Tattoo Designs Free Tattoo Designs Best Tattoo Designs

Black Ink Crews DutchessThe show has barely started and already there is a fire down below between Caesar and the shops lone female inker Duchess. I guess I should have seen that one coming, since this is a show that loves to use old worn out stereotypes for every black you have ever seen on TV. A shame really, when it could have been so much more.

But back to Dutchess, because of everyone on the show, she stands out to me. She is smart and educated, with a Masters in Business. It makes me wonder why she isnt managing the shop instead of being an artist, but she says that is what she wants.

The fact she is from the south is played up a certain amount, and I think it is also one of the things that makes her stand out from the Harlem crowd. While the show does play into the idea that this is one big family, I wouldnt call it a happy family. But she can give as good as she gets, and that is probably how she will continue to have a place in a crazy chaotic shop like Black Ink Crew.

You probably can hear it best from the Dutchess herself though, so here is an interview she did recently with All Tatted Up:

Looking to a bit of traveling this winter? If you want an excuse to get out of the country and maybe even check out some different tattoo artists, here is your chance. All of the tattoo conventions here are hosted outside the U.S. and have been going for several years. Check out the websites listed to learn more and make plans.

January 11th 13th, 2013
Lost Sailors Party in Paradise Tattoo Expo in Cebu, Philippines
This is a very fun tattoo show and will have famed tattoo photographer Traveling Mick, special guest tattoo artist Lyle Tuttle as well as the usual tattoo contests, calendar girl contest, and did we mention this is in the Philippines? So get out of that winter weather and go get your tattoo on at a warm sunny location this winter.

January 12th 13th, 2013
6th Salon de Tatouage Toulouse in Labège, France
Since this is the sixth annual show, I assume these guys know what they are up to. From what I can see, this is easily accessible by train if you live on the continent and for those coming in from farther out, there is a nearby airport. Sorry, my French is limited to cereal boxes (typical Canadian) so I cant quite figure out the schedule, but you are welcome to go up on the site and check it out.

January 12th 13th, 2013
Tattoo Expo Zwickau in Zwickau, Germany
Sure looks like a real party to me. Lots of rock n roll fun, tons of great artists and several parties listed on the site, let alone what cool parties you will find when you get there. And hey- Jagermeister is one of the sponsors, so you know this will be fun!

January 13th, 2013
Tattoo Sunday Haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands
There will be over 30 artists at this show, kids are free and it looks like there will be food booths and all kinds of good family fun. This looks like a good alternative to the show in Germany if you want to take the whole family with you. Leave it to the Dutch to find a way to combine family fun with a tattoo show.

January 18th 20th, 2013
Tattoo Convencion Mar del Plata in Mar del Plata, Argentina
Well they havent updated the site lately so I would check in again with them before making any plans. Looks like the lineup of artists are pretty much all South American, so this should be an interesting show if you were planning to be in Argentina mid-January.

January 25th 27th, 2013
5th Annual Cape Town Tattoo Expo SIX 2013 in Cape Town, South Africa

This is the sixth year for this show and it looks amazing. Top of the guest list is Tom Tattoo with plenty of other great tattoo artists listed for the tattoo convention that has become a premier lifestyle show for Africa.

February 1st 3rd, 2013
Zaragoza Tattoo Convention in Zaragoza, Spain
The fifth show for this tattoo convention might prove to be its biggest yet. With 46 confirmed tattoo shops and artists as of today and a pinup contest that promises to be real eye candy. The three day show should be a lively one.

February 2nd 3rd, 2013
Tattoo Convention Dresden in Dresden, Germany
Okay- this looks like a pretty punked out show. There is a huge lineup of booths for just a two day show and lots of events to keep everyone busy. Best of all, you can get to it using local transit if you are already in Dresden.

February 2nd 3rd, 2013
6th Merida, Mexico Tattoo Expo in Mérida, Mexico
For those not up to a jump across the Atlantic, this is a pretty cool show. It has music, tattoo artists, contests and more. They have been doing this one for several years now, so check out the site for more details.

February 2nd 3rd, 2013
9th East Flanders Tattoo Convention in Berlare, Belgium
These guys have been doing this tattoo convention for nine years with this years show. If you have a classic vintage American car from the 60s or 70s, you get in free when you bring it along! But hey for the rest of us this looks to be worth the price of admission.

February 2nd 3rd, 2013
Tattoo Convention Fulda in Wartenberg, Germany
I like that this German two-day tattoo convention has a toggle to read their website in English as well as German. There are contests, music and plenty of guest artists and booths to keep anyone busy for both days.

February 8th 10th, 2013
Milano Tattoo Convention in Milano, Italy
Well, this is the 18th tattoo show for these folks, and I must admit it looks impressive. Lots of great guest artists from US, Japan and all across Europe. Plus, a great excuse to head out to Italy in February!

February 16th 17th, 2013
Brighton Tattoo Convention in Brighton, United Kingdom
Brighton looks like it will be a big one! This year they have the whole tattoo show held under one roof, always a plus in England in winter. With over 300 artists and the whole convention center to house them, this is one show worth taking the time to book.

February 23rd 24th, 2013
New Zealand International Tattoo & Art Expo in Claudelands, New Zealand
For all our friends down under, this show will be hot! Dubbed an urban street culture event, there will be everything from roller derby and graffiti to blood painters in addition to the over 100 featured artists. A huge show with lots to see and do.

Here are some listings for March as well, in case you want to plan that far ahead:

March 1st 3rd, 2013
Budapest Tattoo Convention in Budapest, Hungary

March 2nd 3rd, 2013
Tattoo Tea Party in Manchester, England

March 8th 9th, 2013
9th Tattoo Show Buenos Aires in Buenos, Argentina

March 9th 10th, 2013
Natal Tattoo Convention in Natal, Brazil

March 22nd 24th, 2013
Mondial du Tatouage in Paris, France

March 22nd 24th, 2013
International Tattoo Convention Frankfurt in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Polynesian tribal tattoos, tribal tattoo. king afaWhenever someone shows off their tattoo to me and it is a tribal tattoo, I always ask them where the design originated. The reality is that so many tribal tattoos are simply modern knock-offs of the basic idea that you really have to do your homework when considering a tribal tattoo. With the proliferation of styles within the tribal tattoo camp, it could have influences from anywhere from Alaskan native culture to Celtic heraldry or Mid-Pacific islands. Few have as much of an individual look as the ones I recently became aware of when I discovered Polynesian tribal tattoos done by King Afa.

A True Polynesian Tribal Tattoo Artist

King Afa is a true Polynesian, born and raised on the Pacific island of Tonga. This island is one of many that make up the area known as Polynesia. Tonga is one of the islands where tattooing was first discovered by Europeans back in the days of sailing ships. While he learned much of the culture and art of his native island from his grandmother, he realised that the ancient skill of native Tongan tattoo art was dying out. He and his brother Carl were determined to not let that happen and together they have revived the art style and spread the word of it to the rest of the world.

Polynesian tribal tattoos, tribal tattoo. king afa

As you can see by the tattoo I am showing here, his designs are unique and in fact I am showing these with the request that if you want to use these designs for your own tattoos that you contact him at his website and request permission first. For King Afa and many of the Polynesian tribal tattoo artists that create these designs they are sacred art. But they are also so beautiful that I had to share this amazing legacy of his with you.

Polynesian tribal tattoos, tribal tattoo. king afa

Getting an Authentic Polynesian Tattoo

King Afa does get out to the US from time to time, primarily Hawaii and the west coast of the US, so if you are interested in getting an authentic Polynesian tribal tattoo from him, your best bet is to contact him to arrange a time to meet him on his travels. Since he only will do individual tattoos designed as a spiritual event for that one person, it is important that you discuss why you want a tattoo from him before you make the appointment.

I think that it is amazing that there are people like King Afa who are working hard to maintain the vibrant and important artform that is Polynesian tribal tattoos. While King Afa and his brother Carl continue to grow this tattoo art and maintain its pure form, we are able to take inspiration from their design in our own tattoo art.

Polynesian tribal tattoos, tribal tattoo. king afa

I think that with more and more people getting tattoos these days, if you want to get a tattoo that stands out you need to be more personal. One trend I have seen in the last few years has been towards zodiac tattoo designs. I mean, after all what could be more personal than your own birth-sign?

If you are really into astrology you could get detailed and have both the sun and moon signs, or even something that incorporates all your houses signs. But for most of us, we know our sun sign as our personal sign and that is enough if you get a design that looks beyond the obvious.

Okay- lets talk about Aries, since I brought it up here. Aries is a name from old mythology and can also be called Mars. So the planet Mars could be pictured as a part of your zodiac tattoo if you are an Aires. Since Mars is the god of war, perhaps a few flames (in red, of course) to tie that in. It doesnt hurt that Aries is considered a fire sign as well.

aries mars tattoo, zodiac tattoo

You could take the idea of the god of war a bit further, especially for those guys that like the macho military-styled tattoo designs. I have seen a few with a very militaristic look that incorporates the symbol for Mars in them, like the one I am showing below:

aries-tattoos-for-men, zodiac tattoo

I think that there are all kinds of ways you could take the concept here, and dare say that there are tons of great looking tattoos based on the concept of the Aries zodiac tattoo design. I will showcase a few more here just to give you all some good ideas to jump from. It is always fun, for instance, to doodle the basic symbol and introduce some Celtic knots and swirls, like the one below. It has a bit of the tribal taste to it, but with that grace that Celtic tattoos tend to have:

celtic aries tattoo, zodiac tattoo

Of course, because the symbol of Aries is often shown as the ram, using that image in your zodiac tattoo will look splendidly, as the one below illustrates to a T. I love the use of the fire in the ram horns, to tie in the fact that Aries is a fire sign.

aries-ram-tattoo, zodiac tattoo

So whatever interpretation you want for your tattoo, if you are an Aires and decide to go with a zodiac tattoo, there are tons of great ideas for inspiration for you to choose from.

kat and jessie, celebrity tattoo

Well I guess we should have seen it coming. It was not that long ago that we were checking out the new tattoo that Kat von D was showing off from Jessie James, the Canadian DJ and fellow ink-star. If you recall, Jessie split from wife Sandra Bullock when she caught him cheating on her. Seems who he was fooling with was none other than that ink goddess herself, Kat.

So Kat and Jessie became an item and to help celebrate Jessie does this actually quite beautiful and detailed portrait of himself when he was just a kid. The picture to the right is obviously from those happy days. Sad to say, within two weeks of getting the tattoo Kat begins to have her suspicions that Jessie may be fooling around on her. Gee Kat, do you think the guy was cured of it just because it was you? I mean, come on, he left Sandra Bullock for you. I mean, that is not like he left the gal down the street, you know?

So two weeks after she gets the beautiful, and very permanent, tattoo she finds out he has been cheating big time and calls it quits. But she said at the time she would keep the tattoo. Seems she doesnt feel the same way she did in September when they broke up.

So off comes the tattoo.

But not so fast. It appears that this is one of those really hard to remove celebrity tattoos. This one is going to take quite some time and work to remove. Apparently she will need somewhere between 5 to 15 treatments and she will be required to have at least 8 weeks in between each treatment to make sure she heals properly. At that rate she may take longer to remove the tattoo than the mere 8 months of their relationship!

Man do you see a tv movie of the week coming out of this? Maybe one of those tortured romance novels? At any rate, it just goes to show that when it comes to those crazy celebrities tattoos, even the pros get snookered every once in a while!

If you want more info, check out this video on Kat and her crazy Jessie tattoo.

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