Refresh Cache - Just click my logo below for latest version of website - a must do please - each visit!
To be clear there is no tattooing at the Ballarat address. |
A shout out to the one of the good guys out hereMt. Si Sports and Fitness keeping me sound & fit. Ben, an owner, has been a great help.
Far left photo is myself -"Doz". Next photo is inside shop tattoo area. The Happy Entrance to my realm of art. Last some outdoor view down left side of house.
Hit "Fortune Cookie" to start
I cannot possible make everyone happy <><><><><><><> Buy a "Tote Bag" from "Cave of Doz" You may visit just to buy a painting
One crazy and fun website, over 2,000 images of my tattoos. AFord Mustang logo. Simple and sharp, nice lines, minimal precise shading. Before you pay big medical dollars |
Bulletin Board Notices World Travelers are welcome, find me and the shop for your custom work and unique experience. I attempt to distract people from their daily life I am taking a break One of my most favorite passages of prose from the writings of William Blake. "To see a world in a grain of sand "Graphene" There are some haters of everything in the world, let them try to please others | Latest reviews of the shop on "CitySearch."
Best beach in Washington,
A fantastic photo essay & story of: All of my paintings inside the shop
Please enjoy some of the first new tattoos Please, |
Please Support me on
Redmond Washington Tattoos from the beginning days after opening up here. Earth Science News Keep Happy with new celebratory tattoos and piercings. Go ahead and treat yourself, Test your psychic powers - psychic puzzles, I Ching, Enjoy your new found freedom, when a relationship ends, with a liberating tattoo. Really - if you want a good tattoo, by a dedicated artist, it helps to familiarize yourself a little, Take the time to browse, read and surf my website like reading a newspaper - Just in stock now! the tiniest nose studs possible for nose piercings,
The best way, to get the best art, is to come prepared to discuss your tattoo All styles of tattooing done here. Example of Portrait work.
Examples of Cover-up work. Enjoy life. | My newYoutube channel, (onaquest1618), about art, science, math, and me. In a world full of artists, those clients that support them seek out a different, unique, and personal experiences.
My buddy Neil "Chance - favors Bolded text on my website is just to highlight interesting points Creativity rules here.
The tale of three brothers during Christmas week 2012.
World Travelers, Microsoft & Boeing employees and engineers, Visitors from out of State, this is where to get your ink. Especially if you are picky, and have complex artwork. Show me your designs, or discuss them and get inked. I love a challenge - love conversation, and joking.
Think of this as a field trip into a world of it's own. Stimulate your mind, body, and spirit. Live life like it was your last day alive, be real.
You expect your artist to be a bit eclectic, eccentric, and screwy - you don't want the same experience as visiting your stock broker, do you?
What value does he bring to the table? Buy art, buy tattoos, these have lasting value, and make you feel good every day!
Oh here is a great stock tip, two days later it is worth, half the thousands you gave that buffoon,
but 20 years later your art and tattoo are still giving you pleasure and adventure.
In addition to this, if you are serious about your art - and are here visiting from New York, Chicago, Berlin, Thailand,
or anywhere that appreciates the arts - stop buy and browse the paintings,no need to get tattooed to purchase my artwork, thanks.
If you collect art and would like to see 50 or so paintings of my work, please call for an appointment to view the paintings -Dial 425 895-8519.
Father's Day tattoos - 6/19/2011. Husband and wife. She gets a Peacock for 7 straight hours, one sitting.
He gets "Spider Jerusalem" - spider from comics. great couple, regulars, long day for all.
Nic added the "prompt" symbol - 9/25/2011.
The above examples are the result of Nic "Taking an arrow to the knee", in my tattoo shop. 11/02/2012.
Nic is a trooper and walked out even with the arrow!
He also plays Skyrim. If you play also - you will get the visual pun.
Zak gets some action on "Righty" and "Lefty". Satan takes a stroll and becomes a "Fallen" Angel. 3/21/2012, Spring tattoos.
A friend from afar visited and got a secret spiral
for her own pleasure and importance as a world traveler.
Returning two days later, she decided on a petite infinity sign
and initial in memory of a special friend.
Buddhist Artwork and Symbols
Asian art website for Kanji.
You already know I can tattoo anything you come up with. These links and discussions of alternative things make a website fun.
Let me know when you walk in if you are afraid of a lively conversation, then it will be just about the tattoo.
Take some time, click the photos to see details, surf the tabs up top of page, relax - pamper yourself.
Honestly the 2,000 images of my work encompass a vast variety.
If the links to fun, controversial, different things other than tattoos disturbs you, look at the pictures.
Blake's sleeve has a personal meaning behind this that chronicle's his self made business successes.
Bob, a friend of Blake's, after weeks of design time and prep begins his half sleeve.
Composite shot, just dagger, close up shot.
Dagger, "Willie - G" Harley skull, proper chain,
and certain personal items are chosen to craft an adventure for up coming Sturgis 2011.
Cinco de Mayo tattoo for Bob. He adds traditional Harley Wings to his already "sic" black only tattoo.
"A person around whom the Wheel of Time weaves all surrounding life-threads, perhaps ALL life-threads, to form a Web of Destiny."
(TEotW, Glossary). In simpler terms, a Ta'veren is a person around whom the Pattern of the world structures itself.
Taveren is what Robert Jordan called it in the Wheel of Time series. A gift from a friend to me.
Live coast to coast show. -For a late night radio listener -
George Noory is host - interviews on time travel, UFOs, shamanism, magic, ghosts, etc.
Evidence ofmachining in cutting stones by older civilizations, by an engineer.
My buddy Neil adds to his sleeve. He works very hard at the "Frog" cooking and prepping.
Working towards being a chef one day.
Catherine Destivelle -amazing solo climb in Mali - one the very best rock climbers in the world.
I also want to turn you on to Laurie Anderson.
Seek out some of her albums, if you wish, to hear some way out poetry and music.
These structures were built under the direction of our space brothers who selected these sites by flying over the jungle.
The sophistication of these engineering feats cannot be emphasized enough,
let alone the transport of materials, what we are taught in school is crap.
DIGIPEN STUDENTS - All really talented in the computer sciences and computer art design world of tomorrow.
So I got a 1969 twenty dollar bill in circulation
and thought it may be worth more than face value of twenty.
It isn't unless uncirculated. However I found thishelpful money website.
A bird native to the Northwest is the "Stellar Jay". In the example above of the Stellar Jay I added a drop shadow to show dimension away from the body. It appears to fly in a forward motion around the client. Happy, bright, and uplifting tattoo, this tattoo will age well and become more like a painting over time. This was all done in a single sitting on a perfect client - who enjoyed every second of the session. I was asked if I had a line work shot , the other day,
I do and it has a trickle of blood for you Vampires.
To view more similar tattoos please visit "Ribcage & Torso" tattoos -
a great area on the body to "conceal"your tattoo and at the same time make a sexy statement.
Depending on what item you wear, it can "peek" out here and there.
I really enjoy doing ribcage designed tattoos.
They are difficult to do, look very sexy and intriguing, and are like a hidden treasure.
What is "Maneki Neko"?, a good luck cat for sure - with a rich history, read up....
Then Sarina reappeared on 3/16/2012 for several stars.
The beginning of my video channel.
I am beginning a YouTube channel. I knew nothing of how to set it up, load a video, make a video off a laptop, or monetize them. So my real goals in this venture are to show some insight into my life as a living artist. I will be writing and reading my sci-fi novel, explaining my thought process behind my artwork, perhaps discussing my tattoo shop, and everything and anything that occurs to me to be relevant. Using any search engine, just type "Onaquest1618" to locate it
or if you are here on my website homepage use this link below.
To follow my musings try this link to my channel.
A few text links for you to click below and start to get excited
about your new or your next tattoo.
Especially for fist timers.
Tribal heart inside scroll work on upper back Red Chinese Style Roses Cool Blue Star behind the ear
Coat of Arms for Chile Fresh Salmon Catch of the Day Fresh pair of Calf Tattoos - Stars & Unique Cross
Daughter's artwork tattooed into her Dad Daughter's name in Cammo on her Dad Kurt Vonnegut Artwork
Paige celebrates her knowledge of the Grape Wolf/Loyalty
Paige verbally describes her tattoo experience, as a woman, for you tattooed Inkster's to read.
I keep this website lively, very much on the adult side, sometimes controversial, sometimes challenging, always amusing.
A little "Northwest" imagery for you my viewing audience.
This tattoo and many others on the torso you see
throughout the website are in sensitive areas.
These tattoos, during the tattooing process,
invoke a variety of sensations: like tickle, pain, energy, and more.
They are powerful sensations and one uses mind
and body control throughout the experience.
This allows the client to partake in a physical,
emotional, and spiritual experience.
All year round you can get tattooed. Make up a reason, think of it as a stimulating break from the daily grind or boredom. Start a new path in life - marked - by a pivotal moment and a symbolic tattoo. Truly try to live each day to the fullest and fulfill your dreams. I actually get in a "mood" or a "rut" some days and need to just do some random adventure myself. | Hi, it's me again, "Doz", your host. | We all need to re-focus from time to time as to what is satisfying and rewarding and meaningful to ourselves. Share a conversation - it's free. Share a back rub or massage, make a delicious meal from scratch. Or get pampered in a spa. There is nothing that will give you a greater return over the years than a tattoo with an event or person connected to it. |
Diya, a friend from Michigan, began her "Time" themed sleeve today/ 10/23/2011.
| Here I am setting up and tattooing my own leg. Uncontacted tribes in our world, on our planet, We sometimes forget: By the way, all the beautiful new Harley's you see coming Please enjoythis series, proof of many enigmas, second part shows man on earth with dinosaurs, dinosaur clay toys, etc. Timelines are a lie to us. The truth of our origins is coming. May you all make the transition to the new age. The age of truth. Man, I want to travel away so bad,Couch surfing looks
The stone..........after the throw. The word..........after it's said. The occasion........after it's missed. The time.........after it's gone. The natives are welcoming the Spring and Summer with new tattoos and piercings. May you find true happiness and your true self in life. | If must say so myself, As you see above Tribal Cross on the left calf and a nice vertical column of Stars on the right calf.
Humans, let's make this planet better and better on a daily basis, help someone out, give of yourself, smile.
Wednesday night: 11/10/20108:30 pm to 5:00 am straight - first arm of two "Raven Wings".
Sunday from 11:00 am until 11 pm 11/14/2010 - 12 hours straight.
Couple shadows sessions are next in a few months. We did first shadow session 2/12/2011.
In the interim, on12/12/2010, I did a "tapestry" Buddha for 5 straight hours on his calf.
I for one, am sick of the USA government
and their vandals defacing our, the peoples of the planet earth ancient heritage.
These Petroglyphs in the USA, may have in fact,
been painted up high by the aliens we seek to make contact with.
December 22, 2010 - couple of tattoos for your viewing pleasure.
Mike adds a compass and text to his other shoulder in February 2011.
America, here is the facts about oil,we have more than the entire
Middle Eastern Nations combined.
A gift from the Sufis to you all, my viewing audience :
"Sparks whirl in the flames, in coats of burnished gold - dance toward the sky........Gone!!
Scroll down the homepage to see tattoos I have done.
Click the tabs above for further information and to look at tattoos, piercings, and paintings.
Once you have gotten your tattoo, & you want to have me check out the healing progress, just stop by & ask me to do that.
If I am tattooing or piercing at the time I will stop a moment and review your new tattoo's progress.
9/11/2010 and 9/12/2010 tattoos: Puzzle/Tree/Birds, Live/Laugh/Love, Custom Cross and initials.
A husband, wife, and wife's aunt decide to get tattoos.
They choose : Her son's initials, "Honor", and Michael Jackson.
A dedicated family man and one of our local Fireman gets a symbolic Northwest Indian Design.
On October 5, 2010 he added a "Moon Shadow" style tattoo. The use of a midnight blue is unique.
Then a "feather with initials inside it, as it is a "memorial" tattoo, in honor of a friend who is now deceased.
Ok, back to the business at hand. Survival. Together we are all surviving this roller coaster economy. Sometimes it is a good thing to buy a close friend, or loved one a tattoo for a gift. When you give a tattoo the person will really dig the gift and remember it for the rest of that individual's life. It is a gift that truly keeps on giving. It is personal, gives that someone freedom to select something meaningful for themselves, and forms a lasting bond between you both. If you know someone getting divorced, getting married, getting a new job, losing a job, graduating school, being promoted, wanting to commemorate a death, recall an experience or other event or moment - a tattoo is a fantastic gift. Besides they will think how cool a friend you are not to get them just another ordinary gift.
When they look at it daily, they will remember you also.
I wanted to find an audible timer on the internet to use for meditating or cooking.
I found agreat website for timers.
I like the egg timer, it is an hour glass, with audible signal when time is up.
Bill deliberated for a while over all the symbolic importance to convey in his tattoo.
Together we came up with this design.
A newer client has found tattoos to be to her liking. She now has 3 and is planning her next one.
Neil gets a Samurai and an Oni (disguised as a Geisha), with the Oni's real reflection in a rice bowl.
Two young ladies bond with new tattoos, 5/6/2010.
Today 6/05/2010 I began to tattoo a mom (who is 72) and one of her 3 daughters.
All will be getting variations of a tattoo remembering their Dad.
It is the combined efforts of their collaborative thoughts and themes.
Each will be tattooed on their foot. All four are completed now, 6/09/2010.
Oh yeah, the mom brought me homemade - "Pie Cherry Jam". Also the last daughter to get tattooed made me delicious chocolate cookies. I froze them and then thaw them in the microwave for 1 minute to eat, yummy!
A "Snow Skater", skate board on a ski, gets the Alpental Mountain symbol,
inside a spade - like a playing card style - like an Ace of Spades - without little aces in the corner.
A Hot little "Coco Chanel" tattoo in Fuchsia and Purple, with black outline and shadows. The mood stuck her, she walked in with an idea ready to rock, a quick search of the net for the image, and "Ink Time", Bingo.
Read about "Coco" herself.
Monday 4/19/2010 - two separate women drop by for special tattoos.
A very nice couple visits. In celebration of his birthday, he gets two Japanese kanji (peace & calm) &
reworks an older tattoo done in his younger years ( tribal Aries symbol ).
Symbol of the Arashikage Ninja Clan. (G.I.Joe) - hexagram #63 of the I Ching also.
Dalek Tattoo from Sci-Fi Series "Dr. Who". Now a second tattoo with a personal coding.
Detroit's Notorious Underground Cartoonist "Thaddeus" designs his first tattoo and picks "Doz".
Back in Michigan as of 2011, we wish Thaddeus the best.
A man of vision and creative designs, decides to rework, modify, and redesign a sleeve
he started elsewhere long ago. Our first step was to define and separate the ripped flesh around the wrist, cover old lines and set the tone for the new sleeve of cosmos, planets, heavens, etc.
Second and third sessions - rip up the top flesh.
A young couple get tattoos. Then they were off to a party. Sunny day, time to play.
The first of two messenger wings on this leg, black and shaded - no color.
Jamie adds to his left arm with a piece of artwork by graffiti artist
- Keith Herring's - version of "Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil."
Jamie gets a Mercury swift wing.
On the left "I P S " is a memorial tattoo of initials for a deceased friend.
On the right "MCS" is a custom design tattoo by client, with shading by me for his own special meaning.
Back for more on 4/5/2010, see new scroll work.
Patrick finishes of the ending to his Ivy. However - he was talking about more ink when he left.
Brent's sleeve is nearing closure for now. Here are a lot of photos for your viewing pleasure to study.
I did this Sic Tiki, dig it!
Celebrating her birthday -11/01/2009, the young women on the left gets an "OM" symbol.
Her good friend bonds with her getting a "Wild Kitty".
In February 2011 "Wild Kitty" brought in a friend and her husband for a fresh tattoo.
A tattoo website has a worldwide audience - whether the viewers ever get to the shop or not - and that is why there is a great variety of examples, silly links and other fun things on my website in particular.
The world lives among art, ancient remains from past civilizations, and is exposed to monumental achievements from our ancestors of mankind. We see great architecture and miracles in ancient and modern architecture, art, farming, spiritual awareness and more.
Somehow we need to take the final huge step and solve man's dilemmas of population growth verses resources.
I hope the children growing up today around the earth contribute to the answer and raise man's spirit and prepare mankind -"For the Stars".
This above 3 rows of pictures are the visual story of Lucy's "Pink Floyd's sexual flowers from the movie the Wall.
Lucy has two professions: Licensed Car mechanic and hot model. She is available to model and fix your car, wow!
Get inked by me and become a gorgeous Model!
This is an original design by my client, tweaked to be ready for tattooing.
I left the "Red Eye" in the photo of my client, it looks awesome.
Above is a collection of photos that are updated as Ryan's sleeve evolves. Ryan is completed at about 43 hours.
Mike's began his tattoo journey with the tribal style Marlin. Mike's sun on his calf above.
Click the above photos to enlarge for details.
Doz meets and tattoos the winner of the
" 2007 Roche Harbor Salmon Classic "
Mike Simms of Roche Harbor.
Check out Mike's website
Also San Juan Sportsman You Tube Channel.
Hunting and fishing videos from the man won in 2007.
He has added the logo of - his "San Juan Fisherman" sports video business - above his first tribal Marlin tattoo. On his other arm is the ever evolving sleeve. It began with the parrot, then added a sun to that,
then a Tiki drummer man, black rays to the sun, then dragon, palm leaves, flowers
and more. On 5/27/2010 he was tattooed for 8 straight hours, man that was fun.
Oh no, Mike gets a fish hook on the my anniversary 06/01/2010.
Back from Sturgis and ready for fall and hunting season - Mike gets more ink.
More to come through winter as we work Mike's sleeves. New Year Ink already. We added some color to the waves on Mike's right arm half sleeve. He cam late after a long hunting for Ducks.
So he says," I just want a couple of colors in the water" - but - 13 colors later,
Mallard included - we finished the night.
During the filling of the water I said. "I think I can pull it off", which is now my new catch phrase.
We were punch drunk with laughter, who knows why?
Thanks for the chicken dinner from your wife.
Mike begins new work to be ahead of the curve for Sturgis 2011.
Left arm top row, right arm bottom row of photos.
New wrist tattoo with his wife's name, go Mike! 6/12/2011.
More work all the time. last four - most recent 8/22/2012.
A very nice and special Oriental Dragon - crossing the fold of the inner arm
- a first tattoo, realized after planning for 20 years. 9/05/200.
A few special phrases of scriptural text. Even an IT specialist enjoys tattoos.
October 17,2009.
This young man gets a tattoo of his choosing celebrating his family.
"Home of the Brave, land of the Free."
Veterans with tattoos, contact Dicky Magoo - he is making a book of tattooed veterans.
Email him at : for further information.
Remember banks, you have to abide by SCRA, and protect service men and women's
homes from foreclosure during and after active service.
This is a special link to a book written by Shawn Popp
- a Ranger - he grew up with my boys and is like a son to me.
Get it here on Amazon and help him make it as a writer.
A few of the individuals who served or who are now serving in the military are highlighted in a section below.
As is customary, this Marine fresh out of boot camp, gets a tattoo to celebrate his accomplishment.
Baker's sleeves in the above 5 rows of pictures. See evolution of the artwork and tattooing.
Two proud soldiers. Army on the left. Marines on the right. Both fresh out of boot camp.
"No Mind".
This soldier, drops in during his home visits - from deployments, to get an older sleeve reworked.
Covering old elements with an orchid, repairing the "super eight", adding characters,
redoing a Koi and adding Maple leaves.
Click each photo to enlarge.
Valentine's Day Tattoo 2/14/2008, Vet, shot down 5 times, remembers his ordeal.
One of Americas unsung heroes.
He was an Air Ambulance Copter Pilot in Vietnam.
Click each photo to enlarge.
His son is back, in between tours in Iraq and he stopped in for the family crest on his back. This tattoo was done in one sitting and it is his first tattoo.
July 13th, 2008. May 19th 2012.
Man gets his wings after 25 years of service. Second time in the shop - Golden Rocket.
Curious, like I was, as to themeaning of these wings?
As you scan through the website you will see individuals from that have served or are serving in the Air Force, Navy, Army, and Marines. It is my humble opinion that they are heroes who help make America strong and keep it safe. Like people from all walks of life they enjoy tattoos also. Many get tattoos identifying the branch of service they served in and many get tattoos fused with meaning symbolizing their profound feelings after having served and bearing witness to things we never have seen. We owe them a lot and I am always impressed by their will power, inner strength and determination. So many go on to great careers. Some I have identified and some not, but each man and woman from the various branches I have tattooed or pierced have a deeper respect for peace and harmony than any of us can realize. These are just a few of the heroes I have tattooed.
This ends the highlighted members from the military.
Once again I thank this town of Redmond for putting up with this crazy artist, me.
I change like the seasons, and am driven by my passions, opinions, and do what I can to animate and motivate my fellow humans.
I like to kid around joke, be a bit sarcastic and such - so when you come in have fun, stay loose, let down your guard and make the visit to the tattoo shop unique and different. Make the most out of life, be enriched by a variety of experiences, and let art inspire you.
I am curious, today, what motivates people? Knowing we all need the basics: food, shelter, and clothing - and assuming we achieve the basics, what is next? For many individuals it is the journey of life. What can that be? Is it searching your soul for inner peace ( which is free to investigate), is it physical fitness and the discipline of exercise, diet, and consistency, is it intellectual pursuits (reading, puzzles, problem solving, etc. with the mind), or is it even having no path ( letting the winds of life blow you this way and that and with an open mind seeing where one in guided)? I question you at large, my readers and clients because drawing on your present life, your future goals, your past successes, and even you hurdles you overcame is one very good way to think about a tattoo.
If you can kindle a thought and a theme or idea or message - it is a first step - be one with yourself.
I never in my wildest dreams thought about tattoos or becoming a tattoo artist. But the rat race of the corporate life, the relentless hours of repeating same scenarios and the hard losses wiping out all I achieved numerous times caused me to really rethink my path. Now I am not asking you to stop in the middle of the street, as you walk along reading this on an IPod and change your life. But I am trying to "spark" in you a moment, an instant, where you can be you.
Please no one for a moment: "What would you really get, if say, it was only up to you?"
My family suggested that since I was a professional artist and a creative type to begin life over, as say a tattoo artist. That decision was really a monumental one for me. It affected me to my core, made me see the familiar world in a different light, as it were, and I have crossed paths with 10,000 humans at least that I tattooed. Who can even count the conversations that lead no where, or the trials and tribulations to get here, the same place I always was, but imagining a different path. Although I only speak English I have tattooed humans from uncounted countries, in wheel chairs, handicapped, weeks before their deaths with terminal illnesses, of countless attitudes: from bikers, to thugs to CEOs, to beggars, and more. I never know what to expect, like a bartender, a hairdresser, a shrink, or any profession with the multitude of unknown human interactions.
To be a tattoo artist is far more than just "skin" and "ink".
I challenge you, to challenge yourself. Think of a new tattoo as you would a vacation. For what you spend one night in a fine restaurant, and then it is gone, you can enjoy ink for the rest of your life. Bring in a doodle, an idea, a past or future event, but have some idea. You know yourself best. If you don't know yourself, start to. Take a journey on the wild side.
It is a risk, an over coming a fear, a taboo, a something for you.
This website is to make available a starting point in time.
You wouldn't be here if you didn't want to change your Karma. I can honestly say - the people who gave some thought to their tattoo, searched the internet to show me something, or sketched a concept have the best rewarding experience. The ones that trust me as an artist to pry into their soul, digging deep and go with original art feel very enriched as well as happy.
My tattoos bring good luck as I share my "Chi"/"Ki" energy with you.
Below are more individuals from the surrounding area and cities.
This is the beginning of a lot of future work in the left two photos.
Now we completed the second half in the three photos on the right.
Next, third session, New design in the center of back.
Kyle gets back side of arm inked up for 5 straight hours today.
He takes no breaks.
So a couple of the guys came and got some ink.
Quality tattoos, one at a time, in a more personal setting.
Personal one on one attention given to each client.
This is a tattoo of a Bear and Salmon in Indian Art of the Northwest Coast.
It was completed in two long sittings.
My client was very determined, as he is in all aspects of his life.
Trivium Logo ; Blue Marble with beveled edge.
I want to thank this happy couple of 24 years
for driving from Raymond, Washington to my shop.
They are "soul mates."
8/12/2009 My man gets a wolf on a shield with feathers. 4/42010 - the other arm gets inked, "Vision Quest".
Above is a final photo from each of the four sessions that lead up to the completed tattoo as seen on the "man".
These photos are from the first three sessions.
My client spent a good deal of time searching for his image of a stylized Tribal Bear.
His dad sat in on the second session, as a curious bystander, and we had a lively conversation.
His father is a surgeon and a great guy. My customer was very excited to begin this project and in one or two more sessions it will be completed. We spent the session talking about the new age, tattoos, piercings, rituals, scarifications, and more.
We even discussed the auspicious date of the Maya calendar approaching.
It is coming along nicely and there is some coloring next in shades of blue like you now see.
Ribcage and side work is very difficult and is usually 1 times the size of the tattoo when the person puts their arm over their head and stretches the side tight for a tattoo session. It is good to know I passed the surgeon's scrutiny while tattooing his son.
Way cool and spiritual experience,
Dragon with blue spikes, teeth, and nails.
A very nice design collaboration.
Five dolphins in a "fan" design, symbolic of family members.
The man is on a serious workout regime, is a programmer
and has a fast Cafe Racer, so guess what his chemical formula is?
The newest painting I am working on to commemorate my 4th Anniversary
isshown here (as of 6/182009) as a sneak preview.
The brief description of it is this "An inter-dimensional Spirit Guide is opening a wormhole. (close up of detail) - 6/19/2009
From this fractal wormhole she is conquering forth creatures to bring to the Earth. These creatures are coming to the Jungles of Belize to begin the celebration of their existence and the fore running of the coming of the spontaneous creation of the Mayans."
Painting dimensions are 4' x 6' and is a mixed media creation, watch it evolve at my shop!
Current progression of painting. DETAIL - Close up. More work done.. More work done.
More details, in the dark for you. Second Hummingbird details begin.
This website now appears identical on all browsers (hopefully) : Windows Internet Explorer, Safari, Fire Fox, etc.
Sometimes different browsers have different effects on websites - due to their competition with each other. So, when clicking to enlarge a photo, they will open a "tab" - don't close "all tabs", just the "tab" that is open. You will catch on.
This website is finally operational, whew! I apologize for the down time (believe me I do not like being off the web).
I added the gift certificate to the Homepage - right here - Hit it and send a loved one a gift of a tattoo and be in their mind - forever.
Click any "thumbnail" photo to see a larger detailed version.
If you are ready to get a tattoo, are a little shy of cash, but are ready, willing and able - then walk - in, explain what you want, or show me a picture and let's work it out. Art is my life - you want some ink - let's do this together. You can reward yourself, cheer yourself up, celebrate a new start, what ever you have for a reason. Let's get you inked with some fine art.
The shop is clean, warm, cozy and I serve tea.
As you will see, by surfing my website, I have tackled many a challenging design and tattooed all over the human body. It is a small shop and that gives you "quiet" time away from the hustle and bustle of our everyday life. When getting a tattoo on an intimate area: the shades are drawn, a note is attached to the door to ask visitors to respect your privacy and return later, and you can relax and listen to music or watch one of my many videos.
A new tattoo is without a doubt a truly unique and enjoyable experience. Bring your excitement and awe and an idea - then if you are serious, ready to go - I will transform your wishes, thoughts and dreams into art.
To add my website to your desktop, drag the "Favicon" (my little "cup" in the browser bar) before my website name to you desktop.
September 17, 2009.
Well, I went to bed early, slept soundly, woke up early and so I am writing at 5:20 a.m. I surfed the net a bit and found some way cool recent discoveries. Two of them are this: An American student found a carved gem portrait of
|Alexander the Great.
Also 120,000 yearold foot prints of man were verified in Tanzania. Two very fascinating discoveries.
We need to realize man has been here a long time and at various times achieved great things. A third discovery of anancient wall in Israel is amazing because they said a modern electrical engineer - with modern day equipment would be hard pressed to duplicate it.
These chit chats, discussions, and such are my way of contact.
This all ties together in that if we look at the achievements man of the past made, prior to computers, you can appreciate all that went into it. With shorter life spans, say 35 to 45 years for the masses, these achievements are unbelievable. None of can really appreciate a 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch carved portrait on a gem, a 25 foot tall stone wall where each stone is between 4 and 5 tons - or footprints, shaped like our feet and not an apes - 120,000 years old.
I must say these are remarkable. May the Cosmos bless us all and save man from man. May we awaken from our slumber to see our future together, we must if we are to go forward together and evolve. Man must somehow colonize space and get off earth to visit distant stars - someday and/or seriously control our population and resources to ensure a future. Our problems are far more complex than our ancestors, but without standing on their shoulders we would have never gotten this far. Communication is so hard. What I think one person means, what that individual thinks I mean, the truth is in between, how did man get this far - I wonder.
One more thought, throw away something today and everyday for the next week, it is liberating, and you will begin to free your soul from endless, mindless worries over things you own and must maintain, and organize into categories ( like cds, DVDs, books, tools, etc.) save things like happy thoughts, notions of love, memories of good times.
This gentleman gets a nice tattoo
of his children's names.
Yesterday's Hot Tattoo 6/10/2009.
On his way for a journey from Panama to Belize,
this man stops in for three (3) stylized custom orchids.
The man above is backpacking through Central America, lucky guy.
"Ice House" - "Kappa" Girl.
Here are a few guys that got tattooed recently.
Sweetest piece of shaded line work, a Seahorse.8/22/2008.
Starting with a silhouette of a shark, taken by my client, I created a custom Hammerhead Shark Tribal.
He did this in one sitting, oh yeah! 9/30/2008.
Ian Lauder, exhibits his Incredible
Fantastic photos of Burning Man 2008,Burning Man 2009,Burning Man 2010,
in Nevada, see his professional work - great stuff.
For his first tattoo, Robert goes with a personal memorial, on his chest.
Seize the Day!
Seizing the day and tattooing one individual at a time.
Slowly with attention and detail to each specific need.
First come the fans! See this loyal fan's Seahawk Logo.
Ray Willis, of the Seahawks,
(one super nice guy) gets a some special tattoos
with unique meanings for him.
#1 - Grim Reaper, the Reaper's robe is full of souls.
#2- A Leo Tattoo on the forearm below the Reaper.
#3 - Praying hands & biblical verse tattoo.
#4 - Portraits of his twin son and daughter on his chest.
Seahawk - Leonard Weaver, gets two tattoos in his first time
in the chair at Ambrosia Tattoo Gallery, L.L.C.
Leonard - gets "Takes Over" and he has.
Jon's new rosary beads and cross,
Moroccan Style. One of their buddies.
Secret Equation
you won't be seeing any time soon, lol.
Defined as :
Nectar of the Gods,
a magic elixir,
and a "mark" that is permanent and lasting.
This is the cheerful goblet that holds our "Ambrosia" of life,
let's toast to a new day and a new life.
Your wishes and needs are my command.
People from all over our lovely planet get their tattoos here.
So if you are from the surrounding suburbs or across the globe come in and get that tattoo you always dreamed of. Some of my customers come from as far away as China, Germany, Australia, Europe, Africa, etc.
I never know who to expect at the shop. Many are visiting students and business people who are in Washington and find me on the internet just like you, then they visit and get custom tattoos like they have had in their minds for years. Bring in that little scratch sheet you've carried in your pocket or the photo you saw or whatever you heart desires.
I love my job and I will give a tattoo the you are glad to wear and it will bring you good luck and many a conversation. I am always searching for new and different reference materials. One of my favorite enjoyments in this business is studying all the various cultures and their imagery which gets used in some wonderful collage type tattoos.
Please browse through about 2,000 actual photos of tattoos and a comprehensive selection of art from all cultures and peoples of our planet. Including Japanese, Mayan and Aztec, African (Adinkra Symbols), Celtic, Egyptian, Moslem (geometric tiling patterns), Religious, Wildlife, just name it.
So, say you got a friend with a problem, send "The Wolfe" to them,
Harvey Keitel - from Pulp Fiction - he can fix anything! Right click image,
scroll down to "send to" option & send the "Wolfe" to anyone.
The "Wolfe" will fix it. He talks fast, he walks fast, and if his help isn't needed, then good luck.
Please help me to gain more recognition as an artist and possible grants.
This is a "Creatives" website - Just look at this Gallery and click support.
Many thanks to you all for help in advance. I need just 25 supporters to enter the contest.
Help an artist development exposure to the community of the earth, thank you. Please share with Facebook.
On Youtube, please subscribe tome here also.
| The Original |
Wheel Chair
"Man is the Alien He Seeks."
I am looking forward to "Ender's Game"
- it was a great Sci-Fi book.
Here is the trailer.
Today - 2 / 27 / 2008 This big man gets his first tattoo,
7 hours elapsed time, wow!
I began Glenn's Joshua Tree today 06/03/2010.
5 hours and we are off and running.
All photos of my tattoos were taken by me and the clients had fun posing for your viewing pleasure.
Yes, men also get awesome rib cage work here, check out this lettering.
Who is this guy?
See his art on my
Face Book page.
Who is this Guy?
Who knew that in Redmond there is Hedonistic fun?
Check this website out for info, supplied by a customer.
Skeptics Dictionary
website, covers
hundreds of topics,
use the "a to z" scale to research topics if you get bored with everyday life.
I lift the Goblet of Ambrosia to Mother Nature, cheers.
More of my work as displayed on a prominent tattoo artist website, check it out.
A most unusual text tattoo.
If you dig, artistic, sensible, far out new woman's shoes - then view theses great newKobi Levi designs.
Totally awesome triple back flip on a BMX bike.
I added the moon, the stars and the name below to an "existing tattoo" done elsewhere. People like to add to their work and it is challenging to blend in new additions to old tattoos.
Are you digging the band "Muse" these days?
Hot Glam videos and photos
on a bizarre website.
Stone cross with a
Fleurs de Lei design
in the center.
As an artist -
I will write some paragraphs
from time to time about whatever comes to mind.
beautiful small portraits
by a painter who
uses Skype sessions
- even paints the artifacting pixels, wow!
Wikipedia Portals
Bathroom painting is complete. Awesome job by Urban Artist "Paul Nunn".
Paul Nunn
gets some ink.
Knowing he has a terminal illness leads this man to celebrate:
his daughter - Ashley
& his son - Joel,
each with a tattoo.
One of the neighborhood guys gets snakebites.
The "I Ching " on line.
Jared on the phone
after his custom ink.
The Dragon Master.
Tate decides to get a unique arrangement of images. In commemoration of his wife beating Leukemia - a orange ribbon, Her Japanese name in the ribbon, Kaori.
His son Kye, is the ocean.
In the background is the Kanji for overcome/conquer.
Want a little extra
"Faith & Hope"?
I got some here
at the shop.
Or how about some "Love"?
My man has 3
tattoos from here.
Daft Punk Art.
Power Button.
His 3rd is a music note
I never photographed.
Bring your "A" game to my shop, let's see what you're made of. Prove your worth to yourself with awesome ink.
Ladies and Gentlemen - whatever your heart desires can be inked here.
Hockey fans, especially in Detroit, dig thisone.
He is in 4 leagues.
A new born daughter inspires her footprints tattooed on Daddy.
Celebrating her 18th Birthday - with her mom and dad, this young lady gets her first tattoo.
A little something, "Ten", special significance.
"Ek Ong Kar"
Special meaning and a long awaited tattoo for this client.
Reminded of the "Truth" each times he gazes at his hand.
A little Reggae tattoo,
"Lion of Judah",
special initials,
some fine times,
music and a toast to start his new journey in life off with a goooood start.
Dan made my new signs over the doorway to the shop.
"It is dangerous
to be right, when the government is wrong." Voltaire
You have gotten this far, towards a fresh tattoo, read and see examples on this website to help you decide which may be the best type of a design and where to position a tattoo on your body.
This guy is really funny - Acmed The Dead Terrorist, puppet/comedy act.
Super Fantasticlink to a website
for information to help
business people and all else.
Detail in top photo.
"Hand of Creation"
The painting is 2' x 4',
mixed media, on canvas.
It was sold on 9/04/2009.
SomeCeltic Knot information.
Galactic butterfly
(Hunab Ku) of the Mayans.
A variety of personal experiences and adventures stimulate us to inquire more and more into unknown realms of uncertainty. We experience other cultures, their mores and lore, and make the experience part of our history as we trek through our journey on Earth.
More about
Hunab Ku.
"Puma Punka" -
Ancient landing base built
with Diamond Dust Tools.
Dr. Edgar Mitchell,
the astronaut who contends Roswell really happened, is trying to
integrate the sciences.
Amazing archeological artifacts, some 300 million years old, made by intelligent beings.
Forbidden Archeology.
This is amazing authentic video, prior to computers,
Canary Islands.
An important lesson in
art history.
Check out this guy's miniature
and collectables
for gaming.
Official Website of Virgin Galactic.
After fights begin, which will take humans to 62 miles above the Earth,
we will know if there are UFOs in outer space or not.
I keep my website interesting.
Black Holes
examined and explained
in fantastic videos.
Amazing Belly Dancer
Just for fun -
the real meaning of the symbols on the
dollar bill.
Seattle Knights
Pirates of Puget Sound.
A "Kidney" Cancer survivor gets a "Green" ribbon, the color chosen for Kidney cancer survivors. 10/20/2009.
A nice shaded tattoo, family name and some parts of wheat.
Three paw prints of three different cats that have passed away, based on plaster cats of paws.
Excellent website to purchase
Celtic tattoo designs from,
then bring it in and get inked.
They have a wide assortment.
Found it by accident looking for stuff on the internet.
In addition to that, I added another book to my library with a great section of Celtic crosses, and designs, to be viewed at the shop.
Keali'i Reichel
Bill Gates come in
get your ink.
This is ... Redmond and it is your town!
A very good start for the
history and origins of tattooing
on Wikipedia.
A Shout out to Bryce
and his magicRabbit.
Small but sweet, English band logo, see if you can figure out the band?
Fantastic balloon art,
the guy is a genius, wow!
Get a lucky tattoo - add good fortune to a special day - free your soul - what the heck?
Do you really need a reason to get fresh ink? Treat yourself.
New jewelry came in. See somehere, new everyday low pricing, call or visit the shop.
Really LARGE MEN'S STUDS, round or square. $20.00 a pair sterling silver posts.
New nipple bars with hanging gems and pearls, safety pins, ear spirals, & more.
If you want to
Link to my website,
feel free to do so.
Submit yourwebsite to us.
Just a shout out to my regulars who have keep me and the shop going in this bizarre economy.
I truly am feeling more established these days as I settle into the Great Northwest.
Girl of my dreams, if this is you, apply for the job of my girlfriend.
The best
Wine Bottle
opener in the world.
This link was on my old website and by popular demand it is now on this one, enjoy.
Bus Routes
"Metro" Homepage for schedules
Below are two funny keyboard characters.
Feel free to copy and paste them, anywhere.
(o o)
(")_(")'s a bunny...
Gorgeous Butterfly
on the hip.
Seattle Parks & Recreation Guide.
"The Little Prince."
Way cool tattoo, combining elements and text from the story.
Ever wonder why
the Middle East is in
Deep Doo Doo?

Various photos of the tattoo -
Octopus 1
Octopus 2
Octopus 3For you snorkelers and skin divers :
Tropical Fish, Sea Life, Tribal Hammerhead Sharks
Skulls of our creators.
NASA footage
and explanation of outer space phenomenon, strange stuff.
What our astronauts have said regarding UFOs and Alien life forms.
Also 8 part short videos on YouTube explainanti-gravity for us layman's and it is amazing.
You ask," What does this have to do with tattoos?". I answer," Nothing". Just fun stuff.
More, it's gets better.
Fresh Ink - hot from the oven! Psalm 40:2 vertically placed on the bicep.
Hey Star Wars fans,
I just did a
"Bobo Fatt"
insignia on a guy's leg,
like red spray paint.
American Indians
Just an interesting website to surf.
Animal Totems
Tattoo Art &
History Museum
Great Link to Polynesian Tattoos, their history, and a whole lot more.
The Ice Maiden,
tattooed woman,
maybe aPriestess,
of the Pazyrk,
500 b.c. -
More about her.
Pazyryk Scythians
with tattoos
from 3,000 b.c.
more illustrations.
Petroglyphs of Scythians
as seen above in their tattoos, as I screen capture from TV show.
Hawaiian God Rising
by Doz
An 18 year old girl gets 56 stars tattooed on her face.
It happened in Brussels and
I think that tattoo artist's
judgment stinks.
Liberating Tattoo
(I am working on rebuilding the images that were on this page
- give me a few days, years, whatever - ha ha ha,
I wish I knew what I was doing.)
Forearm Star
Blue morning glories.
Denny Creek Trailhike.
It has several waterfalls and is a
10 miler round trip.
X - Box - ers,
bring in your designs
get tattooed here
in Redmond.
Live ActionRole Players
get your magic ink here. Custom Tribal Insignias,
Ruin text or compass,
and more.
Greta, rises like a Phoenix from the ashes and
is reborn in life.
Greta returned February 2011 for two more tattoos.
Adinkra symbol on the
inside and a horse on the outside of her left calf..
Tattoo of ancient hammered metal, with image of Odin,
done as a tattoo.
Nice, simple - Red & Hot Pink
Shoulder blade butterfly.
Jeremy, after recovering from a bad fall mountain climbing, rises again like a phoenix from the ashes.
Jeremy - stop in and say hello sometime.
Jeremy adds the "Fire of Enlightenment" to his Phoenix Rising today 12/13/2008.
Mom gets some "Magic Circles".
Ladies like forearm tattoos also.
Four Petal Cherry Blossoms,
symbolize an Irish Heritage,
Oriental beauty, and birth signs of the collector & mate.12/03/08.
A mother and son - bond - with shared tattoos. Way cool - great time had by all.
Wesley's buddy drew a Samurai with a gas mask and
I tattooed it on his upper right hand side - shoulder blade.
Why go to a -
"Seattle Tattoo Shop?"
when you can go to
- "your" -
"East Side Tattoo Shop"
close by.
Drop the remote control, get off the couch, step away from the TV, drive here and spend the rent money! Get the tattoo - forget the blahs and shout the ahhs.
If you have to ask someone for permission,
well then, I give you permission.
The Dragonfly is the State of Washington's chosen state insect -
check out some cool photos ofthem.
If you are a veteran or have been or are now in the military and have gotten divorced - please visit this new group -
Second Class Citizens.
Do you guys and gals follow Martial Arts?
Links of interest below.
Lifetime earnings
for MMA fighters..
Rules for the UFC
Lowkick - MMA
The latest Video clips of fights, fighters & interviews.
My Sensei for Martial Arts
He loves his students and spent a great deal of time teaching us to master "Ki" energy, for healing and martial art applications
He always said the highest form of martial arts is to subdue your opponent without injury, using non-lethal force if possible.
Non - injury.
Mitsuyo Maeda
Two National Geographic specials:
Amazing scientific
analysis of Martial Arts force and skills by real PhD's
and professionals.
Also Special Ops
More onFight Science Series.
Halo artist gets "inked" at Ambrosia Tattoo.
Special meanings of the two tattoos for the family.
A regular - starts a sleeve.
Japanese (swirls, cherry blossoms, shaded tones)
& Northwest (stars).
Celebrating her survival from an aneurism,
one year prior, this young woman gets a special tattoo, just for herself.
The above two tattoos,
a three headed cobra
and Anubis appear on the same Shaman.
I want thank Mark Flynn of WebforeSite
for all his help.
He taught me FTP Protocols in 3 days, to rectify my website. He made himself available around the clock - an IT guru.
I want to thank two special friends, who know who they are (and will remain unnamed) for making my Anniversary - a wonderful day.
Thank you for lunch and dinner. A special thanks to gardener and landscape architect,
Jean Albrecht
Homemade Pisces.
Fresh tattoo & client, starts to teach me to work my camera options,
maybe, just maybe I will take better photos.
An act of "Faith".
"The Future of Food",
Monsanto wants to own all plants, trees, insects, food on the Earth, see the GMOs, and the strategy behind them - this is insanity - they even invented the "Terminator Seed" - plants that do not reproduce so they can control the food supply on the Earth. A very informative movie. You will see that the woman ahead of the EPA is a Monsanto employee. What can the common man do to stop this?
Your nearby tattoo specialist, skin magician and body art skin practitioner.
Serving Redmond and the greater community since 6/01/2005.
To all the local State of Washington folks who patronize the shop, THANKS, it is scary moving from one state to another in hopes of making a living and an existence.
Serving these communities and more.
So far I have tattooed people from Redmond, Duvall, Bothell, Kirkland, Renton, Portland, North Bend, Bellevue, Woodinville, Everett, Conconully, West Chicago, Sammamish, San Diego, Nevada City, Seattle, Albany, Canby, Lynnwood and more, and various other states of the USA, even Rhode Island. whew!
Tourists also from Australia, Canada, South Africa, Europe, Russia, India, Asia, almost everywhere.
Looking for a tattoo artist in Seattle?
You can get the best right here in Redmond, Washington.
Check out the shop.
Those that do get tattooed!
Watch a real hero give a real speech about the truth in the Sudan.
This man overcame everything, hear Simon Deng speak at the Durban Conference in NY.
A personal foot note.
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon