his throne to their son, then became a monk. He performed menial tasks at the monastery, while preparing for the priesthood. After he was ordained, he became a missionary.

Sept. 16



Saint Cornelius was pope during terrible persecutions, and he anguished over the sufferings of his people. Saint Cyprian was his friend and said to him, "Let us relieve burdens and afflictions by mutual love."

(Feb. 16)

Danielle, Danette

the Lord is judge

Saint Daniel and four companions were Egyptians who visited Christians condemned to do hard labor in the mines during persecutions, to comfort them. They were arrested for this, tortured and beheaded.


Debra, Debora


In the Old Testament book of Judges, Debbora was a prophetess and judge endowed by God with prophetic gifts. Full of wisdom, she guided the divided Israelites and delivered them from the oppression of the Chanaanites.

Dec. 24

Adele, Adalie, Adela, Adelaide, Adelina, Adeline, Aline


Saint Adeles first vocation was as a wife and mother. She served God by taking care of her family, praying, and doing works of mercy. When her husband died, she became a nun and founded a convent. As its first abbess, she ruled with great compassion and holiness.

(Oct. 9)


God of Nyassa

Saint Denis (also called Dionysius) was the first bishop of Paris and the Apostle of France.

(Sept. 15)

Dolor, Dolorita, Lola, Lolita


The Blessed Mothers passionate love for her Son Jesus caused her to suffer when she watched His enemies inflict their tortures upon Him and slowly kill Him. She offered up the piercing of her heart as if her life were an altar, sacrificing her beloved Son for the salvation of the world. Through it all, she did not feel sorry for herself nor did she complain, because she accepted her pain for our sakes, in passionate love for us.

Aug. 8



Mar. 10

Dominga, Dominique

I belong to the Lord

Saint Dominic de Guzman, founder of the Dominican Order, worked hard against heresies. When people refused to accept the truth, he grew discouraged, but the Blessed Mother appeared and asked him to pray the Rosary daily and to teach it to others. Through the Rosary, the heresies were conquered.

Saint Dominic Savio was one of the children touched by Saint John Boscos ministry. An altar boy at age five, he started on the road to the priesthood at age twelve but died at fifteen. Yet, he accomplished much good in his short life because of his piety. His birthplace and childhood home are now retreat houses for youth.

(Apr. 17)

Donata, Dona, Donatilla


Saint Donan (or Donnan) traveled far as a missionary. One day, Donan was celebrating Mass when intruders broke in to kill the monks. He convinced them to wait until they finished Mass, then he led his fellow monks to the refectory so "that the place where God had been worshipped in spiritual joy might not be polluted with their blood."

April 22


Nov. 9

Dorothy, Dora, Doreen
(femine of Theodore)

God's gift

Saint Theodore of Sykeon was a monk and a bishop who worked amazing miracles, including healings. He put an end to a plague of insects by praying, confidently putting the matter into God's hands.

Saint Theodore Tyro was a young soldier in the Roman army when he converted to Christianity. Though he was ordered to fight enemies of the empire, he believed that the devil was the only true enemy. Soon, he was killed for being a Christian, thus winning the battle against the demons who wanted to keep him out of Heaven.

ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon
