Zeus Tattoos - Tattoo pictures & meanings

Zeus Tattoo meaning a couple of hours ago I wrote an article about Poseidon. Now I write about Zeus. Zeus is related to eagle/bull and oak symbols. Being a god, he can only be related to power (like an eagle), strength (like a barbed wire), love (like a peacock) and beauty (like a penguin). He has a lot of children, yet female lovers. You can read the full list via Wikipedia. One other symbol of Zeus is also the lightning bolt. He can also fly he has also wisdom (like an aztec warrior). He is also related to the planet Jupiter and the eagle. This tattoo is also related to majesty (like a dragon).

Want some pictures for your next tattoo with Zeus?

Greek gods old Zeus

Greek gods old Zeus

© Anniris | Dreamstime.com

Greek gods tattoos

Greek gods tattoos

© Vignesh Kumar | Dreamstime.com

Zeus Symbolism:

  • do you know that Zeus was raised by his goat mother? If you are not sure what that means, read more about capricorn tattoo meaning on our website. Also, Zeus was also interested in the oak tree - this tree was sacred to Zeus.
  • do you know about Hera, the consort of Zeus? Her symbols were a peacock and the lion.
  • Greek gods: other people want some tattoos with different Greek Gods, such as: Aphrodite (she is related only to love and pleasure, maybe with beauty too), Ares (the God or war and violence), Athena (she is an intelligent Goddess), Hades (the god of death/Reaper) and so on. You can read the full list of Greek Gods on Wikipedia, after that you can always choose your next tattoo or another tattoo to represent you.

Interested in some more pictures for your tattoo?

Zeus tatto set

Zeus tatto set

© Daniel Villeneuve | Dreamstime.com

Zeus tattoo set

Zeus tattoo set

© Christos Georghiou | Dreamstime.com

Zeus Tattoo placement ideas like I said many times before, these type of tattoos meaning strength and power are better to place on your chest or on your lower back. Here is one good picture for your next chest tattoo:

Zeus tattoo for your chest

Zeus tattoo for your chest

© Dietmar Höpfl | Dreamstime.com

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Congrats bro Anonymous you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...

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